sport40-1 info


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Oct 2, 2005
I am in the process of building a sport40-1 hydro, this is a new endeaver for a couple of us here in Florida.

Jack StClair has already built on, base on an old Top Gun hull, he is using a GMS 40 engine with a machined cooling head, MACS header and Wizard pipe, performance is lacking, from what I remember the sprt40-1 boats ran about 15 years ago in California.

My boat will also be an Old Top Gun hull, with a K&B 40 engine in it, same pipe/muffler combo as Jacks

1; my first question is, Is the K&B 40 considered a schneurle or non-schneule ported engine, what makes it a schneule ported?

2; can anyone give us a good starting point for header, pipe length, and where do you take the measurements from, (MACS says from the front of the header flange back) is this the common spot to measure from on side exhaust engines?

3; can you make port modifications IE raise exhaust timing, intake timing, skirt the piston, without breaking the NAMBA sport40-1 rules. The rules do not disallow port mods????

if we can raise the timing, at what point do we start to over-steping reliability

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rick <_<