Scale Graphics


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Mike McKnight

Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Ok guys since I couldn't find the other thread I started a new one. After being absolutely buried for the past almost 2 months I am emerging from the darkness of the cave here soon and the only graphics I will be doing anymore will be Scale Graphics. I managed to eeek out a set here and there lately but I have not been able to get to everyone as I had planned. After next week my delivery times will be greatly improved. I'm actually looking forward to working on a boat once in a while too. I will start processing new orders again on 11/4.

For the time being my lists will remain on my existing website. I will be designing a new site and moving everything on to that site in the new year. Another thing that will be changing is they way orders will be prioritized. Usually when somone places an order I am under the impression that they will be applying the graphics relatively soon. Not so. I apparently have had people ordering stuff when they don't even have the boat yet. Guys one thing that I will be documenting is what stage your boat is in when you order. Reason being is that the adhesive on vinyl does not last forever. In fact it is usually only good for about 6-8 months from when you get it. I have had a few guys coming back to me saying that their stuff won't stick a year or more later. I have replaced a few at no charge but I will not do that anymore. If you call me more than six months from the date I shipped it to you you'll have to buy a new set since I cannot ensure the adhesive is still good beyond that. So keep that in mind when you are starting your project.

Look forward to getting back to more Scale related stuff....been kept away too long.
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For whatever its worth we never did get the shields for the Pico cowl.

I just put another set a Priority Mail envelope..... Depending on pickup you'll see them later this week.
I wasn't aware of the adhesive issue. So please hold off on my Elam decals for now. I have stopped all of my work on my boats and not sure, if or when I will be able to get back to them. Thanks for the heads up on that issue.
No sweat Ray I was actually going to shoot you an email to see where you were on that boat. I haven't had a ton of people come back with stuff that won't stick but there have been enough that is has been an issue. I usually tag my inventory with the date I get it. Anything that is still on the shelf after 8 months I usually pitch because the adhesive is questionable at that point. I very rarely have had anything on the shelf that long. I usually go through color rolls pretty quickly and the printed stuff never sits in inventory more than month anyway.

FYI a whole bunch of stuff left yesterday and I will have time to get back to drawing up new stuff. I have some computer repair issues that I am resolving today but I will be back to quicker turn-around now.
Thanks Ken, I had to get away from the commercial stuff and get back to just scale stuff. My new partner is busting his fanny now covering those accounts. I am still doing some design work for him occasionally in trade for stuff I need for vehicles but I have the equipment to do the smaller stuff and occasionally I need something big for my vehicles. I'll just be happy to be able to go home and work on boats instead of being in the office until 8 every night.
No sweat Ray I was actually going to shoot you an email to see where you were on that boat. I haven't had a ton of people come back with stuff that won't stick but there have been enough that is has been an issue. I usually tag my inventory with the date I get it. Anything that is still on the shelf after 8 months I usually pitch because the adhesive is questionable at that point. I very rarely have had anything on the shelf that long. I usually go through color rolls pretty quickly and the printed stuff never sits in inventory more than month anyway.
FYI a whole bunch of stuff left yesterday and I will have time to get back to drawing up new stuff. I have some computer repair issues that I am resolving today but I will be back to quicker turn-around now.


Is mine in that "bunch of stuff" ???

Don :)
Don yours left in yesterday's load. Was waiting for necessary materials to make the seal for yoru Notre Dame.
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Don yours left in yesterday's load. Was waiting for necessary materials to make the seal for yoru Notre Dame.
mike i couldstill use my miss bud sets i talked to you about, these are for the pro boat ones x2 and one set for the vegas " just a bit bigger" and a set of late 70's atlas van lines for a vegas , i would be ever so thankful if you could whip up the total and send it to me when they might be done and in what order. thanks
Hey Mike,

Thanks. Boat is ready to test, then paint. We have time trials ( SAW) this weekend so no testing, but real soon!!!!

Did you get the "other" ND set OK?

Don :)
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Sorry Mike,

Still haven't seen any badges from you. Didn't you say you sent them last month priority mail?

No more like lat week Bill they left the same day as Don's and a few others. I will double check when I get to the office tomorrow.
Glenn your Pak stuff is done but you need to call me and let me know which other one you wanted. I never heard a final decision on Pico or the Formula.

By the way guys I'm gonna be a little hard to reach until after 12/11. A project I'm working on has really taken off and I'm running to keep up with it but things will stabilize briefly after mid-December. So if you shoot me a message or email I might not get back to you right away. But be patient I will.
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Glenn your Pak stuff is done but you need to call me and let me know which other one you wanted. I never heard a final decision on Pico or the Formula.
By the way guys I'm gonna be a little hard to reach until after 12/11. A project I'm working on has really taken off and I'm running to keep up with it but things will stabilize briefly after mid-December. So if you shoot me a message or email I might not get back to you right away. But be patient I will.

Dont forget about my 2 sets of E-lam (2000), you were out of blue the last communication.

pm me...
No more like lat week Bill they left the same day as Don's and a few others. I will double check when I get to the office tomorrow.
Mike, got mine last week. Testing is done ( very happy :) ) Now it's time to"sand & fill, sand & fill" :p

Thanks again Don :)

Sent you a Pm on the U-31 Miller High Life order. Change of address for the new house, let me know when you ship.

Joe the blue is here after being backordered for a while.

Don let me know how the boat runs as I have one of Henry's boats like yours that I wanted to build and I may need some coaching in it since I've never done one of his. your change of address. We're good to go.

Don Ferrette....she forgot to send it before the went on vacation so I did.