Rudder mounting location for Vintage shovelnose


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Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2003
Im having a difficult time deciding on which side to mount the rudder on the Vintage shovelnose for LSH the boats designer says starboard others say port my nitro sport hydro has always been port my riggers starboard. Would a Hitech HS-81 35 oz torque suffice for steering? Any suggestions would be great .

Really rudder placement is personal prefferance, it works fine both ways. As far as servos go I would say stick with either a 225MG or one of the new HS 322HD models.
Rudder placement on either side.

I helped design the vintage shovel nose (if that's the boat you're referring to) and have ran the rudder on either side with good results.

I prefer starboard - fwiw.

On the servo note - I've had nothing but bad luck with the Hitec 225mg. Stripped gears repeatedly. Last time was a couple of weeks ago at the 2005 Nats in Michigan. Two Hitec 225mg's in my P hydro.

Maybe the new Hitec 322hd is better. But I've always used Hitec 85 or 81 mg's in all my boats, 6 cell through 12 cell - monos, sport hydros and riggers - never a stripped gear. Even in my last years OPC boat with an HS85mg.. Everyone else was stripping the 225mg's at the 2004 Mazomanie, WI race while I had no problems whatsoever. (as far as servo gear stripping goes that is)

If you are talking about the Campbell Vintage shovel nose - the included framework is designed to accomodate either an HS 81 or HS 85.

That's funny you mentioned the servo's, Dan.

I use the MG 81's in everything but my Q Mono, which has the MG 85. Flawless.

I put the 225 in my 40 inch mono and something is stripping in there. Maybe it's just me..

But, the MG 81's/85's are all I'll run now for the mid to smaller boats.
Hey Guys,

Well there you go, the other side of the coin. lol I've had nothing but bad luck with the 81MGs. If they where given to me I wouldn't put them in a boat, especially in anything over 20 inches and 6 cells. Never had a problem with the 225s, lol.

OTOH, I tried the new Hs 322Hds and for 13 bucks they are tough to beat. These have the new Karbonite gears and are standard size. I may end up using them on everything but the big stuff, there I'll still use the 645MGs. ;)

I've owned two 225 MG's. The first one froze the very first time I attempted a turn and I hit the wall at Batavia.

The second froze last nite, in the boat, before it ever hit the water. (That second one was a raffle prize.)

Never again.

On the other hand, Chris F. says that's all he uses and has never had a failure.