Results of sport 40 strut proposal


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Tim leyde

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2009
IMPBA had a rule proposal to have the strut mounted on the transom. What's the verdict?

Hope it doesn't pass.i like the fact this is a special class with strict rules. No offense to the guys up in canada running them on the transom. Maybe call what they are doing a 40 scale class.
Hope it doesn't pass.i like the fact this is a special class with strict rules. No offense to the guys up in canada running them on the transom. Maybe call what they are doing a 40 scale class.
And Sport 20 isn't a class with strict rules?

You have to be kidding me. RC boat are to reflex the "real deal". Well the big boys have been mounting them on the transom for MANY years. It is a dumb rule that should have been change years ago IMHO.
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I voted no also.
With all do respect you were still in diapers when the last strut was mounted on the bottom of a full size hydro. Crap maybe the class should only be racing round noise hulls as well.
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That's your opinion. Everyone has one. Mine is to not change the rule. I don't here a lot of complaining in my area about the strut rule. I don't hear " Man I wish my strut was on the back, I could go so much faster." I don't think I heard that from any of the 26 people that ran sport 40 in Evansville. From people all over the country. So that's what I'm sticking to.

No offense to the guys up north but a handful of guys that built there boats outside the rules, get mad because they can't race where there illegal. Makes no sense to me. That's just like my saying NAMBA should change there covered exhaust rule because in IMPBA allows exposed exhaust. That's not NAMBA's problem. That's mine. So I built my boat to follow both rules. That's the way it should be. Don't be mad at me. Be mad at the person that wrote the rule. I was still in diaper's so I wouldn't know who that was.
That's your opinion. Everyone has one. Mine is to not change the rule. I don't here a lot of complaining in my area about the strut rule. I don't hear " Man I wish my strut was on the back, I could go so much faster." I don't think I heard that from any of the 26 people that ran sport 40 in Evansville. From people all over the country. So that's what I'm sticking to.

No offense to the guys up north but a handful of guys that built there boats outside the rules, get mad because they can't race where there illegal. Makes no sense to me. That's just like my saying NAMBA should change there covered exhaust rule because in IMPBA allows exposed exhaust. That's not NAMBA's problem. That's mine. So I built my boat to follow both rules. That's the way it should be. Don't be mad at me. Be mad at the person that wrote the rule. I was still in diaper's so I wouldn't know who that was.
Exactly, you said it there is no real performance gain either way... So why continue to caveman cut the bottom of the hull?

My hole deal is there are lots of people with unesisary closed eyes. That's what will hurt a hobby. Not upset with you at all your just simply following them.

It is a "special" class just like scale is, with specific rules if you can't adhere to them run another class, plain and simple! You don't go changing the exhaust on a Harley just to put a slip on tuned one! Some things are Classics that should remain so. It's not FOR everyone!!!!
It is a "special" class just like scale is, with specific rules if you can't adhere to them run another class, plain and simple! You don't go changing the exhaust on a Harley just to put a slip on tuned one! Some things are Classics that should remain so. It's not FOR everyone!!!!
This is why some are not in the class... Do to unwillingly un-open eyes of what has been going on in the real wold of hydro racing for that last 30 year's. I guess if the class is so "special" and classic with such an extravagant tight set of rules they should really be running only round noise hulls with conventional cockpits in the class. If there is never any updating to the current specs perhaps the name of the class should change to Classic Sport 40.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want to do anything other than make this hobby grow and have great competitive racing!

As far as your Harley analogy, I agree 100%. No slip on crap. However a nice aftermarket full exhaust would be better.
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I didn't post this to start a hot topic bashing match. Just simply wondering what the results were. I'm done posting on this thread.
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I didn't post this to start a hot topic bashing match. Just simply wondering what the results were. I'm done posting on this thread.
No bashing here, I was just giving my explanation on my vote. Hopefully when the votes are in all this can be put to rest. That would be nice.
I didn't post this to start a hot topic bashing match. Just simply wondering what the results were. I'm done posting on this thread.
No bashing here, I was just giving my explanation on my vote. Hopefully when the votes are in all this can be put to rest. That would be nice.
I know you weren't bashing I just don't want the thread to turn out that way.
Tim I agree that this thread wasn't the place for bashing,my apologies. We both want our hobby to continue to grow. The votes will be posted on the 8th hopefully.
Tim I agree that this thread wasn't the place for bashing,my apologies. We both want our hobby to continue to grow. The votes will be posted on the 8th hopefully.
I totally understand and agree. No hard feeling here, enjoy
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well now this all depends on what the vote count is in all of IMPBA we had 44 that voted in D1, and

the results for the sport 40 strut rules is 34 Yes and 8 No I'm waiting my self to see how it went.
Thanks, Luc. are there any more Directors out there that have a count or better yet the IMPBA office.
also from what I know of is that D-4 they had 6 votes and for the sport 40 is 3 Yes and 2 No.

that''s it for now. so right now it's Yes 37 and NO 10
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Thanks, How about D6 Larry Conrad?
Don't know about D6 that was the only info I have at this point, if I find out anything else I will keep you guys up to date
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