Quad City Roostertails Classic


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mark voorhies

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2002
We have had alot of racers wanting to know entrys and status of June 10TH race.

First and formost, the race is on!!

Second, entrys have come in slowly at first, and now have increased to the point that all flyer

classes have at least 3 boats. This is as of Mon. P.M. Had lots of calls and hopefulls, but, this is

why we have an entry form?? I'll post entrys again Fri. Get um in to Steve Wood.

[email protected]


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We have had alot of racers wanting to know entrys and status of June 10TH race.First and formost, the race is on!!

Second, entrys have come in slowly at first, and now have increased to the point that all flyer

classes have at least 3 boats. This is as of Mon. P.M. Had lots of calls and hopefulls, but, this is

why we have an entry form?? I'll post entrys again Fri. Get um in to Steve Wood.

[email protected]


As of Thurs. 7Th , there are some unfilled classes, guys you need to get your entrys sent in!

We have D HYDRO, E&F HYDRO, Novice not filled yet. again , phone calls, e-mails need to end up

sent to Steve Wood; [email protected].


I just wanted to say the weather for Milan Il. is suppose to be awsome : Partly cloudy skies. High 80F and low 65F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

See you there.

I just wanted to say the weather for Milan Il. is suppose to be awsome : Partly cloudy skies. High 80F and low 65F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.

See you there.

Paul, we couldn't have asked for a better forcast, motors and hulls should be happy!

SeeYa there.