PX335 Finishing Tips


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Oct 19, 2014
Hi all!

This is my first "ground up" build from wood. I have a PX335 that went together wonderfully and now I'm at the point of finishing it. So how do you guys do it? From what I've read you epoxy it (or just spray clear)?

I've used west system epoxy & hardener for the build so far. So if you epoxy it, do you thin out the epoxy and spray? Thin and brush? If you do thin it, how much and with what (seems very thick)?

Thanks for all the expert advice!

Brandon use your west system it will work fine to seal wood. Thin it with denatured alcohol (will help soak in wood) and brush it on your hull. I like to work it in the seems and joints real good and than wipe it off with clean rag. than sand with 100 grit. I like to do this 2 times but second time sand with 220 grit. I don't thin it on the second coat. Prime and paint or than you can clear coat if you want. Hope this helps.

Use the west systems 207 finish epoxy.Brush on a thin coat and when dry sand and do it agian.
