Pics of the new 700 BB 8.4v


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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
You be the judge, but I gotta tell ya, it looks identical to an SS1 inside and out.

The true test will come Sunday on the water.

Even if it is the same. Chris brought it to market last year and I hold no grudges at the 65 dollar price. I also want to thank Andrew for bringing this up. Not very fair having to buy your Spec Motor from only one exclusive dealer. BUT The Magnets still could be differant. If it turns out that the New 8.4 is the exact same then Chris will have to lower the price of the SS1's to sell them. Good for all Spec boaters. Doug can you post the Graupner part #.

I got this one from Andrew. I think Larry got his at Hobby-Lobby.

Larry? You out there?
If it turns out that the New 8.4 is the exact same then Chris will have to lower the price of the SS1's to sell them. Good for all Spec boaters. Doug can you post the Graupner part #.
They are available from Hobby-Lobby. I think the part number is 6616.

I ran mine last weekend and I can tell you that it is NOT as SS1. It might be a little bit better than the old 8.4, but the improvements appear to be more in the area of air movement through the motor and not with substantial changes to the winds or magnets.

I've ordered a couple of things to do some more thorough bench testing, but unless the 8.4 is spec'd in a class, the SS1 is still my 700 motor of choice.
Thanks for the info Doug. My guess is the arm is different. That was supposed to be the part that Mabuchi said was exclusive to the SS1.

BUT, that doesn't mean this new motor won't have an impact. If the magnets are the same perhaps a different prop would even the field?

Always something to do right?

As I mentioned before on another forum, IMHO this new motor design has to be FULLY broken in & loose in order to get an accurate assessment of its power.
As I mentioned before on another forum, IMHO this new motor design has to be FULLY broken in & loose in order to get an accurate assessment of its power.
The simple bench tests were done with SS1 and 700 motors that were both brand new but both had broken in with the "water dip". (Submerged running for a minute and a half each, then dried and then sprayed with a motor cleaner and lubed with bearing oil.)

Apples to apples.

have you run it with a stock 700 setup - time to try a little more?


have you run it with a stock 700 setup - time to try a little more?


Define: "stock 700 setup".

I picked up some stuff this week. An (inexpensive Tower Hobbies) tachometer and a couple of airplane props. I'll be building a stand and doing some tests under load as soon as I find the time.
more good news!!!!

SS1 motor from FineDesign: ON SALE $50 (plus shipping) :eek:

NEW 700BB 8.4v from Fastelectrics: $48.90 (shipped) ;D

2 great motors for around $50 ! 8)

I have a 8.4v on the way from Andrew now, and may need to place an order with Chris too!


One thing I do need to ask, and I don't expect to get a clear answer from anyone but it needs to be asked.

Why, if you will go through the pains of selecting magnets, armature, brushes then supposedly purchase the volume necessary to keep that over design exclusive... Would you leave a bushing in the back of the motor?

By stock I meant the X642/x645 setup

Many guys seem to be running other setups with the SS1

Hey don’t you have an SS! In your lsh? – how about swapping it out and running the sma eprop etc against a stopwatch?

In any event good to see the price down on the SS1 – everyone is cynical about what I said but the market effects are to the benefit of modelers. This is where I always aim. Its interesting to see where others aim.

Andrew Gilchrist
Hi Andy,

Good question. The answer is....It's not an option.

I posted earlier the 4 variables that Chris could choose from when having this motor built. I meant that literally. These are all machine built and for right now, double bearings aren't an option. I know, I Know, it makes no sence to me either!

There is a neat fix for all these drill motors with one bearing

On the outside of the can - between the coupler and can put a bearing and bush it so it takes the load

I have been using this for several years and it works - improves efficiency by a tab and runtiem are good and motor runs cooler

easy as - all you need is a robust ball, roller or thrust bearing with a 5mm inside diameter

I have used that "fix" on a few different setups with mixed results. In at least one boat (cut down Electro Vee) the front bearing of the motor will get very hot and there was no noticeable performance increase from the boat in race trim.

On a couple occasions the motor almost seemed to run cooler with out the spacer in place. Trying to adjust the spacer before tightening the coupler at just the right spot didn't work for me, more tinkering than it was worth at the time.

Now a can with double BB's and the ability to shim the arm fore or aft from the exterior of the can would be cool! Of course this would no longer be a "drill" motor, but you could extend the life and add an element of tuning to an otherwise untuneable can motor.

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