NEWS engine " SHOCK"


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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2005
:ph34r: I found at web: Ian's Boat I cant believe that New style CMB45 Valvola with drum one piece 45 degree groove. Unknown price?? Look Picture of 45 CMB engine
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Why are you surprised? Once a thief, always a thief. We knew this was coming .... <_<
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You'd think that they would have put some finned heads or something on these engines they stole. Except for the color diff they are an exact match. I'm surprised they even changed the case mold to say CMB instead of MAC.
You'd think that they would have put some finned heads or something on these engines they stole. Except for the color diff they are an exact match. I'm surprised they even changed the case mold to say CMB instead of MAC.

maybe the competion will keep the prices where you only have to earn 200k per year to stay in the hobby
:ph34r: Rumor: What Next new small CMB91 Valvola will come soon???? :blink: :huh:
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Well folks let your dollars do tha talkin.

If you don't like what CMB has done, don't buy a single one and send all your business to Andy.

thats the only griping they'll listen to.
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:D CMB has been building marine engines for 24 yrs. .................then some country boy from Live Oak, Fla. shows them a better way. :)

Too bad that their "NEW" CMB 45 is sporting out dated MAC parts. :p

Stay tuned....the "New Technology" is coming soon. ;)

CMB lovers can get the CMB version in about a year and a half. :lol: :lol:
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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ;) ......and soon the CMB's will be avilible at a new Low low price!

Man, I hope not! :eek: Or maybe I can do some dollar cost averaging on my next order from Stu!!


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hobby suppy has them for $377. RS is still $400.

the purple head hydro 2005 is $285!!!! Anyone looking for a good deal on a older but good 45 might take a look.
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Competition is a good thing when it comes to manufacturing engines. I guess we can look at this from a different perspective also: INTERCHANGABLE PARTS! :D So when every new CMB comes out we can use old Mac parts laying around!!! That would be sweet. :p :p Andy, I hope your new engines Kick Ass, some of my boats are going to be needing new firepower soon. All I ask is when you say "coming soon" what does that mean? HOW SOON!!!! :) Im hesitant to try a new RS if something better is coming out. Im sick of hearing about engines I cant get yet!!!!!! :D

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I'm sure Andys laughing like hell.We've all been running those new CMBs for a while now.Just with blue water jackets.We all know there great motors.So did CMB. How embarassing that must be for them not being able to produce anything better than the Mac. :lol: :lol: :lol: So they knocked it off.

Here in Skater country,we laugh like hell too.....the boats are constantly splashed and copied all over the world.But you know what. There ALL one step behind. Always! :D

So,all you lazy copy cats out there :p : :lol: :D .Keep on knockin us off and continue to get your asses kicked.

Sorry guys, I already have 14 or so of those old blue jacketed CMBs Mac look alikes.I'm up for something new.My A/As are on order. :)
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Comptetition is a good thing when it comes to manufacturing engines. I guess we can look at this from a different perspective also: INTERCHANGABLE PARTS! :D So when every new CMB comes out we can use old Mac parts laying around!!! That would be sweet. :p :p Andy, I hope your new engines Kick Ass, some of my boats are going to be needing new firepower soon. All I ask is when you say "coming soon" what does that mean? HOW SOON!!!! :) Im hesitant to try a new RS if something better is coming out. Im sick of hearing about engines I cant get yet!!!!!! :D


"Soon" is getting closer. :) We've had a few temporary set backs, but we are getting them ironed out. I want to make sure everything is right.

I appreciate the many of you who are patiently waiting on the new engines. If it gets down to a point where you just can't wait any longer, then do what ya gotta do to get running.

We're close to setting a release date, but I just don't want to say anything firm until I'm sure of a couple more details.


You know how it goes when everyone is trying to sell the same average product. PRICE WAR!! ;)


I'm sure Andys laughing like hell.We've all been running those new CMBs for a while now.Just with blue water jackets.We all know there great motors.So did CMB. How embarassing that must be for them not being able to produce anything better than the Mac. :lol: :lol: :lol: So they knocked it off.

Here in Skater country,we laugh like hell too.....the boats are constantly splashed and copied all over the world.But you know what. There ALL one step behind. Always! :D

So,all you lazy copy cats out there :p : :lol: :D .Keep on knockin us off and continue to get your asses kicked.

Sorry guys, I already have 14 or so of those old blue jacketed CMBs Mac look alikes.I'm up for something new.My A/As are on order. :)

WELL SAID Walter! Thanks :)