New 45's plus and minuses


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David Murany

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2012
Hey everyone just looking to get a general concensus on all the new 45's out there. Curious on whats breaking, if they run out of the box, and how much it takes to make them perform. Thanks.


I still like the old bluehead Picco's they run very well.

I know the 45-VAC's will be next though.


Mark Sholund
Al Hobbs would be the one to talk to. I know if there is a problem he will make it right!! I have run one in a Savage B hydro for 2 years and have not broken any parts. Rob Duckering runs a Mutt sport 40 with one that does great. Martin Lovsund runs AA45 in sport 40 and goes very well. I know that as I need new engines they will be my first choice and like others am waiting for his new 67.

Here's my observation have two friends that run the CMB 45 VAC with the CMB straight nitro pipes, they make awesome power, and rpms...both are on riggers.

Also had the pleasure to see Jason Brown's 45 Eagle fitted with the new 46 Nova at the fall Nats this month and although they are still in the fine tuning stages, also made amazing power and rpms to the moon!

As far as breaking parts, that is all relative and depends alot on proper set up, care, and maintenance.

Like with most engines to obtain optimum performance they could almost always benefit from minor tweeks and mods, but with these two in particular it does'nt take much.

Definately, two very!! stout!!..motors,..that I'll be keeping a close eye on!

Happy Boating,

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