Need to find two K&B 8907 outboards...


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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2002
Just like the title says, I need two new K&B 8907 .21 outboards. In stock form, prefer new in box. Need the newer model gold carb 13mm....

Does anyone have these or know a hobby shop that has a couple?

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Hey Jerry, whats Garys #? He still doesnt have web access correct?

Ronald, I was refering to the carb that comes on the new motor, not the carb itself.

Thanks, James

630-279-2451 ........ Get the heads there to !!! ;)

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Hey Jerry, whats Garys #? He still doesnt have web access correct?

Ronald, I was refering to the carb that comes on the new motor, not the carb itself.

Thanks, James
Call Randy Dicks. He should have a couple.

Mitch, Im gonna call him tonight and see what he has, I know he usually keeps one...

Punch your dad in the belly for me and tell him "Machs Gut" from Germany (pronounced "Mocks Goot")

Mitch, Im gonna call him tonight and see what he has, I know he usually keeps one...

Punch your dad in the belly for me and tell him "Machs Gut" from Germany (pronounced "Mocks Goot")

Alright I got him good. He about doubled over on the floor. I don't know what was funnier, my fist bouncing off his gut or the expression on his face wanting to know what in the heck I was saying. He said that you've got one coming when he sees you next. Just curious what does "machs gut" mean?


The direct translation is "make good" it means to have a good day among friends.
