My new job


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
I was sitting at a stoplight yesterday,

minding my own business,

waiting for it to turn green.

A carload of bearded, young, loud Muslims,

shouting anti-American slogans,

with a half- burned American Flag duct taped on the trunk of their car

and a "Remember 9-11" slogan spray painted on the side,

stopped next to me.

The light changed, the Muslims praised Allah,

shook their fists, hit the gas & darted off ahead of me.

Suddenly an 18-wheeler came speeding

thru the intersection

& ran directly over their car,

crushing it completely,

killing everyone in the car.

For several minutes

I sat in my car thinking to myself,

"Man... that could have been me!"

So today;

bright and early,

I went out and got a job

as a truck driver.
they're in a better place. NOW they can have those 72 Virginians they always wanted.... Or was it Virgins? I'm so confused. Time to up the meds again... :ph34r:
now they want MORE virginians?? tell 'em to bring it..........we're still a "little upset" over that deal at the pentagon on our doorstep.

oh, i see it's virgins, not virginians rp - get the meds right, you're gonna get someone hurt :lol: .
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