miss vegas woes


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Bill Gibson

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 7, 2007
Okay.....got a Miss Vegas for Christmas...took it apart to go through it....so far, this is what ive found....cowling was cracked,fixed that........drive shaft bushing was siezed into the brass tube, looked like the tube was full of solidified solder flux, fixed that....flex cable would not realese from the cable nut...when it finally did come out the cable unwound itself and is ruined....tower hobbies wont have the .150 cables in stock until january...does anybody know where I can get a coupla new cables? Other wise, I have an rtr that i cant even try to run until after the first of the year.......Im not ready to call this boat a P.O.S. just yet, because ive read so many positive comments about it, but at this point, IM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!! any input or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Bill
Okay.....got a Miss Vegas for Christmas...took it apart to go through it....so far, this is what ive found....cowling was cracked,fixed that........drive shaft bushing was siezed into the brass tube, looked like the tube was full of solidified solder flux, fixed that....flex cable would not realese from the cable nut...when it finally did come out the cable unwound itself and is ruined....tower hobbies wont have the .150 cables in stock until january...does anybody know where I can get a coupla new cables? Other wise, I have an rtr that i cant even try to run until after the first of the year.......Im not ready to call this boat a P.O.S. just yet, because ive read so many positive comments about it, but at this point, IM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!! any input or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Bill
A hhhh shucks Bill. What the . :eek: ... I know how perfect you like everything, this has to be killing you. :D Why not tell them to send you another one, then you can put the messed up one back in the box and ship it back? I cannnot picture you with a boat that is less than perfect. Locally you may be able to get cables from "House of Horrors" or Phil's hobby shop. I doubt Otto has that kind of stuff but you never know

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Bill . how longs the cable gotta be- I may have some built up .150 shafts from the F/E days that fit the bill , its yours if it will work. Let me know,

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Go to ebay!! If your boat is new send it back for free replacement! If not check this guy out on ebay.he parts them out and sells them.undefined just clic to undefined and it will take you to that cable on ebay.
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Okay.....got a Miss Vegas for Christmas...took it apart to go through it....so far, this is what ive found....cowling was cracked,fixed that........drive shaft bushing was siezed into the brass tube, looked like the tube was full of solidified solder flux, fixed that....flex cable would not realese from the cable nut...when it finally did come out the cable unwound itself and is ruined....tower hobbies wont have the .150 cables in stock until january...does anybody know where I can get a coupla new cables? Other wise, I have an rtr that i cant even try to run until after the first of the year.......Im not ready to call this boat a P.O.S. just yet, because ive read so many positive comments about it, but at this point, IM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!! any input or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Bill
A hhhh shucks Bill. What the . :eek: ... I know how perfect you like everything, this has to be killing you. :D Why not tell them to send you another one, then you can put the messed up one back in the box and ship it back? I cannnot picture you with a boat that is less than perfect. Locally you may be able to get cables from "House of Horrors" or Phil's hobby shop. I doubt Otto has that kind of stuff but you never know


Im not quite ready to give up on it yet, Norm...but im VERY close to doing just that!!!...Ive never encountered a boat that was as messed up as this thing is.......Thanks, Bill
There is a cable for sale on FleaBay under item number 370009118578.

Just do a search for the item number.
Bill, I wouldn't spend any more money trying to fix it. Just send it back to tower, they have good customer service and would exchange it for another one.
Its Only a matter of time untill the Experienced Custom Builders deliver a .18 RTR to the Market...

Contact info for hobby services is in your manual. Give them a call first and then follow there lead...

The Miss Vegas is a fun little boat.

Just wantd to thank everyone who took the time to help me out with my Miss Vegas....im sure that with all the help im gettin, i will get the gremlins worked out of this boat.....all the folks at international waters are just yet another reason why, after 25 years of playin with model boats im still in to it like it was the first day!!! MANY THANKS, Bill
Once you get the bos out and stert having fun you will be glad you stuck it out.I would dump the cable collet and get you an o/s flywheel and 5mm to 150 cable from octura ....no seizure issues then.

I have to old version one with te brass coupler and when i updated to the .150 cable i instelled the flywheel and octura coupler.

Problem and headaches solved.
