Mark Bullard


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Kev, you aint dust.... I'm just modifying your hulls till you need the rush again...... which, if the corsair/mustang youre buildin does the classic airplane thing, airplanes do, i've kep em safe for ya....... Now, before ya aggravate Tom, and do get booted, start a new informative post for us, and possibly a bearing rerun just for those new, and willing to listen....... C'mon....... I rely on guys in here to learn what I can in the constant quest to make the 10 per cent........mark bullard included....... He seemed a 10 per center......... constructive stuff, with pics to help cats learn is why I'm here..... ( O.K...... met a few freinds) regardless.... startin to take about a 5 minute daily check, oh boy! Pump it up! Marty D! Kev? Preston? Frank O, Grim? you guys know who ya are....... Next post; 101 heat racing tips..... Who's got the set to start? hijacked this thread.... and dead..... mike
Brother Mike,

That F4-u project is a huge time consuming project....twill probably keep me busy for years.

here's a link to the web page if you're interested

the page doesnt get updated much....but I'm sure you get the gist of it


I don’t know the circumstances of Mark B's removal....but I do agree with what you're saying. I've never agreed that a contrary opinion is a good reason to kick anyone off....especially in a venue that calls it self a forum...., an opinion is something that everyone is entitled to or else it’s not a forum.

I'm guessing that we probably are assuming too much.....he must have been removed for more than expressing an opinion
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That F4-u project is a huge time consuming project....twill probably keep me busy for years.
Wow KB I'm in awe, the Corsair is one of my favorite WWII fighters, always thought the gull wing look was nuthin' but nasty. B)

And on this suspension thing .... the more I think about it the more it seems that a year is a bit much. :ph34r:
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Jay.. wow,, death to all.. shoot. If I had known the hobby was dying I would have stayed in WI.. NOW YOU TELL ME..... Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

In the words of Bruce Dickenson

Run to the hills…..

Run for your life..

Run to the hills..

Run for your….life………


Im sure Mike Larson is rocking with me on that one..

Mark in my opinion had one of the best threads on here when he first signed on.. We all remember the bearing thread right...

I can not speak for mark and nor will I but I can and do speak for I waters... Flaming anybody or organization or tossing the hobby in a dark light is not constructive at all.. Im not going to get into details but being a mod for the forum I do get PMs from NEW LOOKERS and i can tell you what they were reading was making I waters a scary place to come a visit.. You all know that we get WAY MORE lookers them posters.. right..

If you all feel that mark has something positive to say them by all means we need to rethink his suspension.. but historically. lets just say i have got some not to cool PMs from MANY people... and its not just me that makes the calls around this joint.. its the body of members.. and the mods..


It's not like Mark wasn't warned but no matter how many times you tell people not to eat yellow snow, someone is going to try it. In this case Mark gave it a try.
If you all feel that mark has something positive to say them by all means we need to rethink his suspension.. but historically. lets just say i have got some not to cool PMs from MANY people... and its not just me that makes the calls around this joint.. its the body of members.. and the mods..


I say it sounds like time to walk the walk

I found some solid definitions of Forum you guys might be interested in referring to:
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Well why don't you give Mark another chance , i think he has learned something out of this , and if you think he's out of line on something in the future let him no to tone it down or he could be suspended off the board agian .

I and other's think that Mark deserves another chance and that 1 year is really harsh , C'mon where all like one big FAMILY , next race you see him at give him a slap on the hand for being bad :lol: :lol: :lol: just kidding

Mark has a lot of knoledge for this forum and alot of positive things to say and he will help someone out with a problem that there having with there boat's if he can

I particularly liked this one....


"A web discussion vehicle for people too stupid to be listened to anywhere else.

A much needed distraction where vocal idiots can spend their time not participating in the real decision making of the world.

Antonym: reliable information source

"When he's not watching Sailor Moon cartoons, John spends his time refuting the Theory of Relativity in the Easychair Experts forum."

Jay.. wow,, death to all.. shoot. If I had known the hobby was dying I would have stayed in WI.. NOW YOU TELL ME..... Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
In the words of Bruce Dickenson

Run to the hills…..

Run for your life..

Run to the hills..

Run for your….life………


Im sure Mike Larson is rocking with me on that one..

Mark in my opinion had one of the best threads on here when he first signed on.. We all remember the bearing thread right...

I can not speak for mark and nor will I but I can and do speak for I waters... Flaming anybody or organization or tossing the hobby in a dark light is not constructive at all.. Im not going to get into details but being a mod for the forum I do get PMs from NEW LOOKERS and i can tell you what they were reading was making I waters a scary place to come a visit.. You all know that we get WAY MORE lookers them posters.. right..

If you all feel that mark has something positive to say them by all means we need to rethink his suspension.. but historically. lets just say i have got some not to cool PMs from MANY people... and its not just me that makes the calls around this joint.. its the body of members.. and the mods..


Mark does have a Opinion just like the rest of us, I support my dist 5 & have traveled to many others. Mark Bullard has helped a many of boaters with different problems, I personally belive the suspension is B.S. & Overkill. Maybe you guys dont know the Man.... Never the less it dont make I/W look any better either because it has been done......... Matter of fact.... It takes away from the Forum & it don`t prove anything...... Now thats my Opinion....... :blink:
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I'm agreeing with Joe,

IW mods aren't looking too good right now IMHO. Those who have been here for a while might agree that……………… I can be the first one to say that I don't agree with Mark B’s Opinion on some things. In fact; I can say that I think he is as wrong as the day is long on some things……..but I can also say that I respect his Opinion. As much as it kills me to say it…I also agree with some of the things the guy has posted in here.

Kicking a guy off for voicing an opinion is truly bad form <_< . Kicking someone off for breaking the rules is something different.

IW is pretty much just a fun few minutes a day for me every few days…fortunately, IW is also something I can leave without a second thought...hence, I dont mind posting on the edge ;) ……Unfortunately for you guys, it's still a little fun for me, so I’m still here posting some useless opinions and practicing my intoxicated typing skills…(only 75 more posts till I get promoted to Dissiminator of Useless Info (DUI for short))

… Kicking folks off for voicing opinions contrary to the liking of the moderators? Moderator's sales? ........If that’s the case, it will likely cause the end of this forum when the members find out…If that’s the case, it wont be long before everyone can see that it's no longer a hobby, or about friendship or community, but more about the career for those few who actually make money off the hobby of others.

Nuff said on the subject,

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In one fell swoop, we had a buncha the elite talkin! Now.... 101 heat racing tips........................... Mark, find a computer somewhere, and get back on..... Kev, I was talkin the zenoah plane you and your dad plan to fly, not your actual warbird, which is a task not for the faint of heart........ and I wish ya luck! I'll call when I have a stupidity attack....... OR post a thread! Mike Z, pickin up what ya put down, and the Aquacraft invasion makin you the Trooper....... it could be 2 minutes to midnite for all if we dont learn, share, create, and educate........ I've had help, and appreciate all the people stepped up to the plate, you know who you are, for fear of leaving anyone out..... I've a LOT I'd like to learn.....try to pass on what little I do know, and, until the rush is gone, or I'm broke, testin will continue. The forum rocks, thanks Tom, lets turn lookers into boaters......... mike
That's enough guys!

This is Tom's forum and I'm sure he's read enough to get the message. We are doing a ton of damage to something we all like and is creating a lot of new boaters. It's time to back off, which is something Mark probably didn't realize at the time.

Don B)
That's enough guys!
This is Tom's forum and I'm sure he's read enough to get the message. We are doing a ton of damage to something we all like and is creating a lot of new boaters. It's time to back off, which is something Mark probably didn't realize at the time.

Don B)
Your correct Don, & I`am a little surprised it all when this far....... Tom knows what is right.....
Wow, He quoted Bruce dickenson... ... that's cool..

Jay.. wow,, death to all.. shoot. If I had known the hobby was dying I would have stayed in WI.. NOW YOU TELL ME..... Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
In the words of Bruce Dickenson

Run to the hills…..

Run for your life..

Run to the hills..

Run for your….life………


Im sure Mike Larson is rocking with me on that one..

Mark in my opinion had one of the best threads on here when he first signed on.. We all remember the bearing thread right...

I can not speak for mark and nor will I but I can and do speak for I waters... Flaming anybody or organization or tossing the hobby in a dark light is not constructive at all.. Im not going to get into details but being a mod for the forum I do get PMs from NEW LOOKERS and i can tell you what they were reading was making I waters a scary place to come a visit.. You all know that we get WAY MORE lookers them posters.. right..

If you all feel that mark has something positive to say them by all means we need to rethink his suspension.. but historically. lets just say i have got some not to cool PMs from MANY people... and its not just me that makes the calls around this joint.. its the body of members.. and the mods..


Like Don said enough is enough, and like another said you don't know Mark. Well I know Tom and he is a really Great guy to know. Tom is a really Fair and generous person and for this to happen there must have been multiple issues involved. This thread isn't the way to solve this, I would think if this will be changed it is upto Mark to make the changes.

Thanks Again Tom for a Great Place to Learn about Boats :)

Being a forum Mod, it's not an easy decision to give any member a time-out or the boot. What went on between Tom and Mark should be private. Yes, a year off is severe but I don't know all of the facts behind his reasoning and truthfully, none of my business.

There are times that I may have been on the edge in here also, along with some other members. I don't know woh else has been given the boot in here or temporarily banned but again, NOMB.

Over where I mod at, we have what's called Moderated Status. Troublemakers go on this until they've shown that they can play nice again with others. They can post until the cows come home but the members don't see their postings until a Mod approves them. I don't know if this site has that capability but it's a nice feature for those that need watching.

Qualify your expertise in forum management for us...

Lets see your credentials.. Truly.. Im not kidding.. I think you should take over as mod for me for a while..

Thanks and let me know..

Qualify your expertise in forum management for us...

Lets see your credentials.. Truly.. Im not kidding.. I think you should take over as mod for me for a while..

Thanks and let me know..

Mike No one is shooting @ You, Just consider all that has happened. I have seen worst debates on this site that resulted in No one getting banned..... Your a better person that all this crap.... as you say Rock On.... I`am DONE....
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Not meant to be a bad deal.. Really, maybe its time for me to take a break.. KB was the one that stated the Mods weren’t looking to good right now.. Maybe he has a better handle on what a mod has to do and or would like to give it a go for a while. Heck maybe he has done moderation at forums before and has a bunch of back ground in it…I sure am open to change… Tom and I have been at this for a long time, Mark and Chris have been here for a good while too.. When he states that we are not looking to good right now he speaks for all four of us….


Me too. Joe.. Im done

Not meant to be a bad deal.. Really, maybe its time for me to take a break.. KB was the one that stated the Mods weren’t looking to good right now.. Maybe he has a better handle on what a mod has to do and or would like to give it a go for a while. Heck maybe he has done moderation at forums before and has a bunch of back ground in it…I sure am open to change… Tom and I have been at this for a long time, Mark and Chris have been here for a good while too.. When he states that we are not looking to good right now he speaks for all four of us….


Me too. Joe.. Im done

I saw the whole thing and feel a time out was in order,the severity was up to Tom. It was the right call
Qualify your expertise in forum management for us...

Lets see your credentials.. Truly.. Im not kidding.. I think you should take over as mod for me for a while..

Thanks and let me know..


Thanks for the offer Grim....but no thanks.

Now that you've thrown down your spoon....let me just say this before you start jumping up and down or holding your breath till yer ponytail turns blue and falls off.

What you guys have done has the appearance of inconsistency....different treatment for different folks regarding different topics.

If it's not inconsistent ,,,,,,sobeit I'll stop posting on the topic and listen to Mikey when he sais it was bad enough. (this means I'll Shaddup)

If it's look poorly. I'm not the one making you look poorly...just the one saying how the situation looks in my Humble Opinion.

I dont know Mark Bullard from Adam…I definitely wouldn’t recognize the guy if I met him on the street….I do know that he is one of the few people in here who has the Ballz to post his opinion. That guys tank is full…He really brought it in the bearing thread. I think he has some practical background that is not steered by salesmanship which in my opinion makes him useful to people seeking knowledge.

seriously though......If you dont want to moderate, maybe there is someone who could be moderator that would be impartial and not prone to the assertions I made?

just a thought??

oh yea....Bruce Dickenson also said "Die with your Boots On!"

off this topic for sure ......laterz
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