magazines wanted?


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ryan mcgowan

Oct 25, 2009
i was just woundering weather any one had a stack of old rc boat modeler or similar magiznes that is no longer needed. willing to pay
Just curious, are you looking for something in particular in them or just want to see what we used to get back in the "good old days"?
only recently got into hobby and want as much info bout it as i can get.
Do yourself a favor and have your LHS order you (if they don't already have them) the two boat modeling books from John Finch- Radio Control Boat Modeling and Radio Control Powerboat Racing. Also check out Model Marine Engines by Al Hobbs. Even though these books are 20+ years old they still have a wealth of information and were considered "must reads" for people entering into model boating. If your LHS can't get them you can order them directly from the publisher Air Age-

I threw out atleast 6 years worth of RC boat modeler before we moved back to the states... I wouldve shipped you the whole box for free. Sorry! Just didnt think anyone wanted them. Not even sure why I kept them.
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I've got RC Boat Modeler magazines from 1995 -2005. I was going to give you for the price of postage, but from Australia to US would cost about $162. If anyone in Oz wants them let me know and they can have them.
Hey, did the online rc boat mag ever make it out of the infancy stage? I had volunteered to do a few articles but never herd back?
I'e got a ton of old r/c boat mags. Will send to you for the cost of shipping. How many do you want?
I have every issue ever printed. Some in duplicate. I perswonally liked the earlier versions. The last several years got a little fluffy for me. But I was also more interested in technical details, and the magazine was more directed at less experienced readers.
