List of all brands of hulls available????


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Kevin Krogness

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2008
Got permission from the boss to race next year and want another hull!!!! Looking for all the tunnel hulls available even though I have a TS3 on the way... Lost some bookmarks a while back and can't find some of the links anymore. I would like to know whats available and who to talk to if I choose a specific hull. I would be willing to make another post of all the hulls for someone to make a sticky of if anyone would like? With that being said list what info you got!!!!! Thanks, Kevin...
All you need to know about tunnel boats.

New Lynx boat, w/radio box - servo tray, full setup instructions for stock and mod $299.95

New Shaman boat, w/radio box, full setup instructions for stock and mod $329.95

New design Warhead boat will be available Jan.1 2011.

This boat has been tested, and by far the best 40 mod boat in all water conditions, as well as different motor configurations. Molds are in process right now, Jan.1 is our target, with sooner release date possible.

Contact Ron drake at [email protected] or 813-951-1445
Also HTB hulls there are different hulls for standard and modded motors 3.5 and 7.5 great hulls great in all water conditions
Just have a look to the left at a Lynx 3.5 CMB running like theres no tomarrow!
dumas still makes the hot shot sprint

hyperformance has the prather hulls

is the leecraft still available? site is still up. leecraft racing/510-823-9668 [email protected]

what about mike crawford & woodstuff boats? is he officially out or still going? i've heard both stories.

a few more for the list of what is around
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How about the VS1?????? A very nice designed tunnel ( thanks Mike Z ) for standard .21 outboards

I believe 150 dollars at Towers.

VS1 is nice but not a rough water boat saw couple guys here in Fla. with them in our rough water they cant handle it. Better off getting a HTB or Vision or Cobra
Well been doing some talking with that standup fellar Dan and kinda leaning towards a Cobra!!!! But will see what this winter brings!.!.!.!.