K&B Outboards


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2002
K&B Outboards

Hi Guy's

There was much talk about K&B being back in production, is anyone receiving their backordered OBs?

Has anyone found out if the new bits for the 3.5s will fit in the older models or have K&B changed the liner size like they did once before to make the older motors unsustainable?

Trying not to be cynical but it has all gone quiet again.

GT ???
Re:K&B Outboards


I have no information at this time. I would guess that K+B has made no changes to the parts that would not allow them to cross over.

The motor at Toledo looked as if it was of standard K+B design.

Other members of I waters keep us posted if you see or hear anything.

Re:K&B Outboards

Hola Grim.

Ya nisiquiera actualizan la pagina de K&B, estas seguro de que no va a desaparecer de el mercado, porque ya nose, si seguir esperando o comprar otro motor de diferente marca.

Que me recomiendas, ya que solo me quedan 2 motores en buen estado :'(

I´m from Yucatan the mayan world.

Re:K&B Outboards

Boy I thought I was losing it !!!! Was about to go back and count my pills.

All I got was Hi Grim !!

You Guys are catching me !!!!! I have to post faster !!!
Re:K&B Outboards

Hola Grim.

Ya nisiquiera actualizan la pagina de K&B, estas seguro de que no va a desaparecer de el mercado, porque ya nose, si seguir esperando o comprar otro motor de diferente marca.

Que me recomiendas, ya que solo me quedan 2 motores en buen estado

I´m from Yucatan the mayan world.

Re:K&B Outboards

Hola Gatto,

Disen que si van a producer los motores K&B, pero pocos de tiempo a tiempo. Mejor de poner una orden con ellos para segurar que le manden el motor de su gusto.
Re:K&B Outboards


I told that I heard that K&B WAS producing engines, but a few at a time, and it would wise to place an order to to be certain to recieve an engine.

FYI Jeff, the old K&B that I worked for produced anywhere from 3. to 5.000 at a time and still could'nt keep up with demand.
Re:K&B Outboards

Hola Jack.

Gracias por la informacion aqui en Merida Yucatan solo usamos K&B pero ya casi no nos quedan refacciones y queremos comprar algunos motores pero como todos tiene K&B pues no queremos comprar otro tipo pero si ya no es posible pues compraremos los CMB o ROSI no se cual sea mas aconsejable.


Re:K&B Outboards


Le voy ablar en engles porgue me explico mejor.

K&Bs as you know are very hard to get. The model boaters in the US are going to foreign engines. It does'nt look like the new K&B is going to be abe to keep up with demand.

I'm sorry to say that because am a former K&B employee.
Re:K&B Outboards

HEY I think he called me a A$$HOLE. ;D

Come on man, SPEAK ENGLISH for us. Its probably really good info tooo.
Re:K&B Outboards

Gat said that they use K&B exclusively in Yucatan, But since it seems that they can't buy them anymore. So they are cosidering CMB or Rossi, but do not know which is better.