Intlwaters annual donation drive!


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Ok so we are close to needing $$$ for another years hosting for our forum. Here are the questions:

1)You guys happy with the current forum host? they been taking pretty good care of us? did we get out money worth?

2)should we get the chat next year? the next year will supposedly have a better/different chat when we renew.

3)how should people that donate be recognized?

a) someone going to donate the recognition prize like stickers again?

B) with our main page now properly integrated with the forum it's almost impossible for me to add names to the page like last year...... so i dont know what to do as far as that goes. any ideas?

c) any ideas for recognition.... will a simple thanks on the main page after dontaion be sufficient?

let me know what ya think.


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Hi Tom!

When you first mentioned donations last year, a number of members (myself included) were tripping over each other to get donations to you. I don't think it will be a problem this year... I know I'm ready to give up whatever the recomended donation it.

It was kinda cool seeing my name on the home page in rotation with all the others. I doubt anyone will hold back donations just because this may not happen this time. Intlwaters stickers as a reward would be fine with me. Maybe a "Sponser 2005" version...........

As far as the site, It's easy to use, minimum down time, and not knowing much about other possabilities, I'm well satisfied with it.

We don't seem to use the chat much, unless I look to see if there is anyone in there at all the wrong times. I enjoy the chat when I find someone to chat with.

Maybe a poll as to who would use it if it were to be included next year.....

Keep up the good work Tom! :blink:

Bob the Fool

I'm just getting back into model boating, I've found this site a valuable source of information. You can count on my support. Keep up the good work, and thank you!

Mark :rolleyes:
I am very happy with the way this site has been supported this past year. I would be happy if it stayed with the same host.

I like Fools' idea with a sticker saying " 2005 sponsor" as a thank you. I don't think people made donations last year for the recognition, but to keep this great site alive.

The current provider is doing a great job. Then again, we did get hacked once :ph34r: All kidding aside, let's keep it the way it is. Not certain at this time how each contributor can be recongnized. It was great seeing each person's name listed.

Is the Chat side cost any $$?? I use it every now and then. It's a great option to use for quick chats and BS sessions.. I'd like to see it kept around..

I put my name in the last time around to assist you in the gathering the $$ from people. If you would like, I'd be more than happy to assist in this area.. Just drop me the word and I'll get a paypal account setup with IW being the name...

i think the chat was like $120 - $150 for the year i still have to get exact prices
Hey KUDOS to Tom. :D

Great site lotsa good info. :D Great racers hang out hear :D

Good sorce for tech questions and answers :p

Hey speed costs so does good info. :rolleyes:

Will do our part B)

Bob Morton :lol:
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Hey Tom, What can I say,,It's The Best Tool In My Box! I Don't Know How Else

You Could Be In Touch With The Greatest Names In Model Boating And Those

That Otherwise You Would You Would Never Hear About End Up Growing Into

Greats Themselves. I Like It To The MAX! All I Need To Know Is Where To Send

The $$$

Jerry Wyss
Just say the word and another check will be on its way.

Instead of putting the credit at the top of the page, maybe something like "Int'l Waters Supporter" under our names or have a special avatar for us, kind of like yours.

The chat room was used, I was trying to get a chat going on Saturday nights and at times we did have quite a few people show up, especially those OB guys. With my new 'puter, I'm still having problems getting in. There are some free chat rooms that you can get also to save a few bucks.

We got decals? I never got one. If you need some more of those, just say so and I'll get sis to do some on her Laser cutter. I'll pick up the tab for a few sheets of them., sheets being all that we can squeeze on a 12"x 24" sheet.
I would like to kick down also. I think an Iwaters sticker or two would be a great way to recognise the people who comtribute. I wanted a sticker any way...

Watercadet said:
I would like to kick down also. I think an Iwaters sticker or two would be a great way to recognise the people who comtribute. I wanted a sticker any way...Adam


Count me in . It seems cheap compared to what Marty is paying. I think he is over $300 bucks for the year.
I missed the last donation round, but you can count me in for some donation money this time... I think the sponsor sticker item is cool too. I already have Intlwaters stickers on my boat but would love to have afew more...


P.S. the chat is cool to have, we just need to setup a chat night and time so we could utilize it more. I have a great time in there when we do have a chat though....
TomMoorehouse said:
    a) someone going to donate the recognition prize like stickers again?

Stickers??? there was stickers???

Shnick :eek:
How much are you paying for hosting? I have a company that hosts quality sites for very cheap. I have three sites off of them and I dont have any grudges, if you are thinking about changing hosting servers check out

Phil B) ;) :)
just let me know and i will send some$$ too!i love the outboard section it's my favorite place to hang out.i like stickers would love to have some to put my boats.


I'm in tom just say the word. i think that if you could use paypal i think that would be easier for most. stickers would be great. i need some to go on my fast bleach bottles or so i am told. see ya jimmy
jydracing said:
i need some to go on my fast bleach bottles or so i am told. see ya jimmy

Hahahaha....LMAO thats funny..... Put some paint on those things Jimmy... :D
