IMPBA world records


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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2001
If you don't drive it, your don't belong on the record. Anyone can buy parts, have someone put it together and have someone else drive it. What is this, the owner? Maybe we need an owner listed like NASCAR or something. :lol: Hey, I just bought world record.

Last time I looked at any other world record, the driver is listed as the record holder. :rolleyes:
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If you don't drive it, your don't belong on the record. Anyone can buy parts, have someone put it together and have someone else drive it. What is this, the owner? Maybe we need an owner listed like NASCAR or something. :lol: Hey, I just bought world record.

Last time I looked at any other world record, the driver is listed as the record holder. :rolleyes:
As someone who was at the last event and watched the amount of work by a team of people that went into some of the high cell count records. I don't have a problem with the credit being spread around. It's the drivers choice to include (or not) a team on the record. I'm certainly not going complain about having that option. I believe all the team members set records in different classes, I know one was 2 mph faster than I could go in the class. But that big boat really was a team effort.

The records I set were a one man show (I'm a control freak, I start swatting hands if the enter my space). It also means I like to collect my own data, there's so much garbage floating around that it's easier to do the testing myself than try to wade through all the BS. That doesn't mean I don't get help from guys like Ray Fuller and Steve Neu (there's much longer list) if I ask. In reality those guys deserve some credit for getting me the parts I ask for when I need them (I ask for some pretty obscure stuff on occasion).

As for world records, I've seen a much worse situation happen at Bonneville. I've seen a guy write the checks to buy an entire operation, never get near the equipment until it was at the line and take all the credit for the record. I guess you can buy a record.

Of the two possibilities, I'd rather see everyone involved in the effort get some credit rather than the other way around. Just the thoughts of someone was there.
I have been to a dozen time trials and helped Ed many times, Ed drove the boats and deserved the credit, not someone watching on.

If IMPBA T/T are going to turn into some giant team $$$$$$ crap like NAMBA often is, I no longer want any part of it.
Keep up the hard work, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can get the NAMBA sucks thing going again. I race in both organizations, the only major difference is traveling east to race IMPBA. All the us vs them garbage that gets fabricated online is a joke to the people actually competeing.

The big classes cost big $$$, the small classes are still the most affordable (never changes). The equipment costs the same regardless of which organization you compete in. Prices don't magicly go up when you get to the west coast. Nice try, keep digging.
At least you drive your own boat....

Keep up the hard work, I'm sure if you try hard enough you can get the NAMBA sucks thing going again. I race in both organizations, the only major difference is traveling east to race IMPBA. All the us vs them garbage that gets fabricated online is a joke to the people actually competeing.

The big classes cost big $$$, the small classes are still the most affordable (never changes). The equipment costs the same regardless of which organization you compete in. Prices don't magicly go up when you get to the west coast. Nice try, keep digging.
Mr. Hill,

here is the results page from the last I.M.P.B.A. FE SAWS record trials held in Valdosta in March...

i can only assume you are speaking about the T-Mono record that lists...

Jerry Crowther/HammerHead Racing as the record holders...

if this annoys you that much, perhaps you should contact the I.M.P.B.A. Records Chairman and protest...

additionally Jerry Crowther must be agast that he had to share the glory with this race team or person that has no right to have thier name on the record...

funny, i haven't heard a negative word from the racers in attendance at I.M.P.B.A. FE-II about this injustice you're so passionate over...

Ron is my source. I was un-aware of that other link :huh:

After looking at the Nitro records, I see that others do it as well and it's an accepted practice. :rolleyes:

I guess some teams roll into the T/T now like team Penski does at Indy.

Hammerhead H2o Racing.................Deltona, Florida

Harvey Wild Thing 32........ Q-Mono, Neu 1512 3DS

Seaducer FE-33.........Q-Mono SAWS, Neu 1515 1YS*

Seaducer FE-38..........S-Mono SAWS, Neu 1521 1YF

Seaducer FE-42.......T-Mono SAWS, Neu 2215 1.5YF*

Aeromarine Titan 40...Q-Offshore, Neu 1515 1.5YF

Harvey Atlas-29.........P-Sport Hydro, Neu 1515 1YS

Harvey Atlas-26...............Limited Sport, Cordite SS1

DH Shovel-25..........N-2 Sport Hydro, Neu 1509 1YS*

Seaducer Sport Hydro...T-1 Sport, Neu 2215 1.5YF

* current I.M.P.B.A. 1/16th mile class record holder

Which of the records on this list do you have? I see you only one as a / on one record listed at

I guess you need a Media/Marketing Manager for that team and a 1-800 number.

WOW, look at all those sponsors.

Mr. Hill,

you and i both know what this ranting is about and it isn't about how records are listed or who drove what boat at what event...

you have a long history of using forums as a soapbox for venting your anger and making personal attacks on people you have a beef with...

and this week you seem to be a particularly angry little man...

at HammerHead H2o Racing we pay real dollars for all of our equipment and we give credit where credit is due when it comes to the products we choose to use...

i am done with this thread of yours and refuse to lower myself to your level by responding any further...
What is wrong Ron? I am not angry at anyone. I have no idea what you or anyone else pays. When someone has 10 companies listed on a banner, the preception is they are sponsored.

I do have one question though, did you pay Jerry to drive for you?
What is wrong Ron? I am not angry at anyone. I have no idea what you or anyone else pays. When someone has 10 companies listed on a banner, the preception is they are sponsored.

I do have one question though, did you pay Jerry to drive for you?

Its one thing to ask a question about what everyone thinks about this issue, yeah thats fine, but it sure seems to me and anyone looking at your posts that you are just complaining. It really is an interesting issue, but you do seem to have sour grapes. Now you may not, but thats just how it looks. I personally dont think money, time, or people are the issue for you, its jelousy. Sorry, but thats just the image I get reading your posts. I have never been a part of a racing team outside of my family's, but I cheer them on. Why? Because they can accomplish more. Two heads are better than one. Yes, twice as deep of pockets also. Thats just how it is. Sponsors never hurt anyone also. I cheer everyone on to advance any type of boat racing, not just one person at a time.......... ;) I dont care who drove it, who set it up, or whatever! If the boat set a record, everone involved deserves all the credit in the world.

Larry Jr.
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I do not run electric, but have been involved in all of the time trials for gas,nitro & electric here in So. Cal. ( legg lake ) for the past 10 or 15 yrs. in both NAMBA & APBA.

Your refferance to teams or clubs being sponsored with a big batch $$$$$ is just a big batch of BS!!!

Yes, some clubs & teams have banners with manufactors names on them, but that dose not mean that these companies have given monies or products to anyone.What it most likely means is that the team or club are showing whitch parts or products they like and are useing. One name or ten on a record, it still takes skill & experience. MONEY CAN NOT BUY THIS. :angry: What you are aluding to is that anyone on a team or in a club & sets a record is being payed; will I am here to tell ya it aint so in So. Cal. or anywhere in NAMBA.


This forum is all about voicing opinions and discussions, but can I ask, why are your post's negative or sarcastic 90% of the time?

I agree with Larry and Don, why does it matter who sponsors who?

Please try and be more constructive and not so much destructive...


My thoughts are that you should have never been picked for Mod on this American forum, you have no idea what goes on here in the USA.

The others can say what they want, your opinion is like the leader of the UN telling me what to do. Is that clear?

What a joke.



This forum is all about voicing opinions and discussions, but can I ask, why are your post's negative or sarcastic 90% of the time?

I agree with Larry and Don, why does it matter who sponsors who?

Please try and be more constructive and not so much destructive...



I would get down and argue with Mr Hill but you know what they say - never argue with a fool you will only get dragged down to his level.

He has been like this since 1997 as far as I can remember. Same song/dance. Banned more than once for his conduct.

Kris - Keep up the good work.
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I think its more like brand loyalty than sponsorship.One point I kind of agree with is that regardless of how much help a guy gets Its the driver who puts it to the water.

I do think that we should try to keep comercialism out of it in the end.But on the other hand I wouldnt be able to do what I do with out a little help from my friends.

Steve most of us who dont have "The Big Ride"still spend money or just get a cut rate deal.Evenwhen it appears otherwise.I dont run any Battle Pac cells right now but if I had Battle pac decals they would probably be on my boats.

Hey I got a big blue oval on my Ford truck does that mean I am sponsored ?? :D
At this point I feel the need to appologise to the gas and nitro racers that have read this thread. The whole thing puts the electric racers in a bad light. The guys who seriously race FE are a really good group.


Thanks for chiming in on this, you have more experience with TT's than most of us combined. I agree with you on the banners, it never hurts to show support for the manufacturers that go to the effort to supply us with toys. You don't see any getting rich off it, so a little appreciation goes a long way.

BTW. I can't wait for November, 9 days of TT's (I'm going to bring a couple boats for the 2 lap also).


You got it on the nose. Everyone involved deserves cheering on. 6 cells stock my be a harder record to beat than 24 rigger, it's just not as flashy. It doesn't mean that the guys running the small classes work any less. They've made the effort to compete and that deserves some recognition.

P.S. I need another prop box ;)


Ignore him. He's an annoying little man with a bad attitude hiding behind a keyboard. The rest of the electric guys on the board appreciate your efforts.


You do more damage to you business and reputation with these kinds of posts than you probably realize. At the same time you do damage to the image serious FE racers work hard to maintain, we don't want to appear like a bunch of whiney brats. If nothing else, the attacks on people who've accomplished something in the hobby are in bad taste. You have a long history of this type of behavior. To put it bluntly, I wish you'd go back to playing with the battlebots and get out of the FE market for good (you keep saying you're leaving but always come back). The FE boating community has plenty of other options for cells, your services and attitude wouldn't be missed.
My thoughts are that you should have never been picked for Mod on this American forum, you have no idea what goes on here in the USA.

The others can say what they want, your opinion is like the leader of the UN telling me what to do. Is that clear?

What a joke.



This forum is all about voicing opinions and discussions, but can I ask, why are your post's negative or sarcastic 90% of the time?

I agree with Larry and Don, why does it matter who sponsors who?

Please try and be more constructive and not so much destructive...


Now you have my attention Mr Hill...

This IS International waters... im going to ask you kindly to take a step back and breath..

Mike Zaborowski..

No need to apologise. There seems to be one in every group ;) It will be great to have you & ALL of the electric racers here for the 9 days of time trials. (3 days just for fast electric) This year may see the first 150 mph pass ever run by any prop driven model boat, gas,nitro or electric... Tell your firends & buddies dont miss it !!! :) :)

Don :)

No need to apologise. There seems to be one in every group ;) It will be great to have you & ALL of the electric racers here for the 9 days of time trials. (3 days just for fast electric) This year may see the first 150 mph pass ever run by any prop driven model boat, gas,nitro or electric... Tell your firends & buddies dont miss it !!! :) :)

Don :)
It's going to be a good year. I take it that centering the course has helped even out the accel/decel a bit. I'm just trying for the first sport hydro over 100mph, but I've got a ways to go yet. I've found the limits of my current hulls to be in the mid 80's (best 1 way is 87). There's plenty of power, just can't put it down yet.

since i dont give 2cents if i am on the forum or off the forum i must say mr hill you are a racist oink oink, the americans i have delt with have respect for there fellow man at least on this and other forums but reading what you say you must be the casue of war around the world why dont you come on down to Australia i wouldnt mind showing you a bit of good old aussy hospitality we haqve good beer here.

and who made you the boss of this supposedly INTERNATIONAL FORUM which does not mean it is owned by americans at all, as i remember for this forum to run we all had to make a donation and the money from Australia wasnt rejected oh mr hill our moneys ok for giving but we should keep our mouths shut hey, you must be one of those women bashers to hey, yeh i bet you probably have more records at the cop shop than i have on the shelf at home, you hate coloured people too, children yuk, how does someone like you actually run a business do people really pay you money for your filth na you must be into bondage thats what they like.

oh mr hill i am bored but when some one bags an Aussy for no good reason i just love to retaliate, maybe its my last time on this forum maybe not but hey i have plenty of time since i dont do much just read the news in my office and watch my team do the work while i receive the rewards oh dear and thats not even in model boating thats in real life.

anyway i was contemplating on purchasing from you but i think i will stick with the better battery maker for good batts go to not my sponsor just my preferred vendor.

ha ha ha.
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