• Thread starter RaceCraftBearings
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Tom I would like you to pin this if you would please!

I am in the process of setting up a bank account for all RC Boaters around the World to be able to send checks, Credit Card and Pay Pal payments too, in the name of International Waters Radio Control Boating Community. All monies will be used for the Katrina relief in all affected areas. We will remit these funds to the American Red Cross.

I also urge those who can to take clothing that you no longer use to the Salvation Army and stipulate that it is for the Hurricane affected areas and they will see that it gets there.

More info on the account to send payment as the details get worked out by the banking establishment. Being Friday it may be next week before this gets finalized.

Chime in if you are interested in helping with this.


Ron Byrd
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Thought I'd add this. Watching the news, the Red Cross is in most need of money right now. Food, water and other donations are always welcome but what they really need is money.

I think it's a great idea Ron.
Count me in, And I'm sure all of the other Aussie IW members will do the same.
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Thanks PJ and Tim!

I will get the info posted as soon as it gets worked out.

69 Views and only two people willing to lend a helping hand??

Maybe you just need time to think about it..................

Ron, it's a noble cause but right now there are so many other ways to donate. Local TV and radio stations are doing fund raisers, kids with lemonade stands, etc. are all taking the money too. With this being Labor Day weekend we are getting tugged at from a lot of directions. Jerry's Kids and people wanting to do a little something for themselves on the last big summer weekend of the year not to mention the high cost of gas right now to attempt to do any travelling.

I know I can't speak for all of the views, but I did look earlier and was waiting for the donation information to be able to contribute. Wasn't a whole lot to say except what everyone else has already stated in other forums. When you get it completed and info posted I will be back to do what I can.

RaceCraftBearings said:
Thanks PJ and Tim!
I will get the info posted as soon as it gets worked out.

69 Views and only two people willing to lend a helping hand??

Maybe you just need time to think about it..................



Ron, I'd bet that others have already pledged money through other organizations. I contributed through the company I work for since they match my contributions dollar for dollar. I've been feeding the homeless on a weekly basis for 5 years now and I've found that you can't worry about the quantity just make the best with what you've got.
Joe_Knesek said:
Ron, I'd bet that others have already pledged money through other organizations. I contributed through the company I work for since they match my contributions dollar for dollar. I've been feeding the homeless on a weekly basis for 5 years now and I've found that you can't worry about the quantity just make the best with what you've got.

Yeah Joe I was bit late on this one, being Monday (today) is a holiday and the banks are closed, my account is still not ready to go.

I just saw that the news wasnt really getting the word out as to where to donate so I thought I would try to get something going. Now the donation info is shown regularly.

As long as the affected areas are getting help thats all that matters.

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