How about a New IMPBA Class


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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2003
I think IMPBA should open a new class if Kerry gets elected...

Scale RC Swift Boat Racing....that way all Americans can be Swift Boat Captains :D :D :D
Russell Bear said:
Rule #1.  All drivers and pit crew must wear flip-flops during the entire race. :rolleyes:


.........and have a "waffle" breakfast before the race! :D
Although, we'd have to find a much cleaner burning fuel than nitro, as quoted from another forum......Kerry might just blame Global Warning on exhaust fumes from RC boats :eek:
The only problem I see with this is weather or not the U.N will allow the IMPBA to add another class!! Maybe Kerry could lobby them to pass the new class :D
he'll change his mind when the voices tell him too and claim its wasn't really his opion in the first place!!! :D :D :D
And if Bush stays in we can make the "No show up class" we could still get points for staying home. :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
If Bush stays in, were all in for 4 more years of Bushwacking.

We won't have much money left to go racing. We will be paying

$4.00 a gallon by then for our gas, just to travel to a race.

Economy, there won't be much of that either. The last 4 years haven't been

that great have they? :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Kerry will at least tax and spend. Bush will only help the rich get richer,

while the middle class pays the bills. Bush is an Economic Nightmare!

I Guess You Can Tell I'm Democratic,

Mark Sholund
bush is a excelent recruiter for the democratic party :D :D
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This Swift Boat racing class would never work.

Every club has one of those type of racers, we'll call him John. :)

John would run two laps (out of 6) turn into the infield and claim he won!

John would have his six followers (some say paid followers) that claim he drives great. The other 260 racers in the organization would know he drives like a blind man.

Thank goodness a starting gun isn't used (like in full-size boat racing). Whenever he hears a shot John does a 180.

Race site information would be confusing. John keeps telling other racers that next weeks race is in Cambodia.
"Kerry will at least tax and spend. Bush will only help the rich get richer,

while the middle class pays the bills."??????????

How is Kerry raising my taxes gonna make my life easier????

The top 10% of all taxpayers (the rich) pay 90% of all the taxes. Which means the middle class pays less than 10% of the bills.

If a President, we'll call him George, were to cut everyone taxes by 1% wouldn't someone who pays $1,000,000.00 a year in taxes get more back than someone who pays $10,000.00 a year in taxes. This is what we call the rich getting richer??? :blink: :blink: :blink:

......................Sorry couldn't help it B) B) :p ;)

Not sure where you get your information,but the rich are not paying there fair

share of taxes believe me. What is your answer for the gasoline cost going

through the roof lately? You Republicans seem to have all the answers,but

the country sure doesn't show it. Can you believe the amount of money that

George spent in the last four years? Also,how about losing three million jobs,

that was a lot of tax money? I'm not going to argue politics,but I think some

of the Americans need to read the Newspaper to see what is really going on.

One last thing,Bush is the only President that we have had in 72 years to lose

jobs while he is in office,I can't say I want four more years of that,do you?


Mark Sholund
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shoboat said:
If Bush stays in, were all in for 4 more years of Bushwacking.
We won't have much money left to go racing. We will be paying

$4.00 a gallon by then for our gas, just to travel to a race.

Economy, there won't be much of that either. The last 4 years haven't been

that great have they? :unsure:   :unsure:   :unsure:   :unsure:   :unsure:

Kerry will at least tax and spend. Bush will only help the rich get richer,

while the middle class pays the bills. Bush is an Economic Nightmare!

I Guess You Can Tell I'm Democratic,

Mark Sholund


Hey Mark don't associate my boats name Nightmare with Bush!!!!!! :eek: Nightmare will be the mass distruction weapon of the pond, Bush couldnt find any!! :lol: Nick
shoboat said:
Not sure where you get your information,but the rich are not paying there fair

share of taxes believe me. .........

Mark Sholund



You need to do a little research as to where Kerry's campaign money is coming from, I did. You think the rich got it good now, just put "flip-flop" in the big chair & see what happens. :eek:

As for gas prices it won't get any better with "flip-flop" either. As long as this country allows gas suppliers to keep jacking the prices on mere "speculation" that something "might" happen we will all continue to get screwed. :angry:
"What is your answer for the gasoline cost going through the roof lately?"

What is Kerry's answer? Another of the many "plans" he mentions but never explains? Another secret plan.

Kevin Whitehead said:
"What is your answer for the gasoline cost going through the roof lately?"
What is Kerry's answer?  Another of the many "plans" he mentions but never explains?  Another secret plan.



That's 'cause there isn't one! Just more of flip-flop's smoke & mirrors! <_<