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gene gager

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2004
I just picked up this boat, is there any hope for it-looks like some kind of laid-down diesel motor mounted oddly to the left. Should I put any money into it or am I just wasting my time?geno

http://photos.yahoo.com/jhangas (click Miss Houston folder)
I"ed just change the motor mounts and put in a nitro motor..Bolt the mount from the bottom...
Yea, looks like a solid built boat, add some engine rails or L mounts and bolt a 11cc nitro motor to the bottom. You will have to tear out and do some remodeling to get it right. Whats the cowl looking like? it covers the whole deck?

I was thinking of redoing my 82u55 model that way.


Didn't you do that on purpose? I thought when I saw the boat the other weekend that you had layed the engine down like that? I think it's a great idea..

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gene gager said:
I just picked up this boat, is there any hope for it-looks like some kind of laid-down diesel motor mounted oddly to the left.  Should I put any money into it or am I just wasting my time?genohttp://photos.yahoo.com/jhangas  (click Miss Houston folder)


Gene; Can you drive a Pickle fork? I know the Burien Screams. But can you handle new technology? No really looks good, good workmanship. Oh by the the way I just bought a scale boat ready to go racin'? Greg265 :lol:
I'm rather intrigued by it actually
Me too! I've been busy drawing up plans for a new scale with a deep pickle fork depth and that would help solve a problem I'm having.
:p just kidding around, its a boat i'm putting together, the diesel engine is a cmb green with a tee handle glow wrench hanging off the plug. gotch ya.. the driver now sets over the flywheel and the engine clears the cowl. low roll center and forward center of gravity was the reasonning. notice two antenas for two radios, and the turn fin supported by the port side of the hull thru a music wire.ZERO FLEX (this really stiffened up the hull) installing a second bulk head behind the one in the pictures thats tilted oposite so to trap any water that gets in between the two bulkheads thats close to the balance point, might help keep the ride the same wet or dry. keep in mind I have built alot of things that never worked also. don't copy the engine mount in pictures as I have a much better ,lower and easier way of builing it now. geno
gene gager said:
:p   just kidding around,  its a boat i'm putting together, the diesel engine is a cmb green with a tee handle glow wrench hanging off the plug. gotch ya..  the driver now sets over the flywheel and the engine clears the cowl. low roll center and forward center of gravity was the reasonning. notice two antenas for two radios, and the turn fin supported by the port side of the hull thru a music wire.ZERO FLEX  (this really stiffened up the hull)  installing a second bulk head behind the one in the pictures thats tilted oposite so to trap any water that gets in between the two bulkheads thats close to the balance point, might help keep the ride the same wet or dry. keep in mind I have built alot of things that never worked also.  don't copy the engine mount in pictures as I have a much better ,lower and easier way  of builing it now.  geno

Thought it looked like a green head, (saw the OS carb too) that's why I wanted a pic. B)
Around 10 years ago a boat builder in IMPBA District 1 made a Sport 40 with a lay down engine. He did this to allow a stream line cowl and also to lower the center of gravity. His hopes were set on setting a SAW record. He never did attempt a record but I can sure tell you ... his boat was FAST!!!!!

Ken Reiley had suggested I lay my motor down for an older 1/8 scale I WAS HAVING PROBLEMS CLOSING THE COWLING down on to.
That looks awesome with the motor like that. Pretty far up front too. I would like to know how it works? nice job on the mount. I wanted to do something similar to what you have there. Good Luck.

What boat are you working on now? Did you ever get the .12 rigger in the water?

How's the weather down their? We just got about 3" to 5" of the white stuff today.

Winter Building Season Is Here,

Mark Sholund
:blink: If you look at the pictures , the main mount is an ouctura bolted onto the motor as you normaly would, I sawed off one leg of that mount, but should of sawed off both and just ran the steel metal on over the top putting the screws into the ouctra mount into the side right where I should of sawed it off. would make it 1/2 inch lower and couple of ounces lighter (high roll center weight). as soon as I bolted it together I looked at it and said sh*#$@. will sign this one amature gene . I keep saying these boats don't have any brains, but somtimes I wonder which one of us is going to win. :unsure: