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dave roach

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2004
Boats,check radio gear check,fuel gear check,parts box check,spare engines check,prop box check,cleaning gear check,cooler check,beerbeer beer beer check more beer check.

Dave Roach
If you forget anything and that means anyone, get ahold of me as I'm coming in Friday morning and if I have it, I'll bring it. It looks like you might be set on beer though. I found out last year that they card you in Indiana, even if you're as old as Phil is! Up here I only get carded if I qualify for a Senior Citizen's discount.
They talk kind of funny in Indiana in places. Hobart is like Ho-burt, you have to say it sort of fast if you don't want to seem like a foreigner. Peru isn't Purr-oo but Pee-roo. In the end it really doesn't matter as whoever shows up is going to find out that you're like a Rock Star there.
They talk kind of funny in Indiana in places. Hobart is like Ho-burt, you have to say it sort of fast if you don't want to seem like a foreigner. Peru isn't Purr-oo but Pee-roo. In the end it really doesn't matter as whoever shows up is going to find out that you're like a Rock Star there.
so... if you drink enough beeeeeer :blink: in ho beeeeeer <_< t it will turn purr-ooo it into peeeeeeee....................................... :D

Locked n loaded,no BEER just CROWN.......We pull out at 5:45 am breakfast then North bound n down..... Cya round noon
A piece of advice. You might want to stop and grab up some of those cheap rain poncho's as the weather forecast is predicting rain throughout the weekend.
Hate to say so but you know how trustworthy weathermen are. So far, local and TWC are predicting rain but didn't say how much or even a precentage yet. I'm hoping to make liars out of them again.

I remember a little rainfall last year. I was stepping out of my trailer to get under the canopy just as a gust of wind came up and got a nice little bucket of water right down my back off the canopy. Man, that was cold!
Oops, not too good. http://www.weather.com/weather/5-day/USIN0291

I'm still showing up anyway, wouldn't miss it! We can have fun rain or shine!

I'm following you and a lot of other racers on Facebook. My son and daughter-in-law are riding along with me as is my new boating buddy Jeff Seymour, it's the first race he's been to.
I plan on going to Hobart Saturday morning.

There is going to be an IW beer tent right?

Can I bring my dog? He likes boats
I don't know about a beer tent as although I can't say that I've seen a sign that says no alcohol is allowed that it's kept under wraps until after the racing is over for the day. Misshydro did find my stash of Mike's Hard Lemonade last year but had her put it in a cup.

As far as dogs go, you're in luck there as the site and the park to the north is a big dog walking area. Lots of the locals bring theirs along. Jul Alvarez, Shannon and Kevin Sheren had theirs down and maybe Phil Thomas is bringing his new dog along for the ride this year. Lots of trash cans to take care of the dog's "business". In the Porta-Pottie ara are some sinks with water and hand sanitizer.

Those with laptop's can get Wi Fi from the library. For those that can't get near a computer, I'll try to keep some updates on Facebook from my cell phone. Look me up under Ronald Olson.

If you get hungry there are some places down by the clock tower that have some good food. I had some great chicken wings there last year. A guy from a restaurant comes through with a wagon and cooler with gourmet BBQ sammies, pricey but good!