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Rick & Ray,

Dinner,drinks,bench raceing AND great people! NOTHING BETTER :D

Can't wait to do it again next year

Don :)
From what I see here in Australia this is one of the best races in the world. If Stu gives his time to organise it let him be as organising an event is no easy task. I am one of the Aussies coming over next year for this event and can't wait to get there to compete and catch up with some old friends and make some new ones.
Next year Bruce will be back and the race will run like military clock work period.
Hobart 2010: Great time, thanks to Stu and his helpers and the City of Hobart.

Smiles: Friends and racers have not seen in a while, new friends, good food, fun people, enjoyed helping, great racing and the RTR Indy Masters Green Jacket Winner ( will wear it proud )

Frowns: Blown 45 rigger motor, broken Sport 40 cowl, did not win the new motor raffle..lol

Complaints: didn't buy enough raffle tickets

Improvements: Combine classes as they fall entry short, speeds up the program, improves the racing as most people want to race six boat heats, makes final scores mean more. (400 points awarded in a five or six boat heat verses 400 points awarded in a two or three boat heat in the same class) You will get four rounds in three days, weather permitting

Future Goals: Defend the RTR win, do better in D Hydro and Sport 40 and a new class I'm very excited about.

Future Plans: No surgery the Monday after the Masters, and being at Hobart 2011

You can count on my help Stu,

Next year Bruce will be back and the race will run like military clock work period.
If this is Bruce Jacob coming back, then, it's great to hear..

i prefer 3 days race than 4days for economic reason to most...
For what I spent Saturday night at Hooters I could get a room for 2 more days! We had a lot of fun there though.

The 2nd part of the Hall of Fame induction at The Roof for John Otto was a riot but I won't talk about it here as that was one of those things that you had to be there for.

Poor old Nub got picked on after his unexpected swim as Kevin Sheren got him a little something for the next time. It was all of the little things that added up to make it an unforgettable experience and showed that it's not just about the racing but so much about the friends, old and new.

The Evil NAMBA team; they party as hard as they race, just plain fun to be around.

Stu, if you can use my help in any way next year, just say so.

Who was the (trying to put this nicely) chubby gentleman who took a lot of pictures during the event? I sat with him at the Luau and he hung out around my pit area but forgot his name. I'd like to see the shots that he took.
Everything about the race in hobart is perfect you don't need to fix a thing,

many of the big dog's probably have not heard of this Old dog. but i've been out here participating in the hobby for 20 some years... I still can't fiqure out why the big prize is the big deal. sure i would someday like to have recognition for accomplishments from my fellow boater, but as for today i just feel fortunate to be raceing in the company of mentors and innovators of this hobby. I like the comradery! I really think Stu and the gang have the premier RC boat race in the country,, and this is just a hobby afterall. And the guy complaining should maybe remember that it's a hobby which some have choosen to make their other source of income! We do it for KUDO's not money... Please we should all remember that! (P.S. haveing METIME at the race is awesome also... they took awesome photos of my boats running and that's about all i went home with. Great memories of a great time with friends...)

That is all i've got to say about that! :D

big AL

Don't change a thing...
Big Al,

Thank you. I have had my ear chewed off on how things should be different. This is not a race that will be like others. If others want a different race, then host it. Next year's race will be similar as this year and it will be hard to get in from what I know. You come back now.

Stu Barr
really, what was the boat count and what was the minimum? You know if you look at the parts for a deuce, the motors would be change compared to what some of those prizes were. Dont think it had anything to do with the count, I'm not sure what the count was. Think it has more to do with the fact it aint one of those big bad two motor high dollar boats. But ok.
Want some cheese too go with that WHINE. :p .......

Someone always has to piss and moan about something !!! Holy crap !! Nobody starts a whine like this without soiled shorts !! :ph34r: :ph34r:

Stu and crew ..congrats on a fantastic event !! :D
really, what was the boat count and what was the minimum? You know if you look at the parts for a deuce, the motors would be change compared to what some of those prizes were. Dont think it had anything to do with the count, I'm not sure what the count was. Think it has more to do with the fact it aint one of those big bad two motor high dollar boats. But ok.
Want some cheese too go with that WHINE. :p .......

Someone always has to piss and moan about something !!! Holy crap !! Nobody starts a whine like this without soiled shorts !! :ph34r: :ph34r:

Stu and crew ..congrats on a fantastic event !! :D
And somebody always has to try to keep it going huh?
Stu sent me an invitation to attend the Hobart race, but I was unable to attend. I certainly plan to be there next year.

For several years I hosted a race near Glacier National Park. People had to travel a long way to get there and our numbers were not very high. Even setting up a small race takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. To put together a race as large as Hobart requires more work than the averge boater understands.

If someone complained, I am amazed. At my race, if you complained, swore, threw trash on the ground, ran in the pits, or were a pain the in the neck, you were fined $1.00. We would raise $200 to $300 in fines and it was given to a local college scholarship fund.

What I found out was that if there was less than 12 boats in the class, the class did not pay for the trophies, awards, or whatever else was being given away. I also found out that boaters can behave very nicely when a $1.00 fine is involved.

Stu, if I can help next year, please let me know.

Al Hobbs
Stu sent me an invitation to attend the Hobart race, but I was unable to attend. I certainly plan to be there next year.

For several years I hosted a race near Glacier National Park. People had to travel a long way to get there and our numbers were not very high. Even setting up a small race takes a lot of time and a lot of effort. To put together a race as large as Hobart requires more work than the averge boater understands.

If someone complained, I am amazed. At my race, if you complained, swore, threw trash on the ground, ran in the pits, or were a pain the in the neck, you were fined $1.00. We would raise $200 to $300 in fines and it was given to a local college scholarship fund.

What I found out was that if there was less than 12 boats in the class, the class did not pay for the trophies, awards, or whatever else was being given away. I also found out that boaters can behave very nicely when a $1.00 fine is involved.

Stu, if I can help next year, please let me know.

Al Hobbs
One thing for sure this race is a must do,id say 50% social event and 50% all out best of the best racing. Ask yourself do I want to race the same guys or go knock off some of the best in the country. Stu,Paula and Kyle pulled off one hellofa feat with the help from Jim Wilson and Gary Moll. Id say if a flyer were posted and a class limit of 24 boats per class in January it could fill many popular classes in days.Id like to see 4 rounds but not 4 days Towels are a tradition I love them prizes are just gravy..... The Hobart people just wanna have fun lets join the party......
In reading over some of the comments it appears there were some challenges in keeping things moving along. If this is the case you already have the experience and expertise as part of your operations. I would consult with Jim Wilson and Gary Moll. When I was the CD for the 2004 nationals I requested that Jim Wilson take charge of the schedule of the event and he took this with a sincerity that I hoped and thought he was capable of doing. He took a look at every aspect of the event from a time budgeting point of view and made recommendations. I believe he will do the same for you. Gary Moll was also part of this planning. There are several time robbing culprits that I would have never thought were that significant until Mr. Wilson pointed out just how significant they can be. All I can say is ask for his help in this regard, listen and execute as he directs you and fore go the humming and hahing that we did.

The result is that we ran 700 boats over 8 days of racing, yet still started at 9am and had people back at the hotel, even after testing their boats for the next day by 3 and 4 in the afternoon, just in time to guzzle down a few of the free beers we had arranged everyday for happy hour.

What I learned is that getting done early and giving people time to unwide after a potentially intense day of racing surely helps to maintain high morale and the spirit of fun throughout the entire event. I am sure the free beer helped a little too. :lol:
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Hi Roger You have their attention now comp. BEER time. :p You and your gang need to show up too for this race.

Think Stu will be at the next NAMBA Nats too.
Hi Roger You have their attention now comp. BEER time. :p You and your gang need to show up too for this race.

Think Stu will be at the next NAMBA Nats too.
Yes I am hoping to make it next year but not sure. Directing events has become another one of my past times and next summer is getting booked up already. Here in San Jose, I am planning a 3 on 3 basketball tournament that has attracted up to 8000 players, (not including spectators) a day time out door conert headlining the Isley Brothers which will draw about 6500 people and a car show which will draw about 10,000 people, as well as a cultural festival. Although, I have not planned anything anywhere near the time the Hobart race takes place YET! Even if I don't I fear I may be in much need of rest. :lol:

I do still plan to squeeze in the NAMBA Nats so hopefully I will meet Stu. Sounds like he is taking R/C boating just the direction it needs to go. EVERYONE should commend him for his efforts. In doing these types of things, one usually walks alone for some time before any significant help comes a long so just imagine all the work that happened before you were even aware of the idea. Add that to the work you lay witness to and it sure to be more than double what you all know of.

Hats off to you Stu and all that support him. Hopefully I will be in that number in the next coming year.
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Thanks for your words. Hope some year you can come to Hobart and experience what others have. I had a long conversation with Jim Wilson the other day and he had some great thoughts. His ideas to help speed things up will certainly be considered for this next year.
