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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2003
On Saturday in Melbourne Australia the Taipan 21 set a new SAW record of 116 kph with a one way pass of 122 kph these times have not yet been ratified this boat was set up for cecuit racing and not for SAW.

We used a MAC 21 with a SPP td21 carbon pipe and a moded h4 prop running on only 50% nitro.

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Paul, Congrats on the excellent run/s mate..................bet you're a happy guy tonight, well deserved

Keep up the great work

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Congrats paul. Im happy my pipe was able to give you the edge. Im hoping my MAC 21 OB will run as hard as your inboard.



Good job with a heat racing boat. :D 116KPH = 72.07MPH

:D 122KPH= 75.80MPH

You should build a 21 SAW boat and see how fast you guys can go. :eek:

I wish you guys weren't so far away,I can't wait to test our SAW 21 boat

again. IMPBA record is 96.30 MPH so you can see what a 2 to 2 1/2 lb. boat will

do to your speeds. Paul next time try a 2047 or a V-947/3 and I'm sure your

speeds will increase.

Thanks For The Update,

Mark Sholund
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Congrats Paul

real good oval boat..

my time was'nt allowed because the timing system was out by .001sec

which would have made the record at 124kph one way 126kph...

O well S##T happens always next year...

I run 166.8kph[103mph] with my 45 hydro

with a MAC45 ... it way only its first time in the water, but did'nt back it up

the sharft broke and damage the stuffing tube.

i broke the 67hydro record 159.7kph[99.5mph] one way 174.3kph[108mph]

bit off bad luck broke centre rear sponson and cause me to retire it...

congrats to all it was a great day B) B)
Hi all just to clear up a couple of matters concerning the posted results of the recent SAW meeting conducted by the RMBC of Vic. The first unratified record set by Paul Osmond has been made official at 117.646 kph with a fastest one way pass of 120.602 kph.

The Australian rules state that all SAW passes are calculated using two seperate timing systems recording each pass with a maximum difference of .3 of a second between each timer, greater than this is not allowed.

ie. 3.00 + 2.97 = 5.97 / 2 = 2.985 seconds. .1 / 2.985 x 3600 = 120.602 kph

Unfortunatly Aaron has only used the fastest single time of any one pass instead of using the average of the two times as above, resulting in pumped up incorrect speeds.

The correct speeds obtained are listed below:

Aaron Alberico 45 hydro. 161.073 kph one pass.

Aaron Alberico 67 hydro. 159.29 kph record. 166.28 kph one way pass.

Aaron Alberico 21 hydro. 121.416 kph one way pass. no legal two way passes because of timing errors. (Un-allowed pass and time)

Stephen Dunstan 16-25 gas tunnel. 99.31 kph record. 102.71 kph one way pass.

Tony Grinter 45 hydro. 129.49 kph record.

Tony Grinter 67 hydro. 167.44 kph one way pass.

Tony Grinter 80 hydro. 176.90 kph and 189.473 kph one way passes

Steve Fox, official time keeper at this SAW meeting.
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Congradulations! Paul Osmond on your record! :)

Good job Tony on your One Way Passes! Nobody has ever gone that fast Down-Under!!!!

To bad some people have to fudge on their speeds to make themselves look faster than they are. :(

I also heard that someone announced that the B Hydro record was in the bag?

But the record is now under someone else's name :D
Unfortunatly Tony did not do this with his own boats or motorshe had to have them imported from USA
craig said:
Unfortunately Tony did not do this with his own boats or motors he had to have them imported from USA

So what difference does that make? What records have you set or even attempted? Try it sometime, it ain't as easy as you might think. :unsure:
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craig said:
Unfortunatly Tony did not do this with his own boats or motorshe had to have them imported from USA


The 45 record that Tony set was done with a boat & motor that is his. Yes it came from the good old USA . It came from the hands & minds of Mark & Chris Grim. Just so you know ,Tony also owns a very,very fast 45 heat racing boat.

Tonys one way pass of 117 was done with Chris Grims heat racing boat. This boat also holds the NAMBA 2 lap record in C hydro. ( 17.76 sec.) This boat is coming back to the USA as it was on loan only.

Have a good day mate. :)

I calls them as I reads them!!!!!!

I am only making replies as to what the official times keeper has posted.

Seems to me that my boats did make the fastest one-way passes of the weekend!

Except in the 45 class and Tony only got to make 2 passes at the end of the day.

And then it was declared unsafe to run anymore!

As far as sour grapes goes. :D

Sorry there are none I am just going by what I read!!!!!!!!

You were there right? Then you know why Tonys 45 boat was over 30KPH off.

Don. <_<
....and people wonder why SAW is low key in Australia.... :angry:
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Well, doesn't this all bring back memories. Congratulations to all competitors for there efforts and achievements and a big thankyou should go out to the officials whom make the events possible and put up with all the BS.

I suppose if your a member of enough forums, you can find all the event results sooner or later but why is there no mention of the outcomes of this meeting on either the official AMPBA website or forum to date.

Cheers, Danny.
[Danny as you say you have nothing to "get over" that coment was not for you AT ALL it was for the people taking a swipe at those who did have a go and made the day,, the Insane crew who traveled so far to compete Glen Watkins NSW AMPBA offical and all round boat launcher,, the club member doing the timeing,,, the first time guys who just had a go and the people WHO DID SET NEW RECORDS.

The reason NO records have been posted YET was "paper work" some of which had to be checked FIRST this can take time,, But it will be posted on the AMPBA web site very soon .

I will repeat To you Danny it is NOT YOU WHO NEED TO GET OVER IT


And thank you for your congratulations on running the event
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Well Greg, Memories come with experience and I fail to see what it is I have to 'get over'. In the positions of either Contest director, Time keeper/ scorer or AMPBA delegate for every straight line speed and 1/2K oval event held in Queensland between 1993 and 2000 bar one, I feel I've done more than my share to help promote this sport and your criticism that I have a lack of respect for those that also make these efforts is totally unjustified and unwarrented and perhaps shows a lack of respect on your part for someone you don't even know.

It is certainly not my intention to buy into a war of words either but I'd like to say as president of the Pacific Model Watersports Association Qld, congratulations on running your first event and I wish you well in your future efforts. I stopped running and promoting events with BMM in Queensland in 2001 for personal reasons. Since 2001, what S.A.W, 1/2K oval or major events have been run in Queensland. Not very many.

Our new club with our new lake will be able to take up this challage again but like all things, it takes time.

Cheers, Danny.
Danny Bull said:
Well Greg, Memories come with experience and I fail to see what it is I have to 'get over'. In the positions of either Contest director, Time keeper/ scorer or AMPBA delegate for every straight line speed and 1/2K oval event held in Queensland between 1993 and 2000 bar one, I feel I've done more than my share to help promote this sport and your criticism that I have a lack of respect for those that also make these efforts is totally unjustified and unwarrented and perhaps shows a lack of respect on your part for someone you don't even know.
It is certainly not my intention to buy into a war of words either but I'd like to say as president of the Pacific Model Watersports Association Qld, congratulations on running your first event and I wish you well in your future efforts. I stopped running and promoting events with BMM in Queensland in 2001 for personal reasons. Since 2001, what S.A.W, 1/2K oval or major events have been run in Queensland. Not very many.

Our new club with our new lake will be able to take up this challage again but like all things, it takes time.

Cheers, Danny.



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