Herb Stewart Race - my intentions are fading


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2002
So I thought that I would post my current intentions/thoughts/concerns for my trip to the USA in late October/November.

I understand that in certain parts of the USA that there is not much boating this time of year due to the heat and/or humidity, so even with that taken into consideration I am worried about the quality of racing I am going to get if I come over there. I currently feel that I will get much better racing here in Australia as the boys (and girls) are really stepping up to the plate these days and getting fast boats AND learning how to drive them around the course very well.

I certainly don’t want to come over there just to race Andy on the lake, if he is as good on the water as he is with the keyboard racing I may as well not even try ;-)

I am asking ALL of those who have full intention at this point in time to post that they are planning on coming. I need to make a commitment in the next couple of weeks to lock in my trip (flights etc…$2000+) but I want some sort of commitment from my fellow racers as to what the heck is going on over there. I get the impression a lot of people are not really happy at the moment and are not interested in racing (at this point in time). Hopefully the thought of beating me on the water (or just the thought of meeting me is enough
) will stir up some interest to get this Herb Stewart Race to the top of the board from now until November.


Hopefully most that plan on attending will chime in and encourage you to join us in one of the most fun Tunnel races you will ever attend Kris.

That said- I for one am embarrassed that things have gotten to this point and I even played a roll. Hell I'm not even a TRUE tunnel guy-

I just ride the wings of all the killer racers that happen to be in my back yard.
The things said and shots over the bow between the ones involved have gone on too long- but I understand where it stems from. It is plainfully obvious from your statement -

thats its time for ALL OF US - to step back and take a look at the words we use- where we say them - and how we publicly treat one another.

I KNOW - POT MEET KETTLE and Im coming here to be the first to admit it.

Lets all try harder- myself included.

Kris- the fastest guys on this side of the pond welcome you with open arms my friend-

IF your running the HSC - lets all let Kris know it please .

AND - I'm sorry

Andy Greene
For one thing,It's not hot in Nov. in Fla. come on Kris your not getting cold feet now are you Mate. lol
I hope you are going to teach them how to drink Kris!! Hahahaha

Kris is a pretty good keyboard racer himself
but he's a bloody good driver aswell.

I am assuming your weather concerns are tied to turnout for the Summer Shootout in Ga. Your correct in the deep south our summers are not the most comfortable conditions and may affect turnout. As was stated the Stewart race will be the best racing weather anywhere.

I know your looking at considerable expense and wish we could guarantee a large turnout, What we can guarantee is the toughest competition period. The Florida tunnels are the most concentrated group of competitive racers anywhere. You know the names and have seen the results in national races and record trials. I don't think we will see much interest from the Carolinas but they are welcome to try.

I have been disappointed with the lack of FE growth above the spec class and know that is one of your specialties. Gabe and Jay will give your P or Q boats a run. Jay holds the Q record and Gabe is not far off with his times in Atlanta. Lots of keyboard talk on FE boats that are not showing up at races to back up their claims. In this case you will run the fastest documented boats in this country. IMPBA does not have records for the "spec" class but the boats here will be tough to beat.

I know you won't be able to transport a bunch of boats and will supply you with nitro setups out of my shop. If you want to just bring powerheads or use mine on our Visions. This will give you other classes to run and I can relax from driving with you at the controls.

You know kris ,you may be right,I just got back from the eye doctor two days ago and he said i needed a new pair of glasses which i haven't recieved yet.

If you don't make it to the Herb race, maybe you can make it to the 2015 World Tunnel Championships in Charleston next year mate!!! Safe travels.
Mic, To be honest, it isn't just the Summer Shootout race that worries me, it is more that alot of the big names i want to make sure i beat when i come over there have been really quiet lately. FE Boaters are just crazy, you don't want them at your race anyway, they just wreck stuff ;-)

I know Bill Britton and Steve Hearl were thinking of a come back, Drake would be nice to see again. Jeff, you have to come along man...we need the best of the best racers there.

I was looking over the results from the last few years at outboard races and there is always alot of great names there and to be honest i would be happy if the turnout was like last year.

Good to hear the Atwells are at least thinking about the trip, such a long way for you guys! hehe

I forgive you John, the classes couldn't have been that bad in Charleston a couple of months ago

Ron, if it doesn't happen for the Herb race, it isn't going to happen for MANY years to come...I have wanted to go back to the USA for a few years now and with this event being lined up a week before a SAW event in LA it could not be better for 'bang for buck' as far as 2 events in 2 weekends.
Well we tried to go the extra mile to ensure the dates lined up for ya Kris- its in your hands now, but know this.

The core players for this race have been the same for 2 years now and they are some of the fastest guys on this side of the planet- period.

As far as Jeffro goes- yeah well- he just cant figure out the extra corner yet is all

The Atwells will need to have their own containment area and Mike is already on it - so feel safe in that thought

Otto , yeah well he is just trying to bait you in is all .

We wont be running keyboard and my race boats will be well prepped despite the chatter from N of the Fl line. If Those T--- drivers would put the keyboards down and stop making excuses they can get another can of Fl whoop azz too- TBM style
I like keyboard racing. I dont like it when keyboard racers but cant back it up on the water and still go kn and on and ooonnnn and ooooooonnnn. :)

you did real well with this race last year Andy. Hopefully this year is better!! plus i should come so i can win all those prizes
From the list of sponsors this year Kris - its only gonna keep getting better. We really do have some special plans for this race as it continues to grow-

The class awards to this years race only back that, these are not raffle prizes - you win here- you win and thats not mentioning that AWESOME traveling trophy thats been in Coolpops house for faaaar to long
From day one - the collective on input for this race- from the racers - is what makes it destined to make it a great one for years to come.

A little more motivation

Mark Sholund- Props4U - 2 Class Sponsor

John Otto- Technology Fuels - 2 Class Sponsor

Glenn Quarles -Top Engines - Awards and Class sponsor

Vision Craft Boats - (your gonna have to wait -but its good

Grim Racer - ( same deal as above )

Carl Van Houten -VansRacing (same deal as above)

Kris Flynn - KND Valkyrie Boats Coming Soon... and of course- Flex Shafts (class sponsor/raffle)

Steven Vaccaro- Offshore Electrics F/E Class Sponsor

Mark Poole - OMC Boats (Class Sponsor )

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