Help Wanted- Building up Canard on ML boatworks 1988 Oh Boy Oberto


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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
So I had a visit from the inspiration fairy over the weekend and finally got stuck into the kit I've had from Mike Luszcz for over a year.

The canard is based on a strip of 1/8th (5/32) ply. Can some one tell me whether I should build it up by laminate other bits of ply to the top side onnly or symmetrically about the base strip?

Should I put some carbon tubes into it to make it rigid?

I'm also thinking of shaping it as an upside down aerofoil to give it down force as opposed to lift.

Any advice will be much appreciated even pointing me in the directions of somepiccies as to how it's done would be even better.


I would build it up so both sides are the same. As you stated above, to put an airfoil shape only on the top will cause lift while putting it on the bottom will pull the boat down. Since the amount of lift or downforce isn't adjustable and will change with boat speed, it could cause problems later when you start testing and setting up the boat. This boat had driver controlled flaps at the rear of the canard so if you make the flaps adjustable, you can add or remove downforce/lift as needed for the conditions you are racing in.
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Hey Bob, Sorry for the late reply. The frame piece that came with the kit was something me and Dan Kramer worked on. Without doing some looking around, I am not sure how the canards on the real boat were or if they were adjustable. Dan wanted them fixed and rigid to help keep the sponsons more rigid as the deep center former depth causes a lot of sponson flex. Might help to post some pics so those in the know can help you out on that particular kit. Mike
Thanks Guys

Yeah I'll be running adjustable canard flaps on the boat. Took alook at the paint drawing (that's the only one I decided I needed) last night and it looks clear to me that I'll build it up on the top of the former. I measured from the bottom of the inside edge of the sponson to the canard former and the measurements are the same between the paint drawing and the kit so far assembled. The way Mike's designed the kit it looks like a 3/8' tube needs to go on top of the former from one side to another I'd assume for increased stuffness.

So after a bit more investigation and your guys help I've answered my own question. Back to the build........

Sponson shears went on last night, tonight, the sponson formers and runners.