Hahn makes national news


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
BOSTON — Model airplanes are suddenly on the public's radar as potential terrorist weapons.

A 26-year-old man from a Boston suburb was arrested Wednesday and accused of plotting to attack the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol with remote-controlled model planes packed with explosives.

These are not balsa-wood-and-rubber-band toys investigators are talking about. The FBI said Rezwan Ferdaus hoped to use military-jet replicas, 5 to 7 1/2 feet long, guided by GPS devices and capable of speeds over 100 mph.

Federal officials have long been aware of the possibility someone might try to use such planes as weapons, but there are no restrictions on their purchase – Ferdaus is said to have bought his over the Internet.

Counterterrorism experts and model-aircraft hobbyists said it would be nearly impossible to inflict large-scale damage of the sort Ferdaus allegedly envisioned using model planes. The aircraft are too small, can't carry enough explosives and are too tricky to fly, they said.

"The idea of pushing a button and this thing diving into the Pentagon is kind of a joke, actually," said Greg Hahn, technical director of the Academy of Model Aeronautics.

Rick Nelson, a former Navy helicopter pilot who is now a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Ferdaus would have had to hit a window or other vulnerable area to maximize damage, and that would have taken precision flying.

"Flying a remote-controlled plane isn't as easy as it actually looks, and then to put an explosive on it and have that explosive detonate at the time and place that you want it add to the difficulty of actually doing it," he said.
Unfortunately now that the FBI and Homeland Security have this on their radar I fully expect knee jerk regulations of our hobby again but they will be more dramatic than before. Even though we as R/C enthusiasts know full well how incredibly hard this would have been for even the most experienced r/c flyer to pull off I'm betting we will feel a direct impact because of the clueless drama queens on Capitol hill who will see this as an opportunity for some camera time in the name of public safety. :angry: .
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Another law another tax another fine another code viloation. and so on and son.Just add it to the endless list.Of stupid waste of tax payer moneys AGAIN.
Unfortunately now that the FBI and Homeland Security have this on their radar I fully expect knee jerk regulations of our hobby again but they will be more dramatic than before. Even though we as R/C enthusiasts know full well how incredibly hard this would have been for even the most experienced r/c flyer to pull off I'm betting we will feel a direct impact because of the clueless drama queens on Capitol hill who will see this as an opportunity for some camera time in the name of public safety. :angry: .
yeah what he said.
Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)

Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)

Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
The better answer would be to restrict, license and track the technologies you mentioned and others like them, not the end applications. The government has been doing this for years with other sensitive technologies so to me there's no reason it can't be applied in this case. But since we as R/C enthusiasts are just a small group compared to the GP we undoubtably will take it in the short hairs. Just ask Ron Z. about how a short while back they couldn't fly R/C all weekend because the fraud in chief decided to make a stop in Chicago...............
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Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)

Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
The better answer would be to restrict, license and track the technologies you mentioned and others like them, not the end applications. The government has been doing this for years with other sensitive technologies so to me there's no reason it can't be applied in this case. But since we as R/C enthusiasts are just a small group compared to the GP we undoubtably will take it in the short hairs. Just ask Ron Z. about how a short while back they couldn't fly R/C all weekend because the fraud in chief decided to make a stop in Chicago...............
it's TRUE
Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)
Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
a tire tool or. Pea shooter in the wrong hands. Any thing can be lethal. In the right or wrong hands
Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)
Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
a tire tool or. Pea shooter in the wrong hands. Any thing can be lethal. In the right or wrong hands

The twats in DC don't use the same common sense as you or I. This will probably effect all R/C communities negatively.
Things like FPV (first person view), OSD (On Screen Display with gps tracking etc basically a digital cockpit), and products like dragon link (dragon link is whats gonna put more restrictions on RC than anything, boosting radio range to 15 miles or more)
Combine all above with the capability of being able to carry payload and drop that payload at will and you can figure out exactly why the restrictions are in the works, planes, cars, trucks BOATS all RC can be equipped with the above and all above can be a lethal weapon in the wrong hands..
a tire tool or. Pea shooter in the wrong hands. Any thing can be lethal. In the right or wrong hands

The twats in DC don't use the same common sense as you or I. This will probably effect all R/C communities negatively.

I think my signature applies here
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Your post is spot on Rodney. The biggest problem is the ones most lacking in lacking common sense are the ones that usually make the most noise when someone else does something stupid. I'm fighting this very same type of knee jerk reaction in another hobby right now due to someone crying "WE'RE GOING TO BE BANKRUPT IN 18 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" when the organization has plenty of funds for operating. It truly amazes me how people use situations like this to get others to follow along like sheep and the ones that don't follow along are pushed aside "for the greater good of the organization".
I sort of found it a little more convenient in timing as the AMA and government hash out even the current thoughts on restricitions, and whatnot.... while I'm just a beginner/park pilot this will only aid big washington in beatin' on the AMA for a slice of the bend over pie..... which inherently will trickle down to us...... now... lessee... fuel, plane, radio.... aw hell with it. BAD NEWS. Greg is a great voice, maybe he can prolong the inevitable a little longer, or at least turn the machine away that sucks money from all of us, including our fun. It was... a nice jet!....... Mike
Where is Greg Hahn live in country before? Why did he move in USA?? he become brainwash from muslin
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Even though I think this guys video is awesome and its kind of like visiting someplace I will never go, its really bad press and just shows where and what you can really do and go with rc---and this has got to be the worst place in the USA to do any kind of RC video fly-overs etc

have a look its cool


Ive seen FPV videos that should not have been done like flying fast jets (foam or not as foam can go over 100mph) through hi-rise buildings and busy city streets (wish I could find those links some are dead now and most were private anyway)

Might add for 1500$ give or take(can be done cheaper to) you can sit in your car miles away with a plane that can go high enough not to be seen or heard by anyone that can carry several pounds of payload and dropped at the flip of a switch..Again in the wrong hands thats really bad and gives the FCC/ government what ever something very serious to think about.

On a lesser note even if intentions are not leading to something bad and you loose control that far away your plane could seriously injure or kill people, total accident yes but thats why there needs to be regulations/restrictions in place

launch a weather balloon you have to jump through a ton of legal hoops-- you cant go in the back yard and let her rip, so why shouldnt they crack down?

the military has unlimited funds for UAV's etc BUT the private sector has unlimited minds with the drive and the ambition to push further --seriously who is gonna try harder someone who wants to because he enjoys it or someone drawing a paycheck and waiting for 5:00 to go home to the wife and kids

Look at whats to loose if regulations get to tight (you have a mind you can figure whats to loose)
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