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dave roach

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2004
Guns don't kill people,But husband that come home early do.

Guns don't kill people,people kills people.

Dave Roach
I agree with that 100% guns dont kill is the Idiot that pulls the trigger is the one doing the killing ..

You to are both spot on.

I might just end up being a criminal some day. That is if the anti gun people get there way ever.
Always tried to look at both sides of things in not a gun guy...but im not anti- gun either...i have no interest in em what so ever...they were basically made for one reason and one reason only...weve lost so many good people in our lives....soldiers, cops, kids, innocent bystanders..they give stupid, weak, morons power. But guns have also saved so many lives...soldiers and cops come home safe because of guns, and homeowners from time to time have saved themselves and thier families becuase they had a firearm in the house..i own a gun, and if someone broke into my house, i wouldnt give it a second thought to unloading it into the person who just violated my family....then i would have to live with it for the rest of my life....Ive never been able to associate a firearm as something that is macho, and i worry about and feel sorry for those that do. I watched a video one time that showed a bunch of morons with machine guns ripping a junk car to pieces in the woods...stupidist thing ive ever seen....these are the ones that worry me.....the person who developed dynamite regreted it for the rest of his life after he realized the potential for human destruction that he had created....but there it is.It seems to be in our nature to try our best to destroy ourselves....but ill own a firearm for the rest of my or not....just wish i didnt have to, thats all.......
Always tried to look at both sides of things in not a gun guy...but im not anti- gun either...i have no interest in em what so ever...they were basically made for one reason and one reason only...weve lost so many good people in our lives....soldiers, cops, kids, innocent bystanders..they give stupid, weak, morons power. But guns have also saved so many lives...soldiers and cops come home safe because of guns, and homeowners from time to time have saved themselves and thier families becuase they had a firearm in the house..i own a gun, and if someone broke into my house, i wouldnt give it a second thought to unloading it into the person who just violated my family....then i would have to live with it for the rest of my life....Ive never been able to associate a firearm as something that is macho, and i worry about and feel sorry for those that do. I watched a video one time that showed a bunch of morons with machine guns ripping a junk car to pieces in the woods...stupidist thing ive ever seen....these are the ones that worry me.....the person who developed dynamite regreted it for the rest of his life after he realized the potential for human destruction that he had created....but there it is.It seems to be in our nature to try our best to destroy ourselves....but ill own a firearm for the rest of my or not....just wish i didnt have to, thats all.......
Good Post!!

Jim Allen, USMC veteran
as jim said, good post, bill! i own guns, mostly for hunting. i hunt not as a macho thing, but because i love the taste of most wild game. in a lifetime of hunting, i only have 1 deer mount on the wall, if i'm not gonna eat it, i don't shoot it. well, not entirely, coyotes are becoming an issue here, they will be shot on sight. with dogs, cats & horses, i don't need predators....... i was taught gun handling & safety at a young age, prolly around 7 or 8. most of my extended family hunted & fished & it was a part of growing up, if guns were to be in the house, you needed to know how to use them & RESPECT them. i only recently got a pistol, for the same reasons bill expressed. previously had no use for one, rifles were for hunting, pistols (for the most part) are only for killing.

jim, hope to see you in greensboro again this year, that way i can thank you for your service in person ;) .
I own several guns & they are always loaded, ready for use, in my home. I can easily do this responsibly & safely because there are no childern that reside in our house. When we have guests, the firearms are under lock & key.

The second Amendment states "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed".

I think the question is, was this amendment created to ensure the continuation of the state militias as a means of defense or was it created to ensure an individual's right to own a firearm.

I believe that gun ownership is a right, but it is also a great responsibility. With that responsibility comes the interests of other people, to ensure that these guns are used safely with proper training & licensing.

No one needs to show up at a public town hall meeting with a gun strapped to their hip! Those that think this is "macho" or a "demonstration of your second admendent rights" should sign up for a tour in a combat zone! Paper targets do not return fire! Enough said..................

Jim Allen
i Always carry my guns i have a weapons permit to conseal carry. just like you have crazy people shooting at random people like AZ that would not happen if someone had their gun on thier hip. If it was me i would have killed then guy..

I have been deployed in Combat 4 times and have done what many americans wont

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i Always carry my guns i have a weapons permit to conseal carry. just like you have crazy people shooting at random people like AZ that would not happen if someone had their gun on thier hip. If it was me i would have killed then guy..

I have been deployed in Combat 4 times and have done what many americans wont

amen to that brother.i to have served my country and done what most would never do.i also carry a gun and always will. it has saved my life in and out of the military.have been shot at twice during attemted robberies in nyc and i am very glad both times i had my .45 with me! :) as the saying goes"they will pry my gun from my cold dead hands"! god bless america! hey julian, i feel the same about if someone had a gun,i always think about the day the guy killed those people on the long island railroad, and the stupid woman who's husband was killed ran for congress and now is a huge anti-gun activist! some people will never get it! mike.
I bet you anything if someone was carrying a gun atleats not many people would have died in AZ because like i said i would have protected them. Some people should not have weapons i agree but as long as we have the hands on training why Not..

Not to light any fires. but I honestly think that there should be a gun safety class as a requirement to graduate high-school. even though I hunted when I was younger I was never taught how to properly care for a gun. Once I took a safety class it changed my fear of guns. I do own guns for hunting purposes. I have once had the unpleasant experience of aiming my shotgun at a person and chambering a round with full intent to protect myself and my family. thankfully the knucklehead rethought his position and left quietly. even after that I could never convince my ex that having a gun in the house was a good idea. I've stared down a barrel a few times in my past and current jobs... as I've said knowing gun safety, and knowing the persons intentions behind that gun helps me deal with the situation in a calm and proper manner... no i wont say it's not scary but I will say I handle it a lot better. I had a boss once get shot, during an armed robbery. the same person came back and robbed us two more times before he was caught by police... the hippy my boss was, still would not let me carry a firearm. I am fully for requiring psychological and criminal tests as a requirement to purchase a weapon (of any type). even a tazer can be a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of an unhinged individual.

thank you to all those who serve and vote to protect my right to firearms
Thank you, Jim, Julian and Michael for your service and all other Men and Women who have kept this country free!