Guess who was seen running tunnel hulls


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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2002
This past week end at a little pond in minnesota a new tunnel hull racer was born. This individual is not seen running outboard boats but has many years experience with inboard engine boats. I gotta tell you this person was a racer and took to tunnels very well. Even beating some of the many veteran tunnelracers on hand. She took second over all at the race I believe her final points total was 1025 that matched her gentlemen friend who ran in a different tunnel class.

If her father finds out there will be he## to pay for sure.

Thanks for the great racing Robin. and allowing squeak to MC some of the races.

Brian Nelsen
This past week end at a little pond in minnesota a new tunnel hull racer was born. This individual is not seen running outboard boats but has many years experience with inboard engine boats. I gotta tell you this person was a racer and took to tunnels very well. Even beating some of the many veteran tunnelracers on hand. She took second over all at the race I believe her final points total was 1025 that matched her gentlemen friend who ran in a different tunnel class.

If her father finds out there will be he## to pay for sure.

Thanks for the great racing Robin. and allowing squeak to MC some of the races.

Brian Nelsen
who?? :rolleyes: :unsure: :ph34r:
That's why I let Robin run a couple of my boats as well. She's a great driver and is a bit more patient than me!! But running an outboard??? (just kidding). I'm glad she had fun at the race.

Now all you have to do is figure out how to build a tunnel for her :D . Should be pretty easy for you cause the stuffing tube comes on the lower unit. :D :)

It's all good fun but I gotta tell ya she set some of the local guys in there place.

Thanks Brian! I have to admit that I had fun racing with you guys!!

I believe that my score was 1225 though (not 1025). :p

Who knows, maybe we can make outboards a bigger class in Canada. We'll have to see what the Northern Nats brings.

Your right it was 1225 I must be getting old :D

It would be cool to see the tunnel clsses build over there. I know that the B Tunnel classes are our strongest classes numbers wise. B mono is a close second to the tunnels.

See ya at the races some time.

Robin runs mainly up (or over from minnesota) in London Ontario Canada A.

Have fun and keep the tunnel side down

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Hmmm....I can see it now....a pink Villian S1!
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