Greensboro, NC IMPBA District 12 points race


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Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.
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Preston_Hall said:
Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.


Well Preston,


:eek: :eek: :(
Preston_Hall said:
Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.


Go for a gas boat, but don't give up on the nitros!

It would be great to see some interest in sport 20 or sport 40 hydros in the area. I've got plans for a B mono and a sport 20 boat that I hope to build over the winter. What about an informal district (or region) wide agreement that sets price limits on engines to make for some affordable boats? An example would be a B mono and sport 20 points challenge where the engine cost (based on prevailing selling price) must be below $200, and a limit is set on the nitro %, perhaps by having the hosting club provide the fuel. Something like this would keep prices at a sane level and could be great encouragement for beginners. The same thing could be done for tunnels, but the engine price could be a bit higher (oh wait, there's already something like this, sport tunnel). Is there any interest in this type of thing?
Preston_Hall said:
Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.


:eek: :blink: Wow! I never saw that coming! Did hell freeze over and I missed it?
Henrietta said:
Preston_Hall said:
Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.


:eek: :blink: Wow! I never saw that coming! Did hell freeze over and I missed it?


I am with you. I can never picture "Balls to the Walls Preston" going gas. He has such a need for speed, to lead from out front, that comes from nitro burning fire plants, that it just does not seem to be natural. Wide open or not at all. Even if I see it I may not believe it.

It will be good to see you and "DAD" again this weekend. Surprised that Preston didn't go diving for your boat off buoy 6. Ask him if he would leave his 20 rigger on the bottom. I'll go to my room now as I have just stirred up the pot.
Scooter12195 said:


Yes again. Last time was Aug 04 at ODMBA's race. I had my wife and son with me so let's not go there! I do not visit such places. Full of pit vipers that don't bite you on the butt.

Now who is trying to stir up the pot? Good thing you have to run against the gas guys this weekend!
John Knight said:
Henrietta said:
Preston_Hall said:
Scooter12195 said:
Looks like Open Offshore is gonna be a BLAST tho!!!!




Between this and our local club I think I am buying a gas boat. :eek: It seems nitro has priced itself out of the sport. Besides that, you can run 3-4 classes with the same boat.


:eek: :blink: Wow! I never saw that coming! Did hell freeze over and I missed it?


I am with you. I can never picture "Balls to the Walls Preston" going gas. He has such a need for speed, to lead from out front, that comes from nitro burning fire plants, that it just does not seem to be natural. Wide open or not at all. Even if I see it I may not believe it.

It will be good to see you and "DAD" again this weekend. Surprised that Preston didn't go diving for your boat off buoy 6. Ask him if he would leave his 20 rigger on the bottom. I'll go to my room now as I have just stirred up the pot.


oh he dove for it, tried to get it with some netting, and even got a buddy of his to dive for it the next day, all to no avail. Now it's just another "lake tale" to add to the list of Dad's crashes w/bouys, banks, etc.
No freak'n. I bought a drag net and contacted a diver to go get somebody else's boat. Just to be nice. (You believe that don't you?)

I'll keep the nitro as long as it stays together. A limit is fine. The Zen's are about $260 (cheaper than any nitro worth buying) and everybody is racing gas. Even when the gasers blow up it's usually a $150 piston and jug that overheated. I never hear of rods and bearings coming out. No $3 plugs, $2.50 fuel. I know about the $600 mod engines but I have never seen a boat, engine, and driver combination that made very much difference.

A little known fact is that my first boat was a Zen 48" cat.
I'm gonna rig a 12 volt fan up to blow on me all weekend. I have a feeling the humidity is gonna be BRUTAL this weekend. I was hoping for the "After Hurricane Dry Air Spell".

See ya'll Friday,


ODMBA is no stranger to hurricane fallout. We have been through two direstly before our race. One time thing thing left on Thursday with open water on Friday. No wind and humid as ...............
Scooter12195 said:
and lets see. The ODMBA race is the end of August. Thats not Hurricane Season is it????????? :blink:   :eek:



Sure is and will be until 01 November. Batten down the hatches!
Hurricane season? Ask the guys, including John, what they drove home to see last year. Now that I think of it, that may have been the third hurricane we dodged.
Preston_Hall said:
Hurricane season? Ask the guys, including John, what they drove home to see last year. Now that I think of it, that may have been the third hurricane we dodged.

Right you are. We came back almost into the teeth of it last year.
Good open water day, but it sure was hot outside. It was great to finally get so see some of the faces behind the names.
Thanks to all who came. Y'all have already heard the results, but I'm going to type them up. I'll open a new thread for the results and post race thread.