Email privacy?? Not anymore!!!


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
And to think a few members are concerned about listing their real names. I think people need to be more concerned about THIS-

A Senate proposal touted as protecting Americans' e-mail privacy has been quietly rewritten, giving government agencies more surveillance power than they possess under current law.


CNET has learned that Patrick Leahy, the influential Democratic chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee, has dramatically reshaped his legislation in response to law enforcement concerns. A vote on his bill, which now authorizes warrantless access to Americans' e-mail, is scheduled for next week.


Leahy's rewritten bill would allow more than 22 agencies -- including the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Communications Commission -- to access Americans' e-mail, Google Docs files, Facebook wall posts, and Twitter direct messages without a search warrant. It also would give the FBI and Homeland Security more authority, in some circumstances, to gain full access to Internet accounts without notifying either the owner or a judge. (CNET obtained the revised draft from a source involved in the negotiations with Leahy.)

Revised bill highlights
  • Grants warrantless access to Americans' electronic correspondence to over 22 federal agencies. Only a subpoena is required, not a search warrant signed by a judge based on probable cause.
  • Permits state and local law enforcement to warrantlessly access Americans' correspondence stored on systems not offered "to the public," including university networks.
  • Authorizes any law enforcement agency to access accounts without a warrant -- or subsequent court review -- if they claim "emergency" situations exist.
  • Says providers "shall notify" law enforcement in advance of any plans to tell their customers that they've been the target of a warrant, order, or subpoena.
  • Delays notification of customers whose accounts have been accessed from 3 days to "10 business days." This notification can be postponed by up to 360 days.

It's an abrupt departure from Leahy's earlier approach, which required police to obtain a search warrant backed by probable cause before they could read the contents of e-mail or other communications. The Vermont Democrat boasted last year that his bill "provides enhanced privacy protections for American consumers by... requiring that the government obtain a search warrant."


Leahy had planned a vote on an earlier version of his bill, designed to update a pair of 1980s-vintage surveillance laws, in late September. But after law enforcement groups including the National District Attorneys' Association and the National Sheriffs' Association organizations objected to the legislation and asked him to "reconsider acting" on it, Leahy pushed back the vote and reworked the bill as a package of amendments to be offered next Thursday. The package (PDF) is a substitute for H.R. 2471, which the House of Representatives already has approved.
Jobs Jobs Jobs! How else are they going to create jobs and get the economy going? Cushy jobs, reading our e-mail, on our tax dollars!

Yep! MORE Government and LESS individual LIBERTY! That's what America has voted for! They want to be "Safe And Secure". This is the price they are willing to pay.

P.S My post is not intended in anyway to be Republican vs. Democrat. More like Big government vs. The People.
You know when I was younger I always was afraid of the government and big brother. 1984 syndrome.

Now that I am older and don't do all the stupid **** I did before I never even think about this stupid stuff.

If you are doing the right thing what do you have to fear but fear its self.

So what are thy going to find in my Email or one my face book page that I would not tell them any way.

What are we hiding from the booggy man. Going to show up at my door and haul me of to jail for nothing.

Look in to my **** all you want here I am come and get it.

But if thy come knocking at my door thy better have a warrant singed by a judge.

Have turned them around at my front door before will do it again.

You know when I was younger I always was afraid of the government and big brother. 1984 syndrome.

Now that I am older and don't do all the stupid **** I did before I never even think about this stupid stuff.

If you are doing the right thing what do you have to fear but fear its self.

So what are thy going to find in my Email or one my face book page that I would not tell them any way.

What are we hiding from the booggy man. Going to show up at my door and haul me of to jail for nothing.

Look in to my **** all you want here I am come and get it.

But if thy come knocking at my door thy better have a warrant singed by a judge.

Have turned them around at my front door before will do it again.

I'm with ya Dave! I hope they enjoy reading my mail.

Actually I think they have been for years...because I have email conversation with people in Russia and other places and use words like "Nitro". Many times I see big time delays in my email.

Problem about the "Warrant signed by the Judge". They don't need that anymore! You have heard of that new "Patriot Act" and "Indefinite Detention" thingys, right?
All I can say is if thy are detaining you thy must have some kind of reason for doing that.

So you must be doing some thing to warrant the attention.

If you are doing the right thing then you have nothing to worry about.

Should have seen the commotion I caused on here when I first joined IW.

Started talking about mixing Hydrazine with nitro and showing links to where to get it.

Don had a COW out the wrong end.

Deleted all the post on it. Saying you can't talk about it on a public form.

I said here is my name and address thy can come and get me if thy want.

I'm still here no one came to the door imagine that.

All I can say is if thy are detaining you thy must have some kind of reason for doing that.

So you must be doing some thing to warrant the attention.

If you are doing the right thing then you have nothing to worry about.

Should have seen the commotion I caused on here when I first joined IW.

Started talking about mixing Hydrazine with nitro and showing links to where to get it.

Don had a COW out the wrong end.

Deleted all the post on it. Saying you can't talk about it on a public form.

I said here is my name and address thy can come and get me if thy want.

I'm still here no one came to the door imagine that.

For your info David when you started that thread about Hydrazine the e-mails and p/m's came rolling in about it, the thread got killed because we were asked to kill it. The problem was talking about something so highly toxic and dangerously unstable and supplying links for sources that would encourage others to mess with it. Hydrazine is illegal in both orgs and using it will get you kicked out of the IMPBA if you get caught. You might recall in early '08 the U.S. government destroyed a disabled satellite that was losing orbit and loaded with Hydrazine because they didn't want it released into the atmosphere on re-entry.
Anyway back on topic, the point here is how your great big government is quietly stripping away long standing rights including ones designed to protect your privacy and this is only the beginning. George Orwell had it right, he was just about 40 years too early in his timeline.......
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All I can say is if thy are detaining you thy must have some kind of reason for doing that.

So you must be doing some thing to warrant the attention.

If you are doing the right thing then you have nothing to worry about.

Should have seen the commotion I caused on here when I first joined IW.

Started talking about mixing Hydrazine with nitro and showing links to where to get it.

Don had a COW out the wrong end.

Deleted all the post on it. Saying you can't talk about it on a public form.

I said here is my name and address thy can come and get me if thy want.

I'm still here no one came to the door imagine that.

"All I can say is if thy are detaining you they must have some kind of reason for doing that."

And who would be "they", David? The KING? Is it HE that decides if what you are doing warrents detention?

I thought that's what Judges and Jury's made up of public citizens were for.

Maybe one day "THEY" will decide that using natueral resorces to build r/c boats and burning Nitro is reason for detention. I mean what could be more unproductive when there are millions of starving people in the world? You know there are a lot of people that think that way and one of them may come into a position of power one day.

I mean Don and Others already want to protect us from Hydrazine! LOL
This is probably O.T., but maybe not....GOD how things have changed in my 54 years on this planet...i can remember walking down the road with 4 or 5 of my buddies, we were maybe 12 or 13...we all had 22 rifles or 4-10 shotguns...a cop would stop along side of us and would ask us if we had any luck dove hunting, then simply say be careful and have fun...this was on a public road! What do you think would happen to us today? Im aware that there would be more than one reason, but think about it! Im very Thankful for the era I grew up in....because i dont think we will ever have that type of freedom again in this country, for a number of reasons.....
Don your one of them ! :lol:

I was watching the exorcist on TV a week or so a go. the uncut version. The doctor came in to talk to the mother "IN" the hospital and lit up a cig.

Now that was when we where truly free!

I mean Don and Others already want to protect us from Hydrazine! LOL
Hey I didn't make the rules but I will follow them. ;)
Rules? You mean like you can't run the stuff at IMPBA events right? Yes, that is the rule.

So how does an IMPBA rule make TALKING about Hydrazine or even trying it out in ones own back yard illegal? That's kinda like arresting someone because they purchased a gun. HA! There we go with that "Indefinate Detention" thingy again! If Don had more power maybe he would have "Detained" David for talking about Hydrazine. There you go David. You really never know when you may be doing something "Wrong"! :)
This is probably O.T., but maybe not....GOD how things have changed in my 54 years on this planet...i can remember walking down the road with 4 or 5 of my buddies, we were maybe 12 or 13...we all had 22 rifles or 4-10 shotguns...a cop would stop along side of us and would ask us if we had any luck dove hunting, then simply say be careful and have fun...this was on a public road! What do you think would happen to us today? Im aware that there would be more than one reason, but think about it! Im very Thankful for the era I grew up in....because i dont think we will ever have that type of freedom again in this country, for a number of reasons.....
I was there too Bill. The good Old days...Andy of Mayberry kinda days!
I mean Don and Others already want to protect us from Hydrazine! LOL
Hey I didn't make the rules but I will follow them. ;)
Rules? You mean like you can't run the stuff at IMPBA events right? Yes, that is the rule.

So how does an IMPBA rule make TALKING about Hydrazine or even trying it out in ones own back yard illegal? That's kinda like arresting someone because they purchased a gun. HA! There we go with that "Indefinate Detention" thingy again! If Don had more power maybe he would have "Detained" David for talking about Hydrazine. There you go David. You really never know when you may be doing something "Wrong"! :)
Maybe you should read my post again Andy, the thread got killed because other members didn't like it and felt it shouldn't be on here, I agreed with them. You want to screw around with Hydrazine in your back yard or at a non sanctioned pond go right ahead. Don't need people casually deciding to try it and showing up at a race or even a sanctioned practice pond with it and thinking it's OK because they read about it on I/W like it's no big deal. Apples and oranges boys...............
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I mean Don and Others already want to protect us from Hydrazine! LOL
Hey I didn't make the rules but I will follow them. ;)
Rules? You mean like you can't run the stuff at IMPBA events right? Yes, that is the rule.

So how does an IMPBA rule make TALKING about Hydrazine or even trying it out in ones own back yard illegal? That's kinda like arresting someone because they purchased a gun. HA! There we go with that "Indefinate Detention" thingy again! If Don had more power maybe he would have "Detained" David for talking about Hydrazine. There you go David. You really never know when you may be doing something "Wrong"! :)
Maybe you should read my post again Andy, the thread got killed because other members didn't like it and felt it shouldn't be on here, I agreed with them. You want to screw around with Hydrazine in your back yard or at a non sanctioned pond go right ahead. Don't need people casually deciding to try it and showing up at a race or even a sanctioned practice pond with it and thinking it's OK because they read about it on I/W like it's no big deal. Apples and oranges boys...............
Don, It would have been better to talk about why it is banned from IMPBA and the hazards of it? Would you not agree that killing the thread puts you in the same group of whom you have started this thread about? Step back and look at it from another perspective.
Sheep.... mere sheep, and get more aquainted to it.... Inherently, theyve been capable forever to read anything, per the Patraeus deal goin' on, and beyond....( well, i guess, we'll legalize it, or try to, 'cause we want to, and whoops the public knows, now) gun owner? got a cell?.... they know, where your gun's at.... keep makin calls... and all the hooie about cold dead hands.... whatev... theyll just crush ya like an ant.... even if an organized ***** got going they'll crush ya like an ant.... there isnt any freedom, but what theyll allow us, and most people really dont care until, of course it affects them..... right down to the city level here, with speed cameras, and license plate readers actually documenting your course whether you break the law or not...... and that, is just a minute part of it.... what? Boston Tea Party?... aint happenin'.... prepare for next years' shearing come april 15..... Taxes are what we pay for organized society.... uh huh, organize the thumb right on the people..... we are, more socialist, or communist than anyone ever dreamed of and gaining every day.... right along with all the corruption that goes with it........ Yeah David's right.... I dont break the law..... 'ceptin, the satellites x raying my house, the possible tracking of the cell phone i dont use, the cameras radaring my truck, and the electronic card reader tracking my finances, aaaand easily posts and emails...... good little sheep.... are you doing what youre supposed to be?... awesome... tommorow's another day..... eat turkey,and give thanks we need all the help growing wool.... Mike
Sheep.... mere sheep, and get more aquainted to it.... Inherently, theyve been capable forever to read anything, per the Patraeus deal goin' on, and beyond....( well, i guess, we'll legalize it, or try to, 'cause we want to, and whoops the public knows, now) gun owner? got a cell?.... they know, where your gun's at.... keep makin calls... and all the hooie about cold dead hands.... whatev... theyll just crush ya like an ant.... even if an organized ***** got going they'll crush ya like an ant.... there isnt any freedom, but what theyll allow us, and most people really dont care until, of course it affects them..... right down to the city level here, with speed cameras, and license plate readers actually documenting your course whether you break the law or not...... and that, is just a minute part of it.... what? Boston Tea Party?... aint happenin'.... prepare for next years' shearing come april 15..... Taxes are what we pay for organized society.... uh huh, organize the thumb right on the people..... we are, more socialist, or communist than anyone ever dreamed of and gaining every day.... right along with all the corruption that goes with it........ Yeah David's right.... I dont break the law..... 'ceptin, the satellites x raying my house, the possible tracking of the cell phone i dont use, the cameras radaring my truck, and the electronic card reader tracking my finances, aaaand easily posts and emails...... good little sheep.... are you doing what youre supposed to be?... awesome... tommorow's another day..... eat turkey,and give thanks we need all the help growing wool.... Mike
You are correct on every point Mike. Everything you said is truth. "...and nobody seems notice, nobody seems to care... " ~ George Carlin
Mike, YEP! That pretty much NAILS it! Look at what we are peckin on just to shoot the bull! The very technology that we are sooooo CRAZY about is gonna BRING US DOWN! I think (this is just my opinion)that part of the problem is that the last time this this country was in absolute fear of losing their freedom was the second world war, when virtually everyone came together to do whatever had to be done to KEEP our freedom. I though 9/11 flipped the switch, but it didnt last....most people just went back to doin whatever...the big difference is we would have to go up against our own government....a very SCARY thought.But i much can the American people take until they say ENOUGH!?!
You ever wonder why so many of us who race and are members here are also on the "no fly" list...........They are always watching and can make you and your family disappear quickly :ph34r: