Electric Tunnels


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Kris Flynn

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2002
hey there,

I was just wondering if anyone here played with electric tunnels at anytime? because i want to know a few things about how to set them up properly for best performance. and if anyone has any other things i might need to know, please feel free to tell me

i was also wondering if the CG was still 27% on an electric tunnel, and whether i should put the battery at the back or the radio box at the back and the battery at the front...

I don't play with electric's myself but I would imagine thet the CG would be around the 27 - 33% area.

If you can place the batteries in a position close to that you should be able to keep the weight down getting the CG right. Unfortunately I can't give you a straight answer on this but it should be close - testing is the only way for you to go.

Anyone else out there able to help???


That what i thought you would have to do i will most like set the radio box up the front of the hull like on a gas tunnel.

Thanks for your help, its much appreciated


yeah i've seen that hull, it looks pretty good, i hope to incorporate some of the shape into my own design that i have made which i hope to put to work soon.

oh and i never thanked you for your your help with my design , im very thankful its looks pretty good right now

Regards Kris
Hey again people,

I've got another question to be thrown out there.

Does anyone know anything about making the tunnel size vary from the front of the boat to the back of it. ie make the width of the tunnel decrease from the front of the sponsons to the back by around 10mm??

Thanks Kris

That would slow ya down, the tunnel sides need to be parallel with each other to offer the least resistance to the water/air.

Gene ;D

I don't know about slowing you down, but it will lift more if the opening is wider in the front. The air will conpress towards the back of the boat. if you are talking about the opposite, I think it would hurt lift totally.

Just my opinion, Look at some full size tunnels.

Hey Again,

I was wondering if adding steps to the sponson bottoms near the back would be worth while and if it would add speed or performance of any kind.

Outboard Nut,

I have been looking at full sized tunnels for help and they are good, but they arent a substitute for real help.

Do you knowof any other good Tunnel Sites?

Adding strips is a practice that has been in use for years. Some hulls already have them built in and so it is not necessary but this mod is known to work very well on hulls without strips.

As for websites offull size race tunnels there are sites for the F1 tunnel's but don't know the url's off the top of my head : :) .
