District 3 Race #5 Riverview Model Boaters


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How about we live with the CD's call, but I guess the sh#t don't stink unless you stir it. :rolleyes: .............==={}
In NO way shape or form am I trying to ague the call or the decision the CD made- re-read, I never said those words. Heck I didnt even know what the call was , nor did it matter. I simply posted a video and said " The more I watch the start, it really looks like Brandon dove in and took out Jeremy, you be the judge."
Took this today, one of my favorites.

Andy pull the stick out of the pot please . :D

Eric did a great job at CD for the new clubs first race.

No buddy is perfect as long as you try and do the right thing that is what matters.

He made sure every one staid on the stand to talk about the final scores after every heat before any decisions where made and every one understood what was what.

The race went real smooth and no arguments on the stand.

I my self had a rough weekend. Stuck my new SGX nose in where it should have never gone and paid the price.

Tore the boat up real good. punch a hole in the side of the tub and smashed up a sponson.

Thats racing. Patch it up and move on.

Great race and a good time for all.
Yes he did bring Josh up right i remember Josh when he first started racing look at him now Robert
Georganna and I visited with Perry for a bit today and we talked about when Josh used to need a step stool to see over the rail B)

Ray should be a proud man.
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When are the results going to be posted Robert
Robert, I was going to post on this last night, BUT as you so well informed everyone on this thread earlier about your KNOWLEDGE of the LOGISTICS, and RULES on how to put a race together from beginning to end, and you ask where are the scores? Let me tell you one thing! They will be posted when myself and the rest of the club have had the chance to take a breath. You asked for scores less than 4 hours after the completion of the race.
The Riverview Model Boaters wants to thank everyone that attended this race. I also want to Thank my crew for pulling together, and covering for each other. We had 36 heats per round on Saturday, and 31 heats per round on Sunday. Finished the race at 4pm, and had the awards out by 5pm. I also want to thank those that stepped up, and helped turn judge. The scores will be posted on RCRacing events later today.
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Thanks Eric and the Riverview club

Had a great time and the weather was perfect.

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Scores are posted on RCRacingevents. I will be going back through the heat sheets tonight as there has been some question about final scores. Please bare with me on this. Thx.
First off i wanted to let everyone know what a great job Eric lis and his crew did to keep the race moving...Eric you are hired for all national

races for prime CD...LOL!!! :) really my hat is off to you Eric..i really felt like you worked you azz off and i wanted to let you know how much

we appreciate it...we had a great time and will be back...you guys have probably one of the best race facilities in florida!!

videos will be posted soon ;)
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Scores are posted on RCRacingevents. I will be going back through the heat sheets tonight as there has been some question about final scores. Please bare with me on this. Thx.
I have gone back thru the heat sheets. The question was the final scores in GX1 Mono like you guys are interested...LOL The posted score sheets from the 3rd round omitted a 1st place racer. Which had him posted in 9th where it should have been 2nd going into the 4th round. Any other questions please send them. Thx
Eric what we saw from the little time we where there, was you guys getting it done B)

I stopped for a burger before noon Sunday and heard you announce the third round and some was already done- cant remember how many heats in how many hrs- but it was a bunch ;) Great job.
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THANX to the whole crew that put this race on. A lot of work and effort and a awesome site. It seemed Eric was on that mic nonstop. Dumping the garbage. He seemed to be everywhere. The last heat hadn't been over but a minute and the crew was already cleaning up. Great job!!