Coating Epoxy for Wood


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Peter Gise

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Aug 25, 2009
What's the best finishing epoxy to use that will flow well over the interior wood and leave a reasonably smooth surface that won't attract a lot of "spooge" in a nitro hull?
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I use US composites. But the popular choice here is west systems. You can also use a heat gun or hair dryer to sort of help it "flow" out after you have coated it in there.
West, mas,are popular. West has a newer hardener that is used to seal and not BLUSH or yellow. If you use a hair dryer beware it gets hot and set quick
I've used Bob Smith Ind. Finish cure for years. It is really thin, coats well and lays down slick. It says 20 min. but it takes a lot longer than that to fully set up.
I'm using west systems 105 resin with 206 hardener. Very easy to work with. The pumps are a must! They work fantastic.
yep don 207.. works just like the rest of the west products and seams to hold clear well
Has anyone tried System 3 Mirror coat? They make like five different variations. I saw this and bought it and was going to try it but if someone has already been down this route please let me know. I have been using West and want to change. Also I plan on spraying this on as the consistency is like olive oil.
I've used Bob Smith Ind. Finish cure for years. It is really thin, coats well and lays down slick. It says 20 min. but it takes a lot longer than that to fully set up.
i use all of the bob smith epoxies in my builds. have had excellent results for over 5 years now B) . inexpensive, readily available at most hobby shops, good info/support on their website. you prolly won't find it as BOB SMITH on the label, it's the brand that most hobby shops have labeled as their "house brand", it will say bob smith in small print on the back bottom of the bottle. all are straight 1:1 mix, no trick ratios or dispensers needed. have not had a single joint come unbonded, or any blushing or yellowing.
I believe some of the bob smith is not waterproof... I think only there 30 minute and finishing resin are waterproof. I dont think there 15 or 5 minute is.
you're right rodney. the fast cure & mid cure are not waterproof. the mid cure (15 min.) is listed as water resistant. i only use slow cure (30 min.) in my builds, as it also has the highest strength B) . i only seal the engine compartment on my riggers with epoxy, everything else is sanding sealer & paint/clear. their finish cure soaks in & lays out nicely, & has been bulletproof for me, no discoloring or lifting after being soaked with nitro & oil residue.
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I don't really want to start another "What Epoxy" thread, and the OP has his answer...I will just ask here...I assume that's OK. =)

What MAS hardener are you guys using for sealing your hulls? I am guessing I should use the MAS Low Viscosity Resin and not the FLAG.