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Thanks for the advise and info Roger, H38 on my prop list. Looking forward to meeting all of you guys. Actually put the Losi together tonite and will probably break in the engine tomarrow if I get a chance. Cliff I know what you mean about politics and complaining. Arrogance is another good one. If I could find a good swap, New Losi 8t setup for a nice rigger at this point Id probably do it. Now Ive been trying to think of what type of setup to go with to get my boat when it stalls out on the water. Thanks again for the help guys.

Yes indeed Roger,
Hopefully several us will make it up to fill in some of the nitro classes. You guys usually run gas and nitro on the same weekend?
Just hope you don't mind back to back runs to our Fremont Site. The first race in D9 is the Grand Prix Classic Alfred and I run and the second one which is the first district race will be My clubs race which only consist of my dad and I right now but will be at the same location.
I'll try and make the Classic for sure. D19 has a nitro race in Scottsale that same weekend after the Classic, but its a lot shorter drive for me to Fremont than Scottsdale.

B and C hydro are probably the two most popular nitro rigger classes. I would say on an average nitro weekend there are 3x- A hydros, 4~5x- B hydros, 5 C hydros and 2~3x- hydros. X is a least popular, but we always try to fill the class if possible.

D19 has its own website at If you look at last years points it can give you an idea of how many racers run a specific class.

I heard that some Nitro D 19 members may be making up to D9 this season. If it's true I am looking forward to it. Nitro classes have been thin here as well. Maybe together we can pull a couple heats in each class and rebuild the interest. It would be like the gold old days where 9 and 19 was just one big District 9. I remember back then, getting in the top 10 for the day was a challenging task let alone winning.
Yes Roger -- myself I am going to run D9 ALL year with you guys because you run nitro and gas together -- some short sighted gas guys in 19 don,t want it -- maybe theyare afraid the nitro guys will show them up -- lol

Will call later to fell you in

Boy are you in for some real fun. You sound pretty excited. Just wait till that first full on run. Your knees might be shaking(really) and you will be hooked. It really can give a adrenaline rush for a while. Best of luck.

Have Andy Brown Eagle with CMB 101. Love it.

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