Christmas Wish List.......


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Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2002
If I had a boundless bank account....Yeah right :p

I might wish for these items to a few Bud's

Tom M.

A endless supply of Ply and CA, kick out a wall in the garage to build a bigger shop, And maybe a few sessions with Doctor Phil on stress management :lol:

Mike Z.

Boxed set of the history of Rock and Roll, Another 10 hours in each day to play, and a Methane venting system for the shop!!!!! :huh: Dont Ask........

Tim D.

55 gal drum of Vegamite and a case o crackers, A hydro that will stay on step :eek:

And a secured phone line directlly to me If I need a opnion or have a question.


A set of props made of unobtainium, that WONT bend,

And all the info he can handel on 90's. Also a big stick to keep Tim in line with, Smack!!!! :p

Outboard Nut, Mark

A case of exhaust throttles to fit everything, and a way to get Mary to back off the throttle :eek:

Also send me all tha fat belly Garcia's :ph34r:

Tim and Josh @PB Racin

Couple cases O' Beanie Weiney and a jug of barn burnin Shine :blink:

A padlock fer Josh ta keep dad in tha shop.

Ron O.

A set of dry britches and a new recovery boat :)

More time to help out other racers (one of his fav things to do)and to build up new projects in the Dungeon.

Many others too, but I need another Cup O' Joe B)

Gene :D

So what does everybody want ta see in there stockings............ :rolleyes:
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For myself,

A set of body armor for playin with my wolf pup, River (do the words I Pee Freely ring a bell ?) 11 weeks old and 18 pounds of fur and teeth :blink:

Gene :rolleyes:
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:blink: I either all ready have it? Have had it and sold it? or don't need it anyways?

Good health and more time to pursue this great hobby and a wife that continues to support my obsessive persuit of the perfect boat and motor combo. Thank god she has no idea of how much $$$$ has been spent in the last 15 years racing these "TOY" boats.

:p Scott
Hi Guy's

From my perspective - have more than enough gear but I would like less stress/used up time from work and more opportunities to play boats.

Oh yeah, and the big one is a comeback for tunnel racing in Australia - might as well dream big. lol

I would love to have some more time to get out to the pond. Ever since the TWINS were born it has been non-stop baby feeding. And **** that formula's not cheap!!! :wacko:
All I want this year is a header and tuned pipe that matches up with my OS cz.12 so I can get my Sk-Daddle Too on the water. Other than that, I just hope my kids have a good Xmas, and enjoy their vacation away from school.
I wish for "Peace on Earth". Continued good Cats an MRI scans. And a 3.5 Tunnel that will run so fast I can tell the "TRUTH" about it!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA :D . Hey Gener, is it cold over there in those woods like it is "HENEAR".......... BUR!!!!!!!!! throw another wood boat that won't run on the FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim :p
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Hey Ron,

What can I say Buddy....... It's a gift :D

Hey Tim,

Sheeeeeet yah it cold ere too, Billy Joe Jim Bob told me dem dare Fibreglass boat's got more BTU's in em :wacko: :p

Gene :D
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Gener and others.

Its friends like you guys that i seek this holiday season. ;)

Good health, good food and great friends are top priorities.

I would however like to have a fart fan in the shop as gene mentioned ..its not all me trust me :ph34r: ..its BIG BRYON and SJH...heheheh :p :D

Wisconsin. The land of beer, cheese. what do you expect..

Grimracer :D
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Slideblues said:
Tim D.55 gal drum of Vegamite and a case o crackers, A hydro that will stay on step :eek:

And a secured phone line directlly to me If I need a opnion or have a question.


A set of props made of unobtainium, that WONT bend,

And all the info he can handel on 90's. Also a big stick to keep Tim in line with, Smack!!!! :p
Hey Gener,

I'm sooooo sorry I hadn't got back to you on those sponsons - I've just had 2 weeks of hell at work - but that is now over with and I'll have my laptop with me this weekend so I can answer your questions from home.

Vegemite is foul - I don't like that stuff even if it is made from beer! mmmm beer!

I'm Flying over to Ian's home town at Christmas time to race boats and bend props. I'm sure the big stick will be there to keep me in line - thats for certain!

Hey Timbo,

No problemo Man ;) Its been nutz around here too, I'll fire ya off a email about some new stuff I got going on too,

Later Dude,

Gene :D
Lets see....55 gal. drum of resin. Ditto that for acetone. Two pickup trucks full of mat, cloth, stir sticks and paint brushes. A freight truck that stays on the road between me and Precision Boats. A shop with a good ventilation and stereo system. 500 acres with a pond in the middle. (Roof over pond) A rich woman that says I can quit my job and build all the boats I want as long as I keep her smiling ;)
[SIZE=14pt]I'd be selfish not to ask for something for my wife. LOL She wants those two things that Pam Anderson has on her chest. wink wink....LOL ;) SWEET!!![/SIZE]
Now how does that song go?

10 gallons of redmax

9 more MC-9 plugs

8 ft of fuel tubing

7 propshop props

6 radio crystals

5 head shims

4 bearing sets

3 push rod seals

2 new con-rods

1 piston-sleeve

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Hey Mark P.

I like that idea with a pond an roof combo. Let us know when it's ready.Gene are you coming over,How about you J.D>

Tim :D

Oh yea….and a $25 gift certificate for everyone else……

……...wouldn’t want to be accused of being selfish


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