celina summer challenge XIV


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2003
june 4-5 open water friday after set-up


b,d, tunnel

b,d,e, mono

b,d,e,f/open hydro

sp 40

1/8 scale

ls27 gas cat

ls27 mono

ls27 rigger

ls 27 sport hydro

cracker box

entry deadline may 16th
warlokboats said:
june 4-5 open water friday after set-up 


b,d, tunnel

b,d,e, mono

b,d,e,f/open  hydro

sp 40

1/8 scale

ls27 gas cat

ls27 mono

ls27 rigger

ls 27  sport hydro

cracker box

entry deadline  may 16th


So why no novice class? I guess I'l be scratching this race off the list of races.

I look forward to this race every year but I have two kids that want to race too. I've decided I'm not supporting any race in the district unless they offer an oppertunity for my kids to run.
Hey, Joe,

I don't really think the novice class is going to ever be commonplace. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a good idea, but think about it realistically. Most of the people in this hobby are of an age that their kids are out of the house, and they've either gotten into the hobby a long time ago, or never will (for whatever reason). There are a FEW like you and I who have kids that are interested, but not very many.

Instead of something so drastic, why not just just let him race in a normal class? If I'm not mistaken, you just built him a brand new 3.5 OB Lynx, didn't you? Why not turn him loose and let him race in B Tunnel? If I remember right, he's plenty old enough, isn't he? I saw little 8yo (at the time) Makayla Loy (sp?) take the 21 mono class to school on a number of occasions. Sure, daddy was hanging over her shoulder, telling her what to do, but SHE was driving.

I've got both a daughter (5yo) and a son(not quite a year). The man-child is going to be a while, but the daughter is coming to the pond with me next season with a 21 tunnel or mono. Hell, she's already got an electric Wal-Mart special that her grandpa got her. I'll give her this season to get the hang of controlling something at, oh, 'bout 3 MPH, then next year, she'll be running a real boat, decked out in Barbie trim (at least, that's what she wants right NOW). Maybe, by the following season, she'll be ready to race. I'm not sure she'll be old enough, yet, but if not, that'll just give her another season of practice. All the better.

If I understand correctly, the minimum age for sanctioned competition is eight. Unless the minimum age is lowered for a "novice" class, I don't see a need. Just let them race.........

Just a though.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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IMO the novice class should be for BEGINNING boaters of ANY age. We (Charleston Model Boaters) are offering a novice class this year at our high points race, no age limit. only limitaions include 20-40 size engines, any hull except riggers.

Very simple to offer, and is geared toward first timers, whether old or young. Ive seen some really youngs kids smoke guys on the pond, has more to do with experience than age.

topfuel443 said:
IMO the novice class should be for BEGINNING boaters of ANY age. We (Charleston Model Boaters) are offering a novice class this year at our high points race, no age limit. only limitaions include 20-40 size engines, any hull except riggers.
Very simple to offer, and is geared toward first timers, whether old or young.  Ive seen some really youngs kids smoke guys on the pond, has more to do with experience than age.



ahem, ahem, cough, cough.LOL. just messin with you james.
Brad Christy said:
Hey, Joe,

I don't really think the novice class is going to ever be commonplace. Don't get me wrong, it sounds like a good idea, but think about it realistically. Most of the people in this hobby are of an age that their kids are out of the house, and they've either gotten into the hobby a long time ago, or never will (for whatever reason). There are a FEW like you and I who have kids that are interested, but not very many.

Instead of something so drastic, why not just just let him race in a normal class? If I'm not mistaken, you just built him a brand new 3.5 OB Lynx, didn't you? Why not turn him loose and let him race in B Tunnel? If I remember right, he's plenty old enough, isn't he? I saw little 8yo (at the time) Makayla Loy (sp?) take the 21 mono class to school on a number of occasions. Sure, daddy was hanging over her shoulder, telling her what to do, but SHE was driving.

I've got both a daughter (5yo) and a son(not quite a year).  The man-child is going to be a while, but the daughter is coming to the pond with me next season with a 21 tunnel or mono. Hell, she's already got an electric Wal-Mart special that her grandpa got her. I'll give her this season to get the hang of controlling something at, oh, 'bout 3 MPH, then next year, she'll be running a real boat, decked out in Barbie trim (at least, that's what she wants right NOW). Maybe, by the following season, she'll be ready to race. I'm not sure she'll be old enough, yet, but if not, that'll just give her another season of practice. All the better.

If I understand correctly, the minimum age for sanctioned competition is eight. Unless the minimum age is lowered for a "novice" class, I don't see a need. Just let them race.........

Just a though.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros


And when he doesn't hold his lane, he'll be DQ'd and belittled by someone who thinks he doesn't belong on the pond.
Got to agree with you Joe! In addition to Celina not having a novice glass, I beleive that the, Dayton race, NCPH race and the Seville race won't have a novice class either. I passed emails back and forth with these CD's but they don't seem to care about the guy who's just getting started, regardless of their age.

I'm waitting to hear from our new District Director, about his position concerning the these Clubs not offering a novice class and what, if anything, he intends to do about it. All he has mentioned is that he would prefer my son not to race, I suspect, in the mono classes because of the high point series.

Based on other posts on another tread about this subject. There has been alot of support from other racers to let the novice run in any class, if theres no novice class offered by the host Club. I've decided to let my son run in either the B or D mono classes if there isn't a novice class offered, providing that I want to go to this race to begin with. Oh, I will tie a colored tape on the boats antenia so that the more experienced racers will know not to expect perfect driving when passing and to possibly expect the unexpected, which could possibly happen. Maybe after some high point series racers get pissed off at the CD/Club, for not having a novice class, changes may happen. I can see some racers not wanting to race with a novice in their group though, maybe they won't even race and want the money back.

So lets take the kids to the races we want to go to and let them race with the Big Guys for a while.
Mark McCray said:
Got to agree with you Joe! In addition to Celina not having a novice glass, I beleive that the, Dayton race, NCPH race and the Seville race won't have a novice class either. I passed emails back and forth with these CD's but they don't seem to care about the guy who's just getting started, regardless of their age.
I'm waitting to hear from our new District Director, about his position concerning the these Clubs not offering a novice class and what, if anything, he intends to do about it. All he has mentioned is that he would prefer my son not to race, I suspect, in the mono classes because of the high point series.

Based on other posts on another tread about this subject. There has been alot of support from other racers to let the novice run in any class, if theres no novice class offered by the host Club. I've decided to let my son run in either the B or D mono classes if there isn't a novice class offered, providing that I want to go to this race to begin with. Oh, I will tie a colored tape on the boats antenia so that the more experienced racers will know not to expect perfect driving when passing and to possibly expect the unexpected, which could possibly happen. Maybe after some high point series racers get pissed off at the CD/Club, for not having a novice class, changes may happen. I can see some racers not wanting to race with a novice in their group though, maybe they won't even race and want the money back.

So lets take the kids to the races we want to go to and let them race with the Big Guys for a while.


ive been watching this closely as my son is 5. wont be long till I have this same problem....
Mark McCray said:
I'm waitting to hear from our new District Director, about his position concerning the these Clubs not offering a novice class and what, if anything, he intends to do about it. All he has mentioned is that he would prefer my son not to race, I suspect, in the mono classes because of the high point series.


Mark go back and re-read the post I said and I quote.

If any new racer young or old can make there way around all 6 buoys handling the controls themselves, and understand the basic rules I say go ahead and let them race in the regular class. If they are cutting through the infield and cutting 3 buoys at once etc as is very common with the novices, they should wait for the races that are having a novice class. No body wants to see a not ready for prime time young novice get involved in a collision then hear about it from the other drivers. And no regular racer should have to make allowances or be overly concerned about any new racer. Its like putting the first time hockey player on skates and sending him out to play with the travel kids, he wont enjoy the experience. Mark you are the best judge to know if Montana is ready or not, would you be comfortable if another novice racer of similar skills and experience dropped their 1/8 scale in against that gorgeous Elam of yours? Tony J

1 - The new District Directors name is Tony Jacuzzi. Dont misquote or put your spin on anything that I say. That is one quick route to pi$$ing me off

2 - You decide if Montana is capable of driving the boat in the B mono class etc. Both Robby Betke and Kyle Mull drove there many years ago against me, Joe Kramer, Marty Davis etc. as well as Mekayla Loy and others. They could all handle the boat around the 6 markers by themselves etc. They caused no problems and no one had any issues, in fact all the seniors were very supportive.

3 - I have NO plans to do anything about the novice class this year. Every club has the right to run whatever classes they want based on past experiences, financial considerations etc. poor participation in the class etc. .. whatever.

4 - I HAVE been working on some other urgent IMPBA issues

5 - The IMPBA is always looking for some good men with new ideas, sounds like you could really help the organization. Maybe you could become an officer or District Director. Maybe you could sign up some sponsors and organize the novice series across the District just like the nitro series, or the Gas series or the scale and sport40 series. That way you would be funding the novice class for any club that wanted to have it and remove that issue from the table.

Tony Jacuzzi

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Tony, your point is well taken. I'll take the lead on this and try to get something going.

Jon, what would it take to convince you to add a novice class if I do the leg work?

Any feedback & help from others is greatly needed.
just an idea.... not sure if it a good one.....

maybe someone could donate the prizes/plaques for the class so all the club would need is time to run the heats?

We appreciate the importance of getting the kids involved in a hobby other than sitting on the couch watching TV or sitting in front of a computer much of the time.

It is good to see the kids having their own class as we had a daughter who competed in regular racing for a few years and we remember what she went through hoping she wouldn't put a competitive racer out of contention for the all important trophy. There weren't any novice classes way back then and certainly very few women competing, let alone a young girl :eek:

We notice it can be a bit time consuming sometimes getting the heats done but maybe that's a good time for the competitive racers to have a break. Maybe the number of heats could be reduced if it's considered too much - say 3 heats during a 5 heat weekend. That would allow the parent (father mostly) time to work on his own boats or whatever and perhaps not be quite as stressful to those who want to get on with the important heats. Maybe the suggestion this class be open to any new boater (whatever their age) is a good idea too.

Just some thoughts. To back these up, we'd be willing to help out with a high point trophy or whatever you consider best.

Olly (and she who must be obeyed - Nerissa)
Olly said:
We appreciate the importance of getting the kids involved in a hobby other than sitting on the couch watching TV or sitting in front of a computer much of the time.

It is good to see the kids having their own class as we had a daughter who competed in regular racing for a few years and we remember what she went through hoping she wouldn't put a competitive racer out of contention for the all important trophy. There weren't any novice classes way back then and certainly very few women competing, let alone a young girl :eek:

We notice it can be a bit time consuming sometimes getting the heats done but maybe that's a good time for the competitive racers to have a break. Maybe the number of heats could be reduced if it's considered too much - say 3 heats during a 5 heat weekend. That would allow the parent (father mostly) time to work on his own boats or whatever and perhaps not be quite as stressful to those who want to get on with the important heats. Maybe the suggestion this class be open to any new boater (whatever their age) is a good idea too.

Just some thoughts. To back these up, we'd be willing to help out with a high point trophy or whatever you consider best.

Olly (and she who must be obeyed - Nerissa)


Thanks for the support Olly!
Joe_Knesek said:
Olly said:
We appreciate the importance of getting the kids involved in a hobby other than sitting on the couch watching TV or sitting in front of a computer much of the time.

It is good to see the kids having their own class as we had a daughter who competed in regular racing for a few years and we remember what she went through hoping she wouldn't put a competitive racer out of contention for the all important trophy. There weren't any novice classes way back then and certainly very few women competing, let alone a young girl :eek:

We notice it can be a bit time consuming sometimes getting the heats done but maybe that's a good time for the competitive racers to have a break. Maybe the number of heats could be reduced if it's considered too much - say 3 heats during a 5 heat weekend. That would allow the parent (father mostly) time to work on his own boats or whatever and perhaps not be quite as stressful to those who want to get on with the important heats. Maybe the suggestion this class be open to any new boater (whatever their age) is a good idea too.

Just some thoughts. To back these up, we'd be willing to help out with a high point trophy or whatever you consider best.

Olly (and she who must be obeyed - Nerissa)


Thanks for the support Olly!


Huntsville has the best kids class ive seen. we keep tryin it but hard to keep going, kids need a place to start and its important to not forget our future stars(my 2cents) Mikey
joe sorry to hear it. but i cant change everything for one person. our race offers more classes to race than any other. you see almost every class. i under stand your view but myself like others, we had to jump in and pratice/race with the best of them. my first race i raced marty davis, ron vanwagnon, jack lobaugh and larry lehew.(sorry for the spelling of last names) even with all the classes we get done late on sunday. but if you insist on trying to get the class in talk to dan kramer. he is the c.d.


this is not to spark a debate or cause a problem but the way it is. SORRY
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Jon: You're the assistant CD arn't you? Do you buy in or don't you? Surely you have more push with Dan and the host club than Joe would. I raced against the same group as you first time out and I'd like to see something different for the youngsters/newby's than when I started. If a grown man can be intimidated, what about a 7-12 year old? Stick your neck out and make a decision. 4 heats of novice will change the outcome by about a 1/2 hour for the weekend. Hardly a show stopper...

ron maybe next year. the entry deadline is may 16th. i talked to dan and right now with entries we will have 6 1/2 min. per heat to run the race. to run another class will add less time to each heat. and as it is at the end of sunday everybody want to go asap. we as a club just dont have enough members to do everything that needs done easily. as you know we all run around doing multitasking to make the race a great one.

as is i do agree that there needs to be a novice class in impba. but it is too late to add it to the race.
