Brandts Again!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2005
Well it was a different Brandt this time, but a Brandt nonetheless. Dave Brandt took his Pico American Dream to a perfect day and won RCU's second race of the year. Second place was David Newton with his Miss 7-11. Bill Brandt, winner of the first race of the year was about 6 feet over at the start of the final and thus ended up sixth.

All three had perfect days heading into the final heat. As this was a "points race", the fact that they were all three tied still made it a winner take all final. Even with his sixth place in the final Bill Brandt still ended up third overall .

Complete results with pictures and point standings will be on RCU's web site tomorrow.
congradulations ,,some how i dont think this will be the last time we here of these three ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Come on you guys up north!

I'll give $10.00 or 3 MC-9 glow plugs to the first person to beat a Brandt!"

"BEAT A BRANDT" and win a prize :lol: :lol:
Come on you guys up north! I'll give $10.00 or 3 MC-9 glow plugs to the first person to beat a Brandt!"

"BEAT A BRANDT" and win a prize :lol: :lol:
Challenge accepted. Hard to believe it is me speaking but..

I have run Don Mock's Atlas at the last two races (The Mighty Miss Bud is in the paint shop), I had the lead in the final at the Columbia Cup until the boat took a bad hop in the windy turn 3. Don's boat is very fast, if I can keep my hands warm enough to drive it, I WILL beat the Brandts at least once this year.
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I accept the challenge as well. I was close last weekend, but not close enough. I will have to put "big wally" in for the next race. SHAKE'N'BAKE!
Glenn if you wanna take a shot at it I've got room in the trailer headed to Tri-Cities this year. After I told Roger about my testing runs with the new Circus he said I gotta come up to play. I can fit 6 Scale boats in the trailer and I still have room dude!
Good Luck to All! Allrc that is. You gotta have more than just speed to be consistent. Why do I feel like we have such a BIG target on our backs?

I'll tell ya though, barring mechanical failure, son Trooper Dave is one tough competitor to beat. He still blames me for cutting him off in turn one at the season opener final. LOL, I was already around the corner and gone. We sure will enjoy racing with everyone that can come out.