Baby will be here Monday!


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Jamie went to the doctor today and found out that the baby is not in the correct position for delivery. She has been scheduled for a c-section 7 am monday. Doctor said if the baby decides to get in position they will induce (petosin) right then. Either way Monday will be the birthday. I will be posting pics and maybe video as soon as I can after delivery for everyone to see. I might not be around as much for a while after until we get setteled.

Everyone wish us luck and that the baby gets into proper position! She was very active this evening so I hope that's a good thing. The Wife and I are very worried about a c-section :-
Let me be the first to say...Good-Luck Tom!!!

it will all work out for ya i know it will :)

Hey Tom,

Go get em buddy!!!! The more the merrier ;D

Good luck with the delivery, I try to watch after things till ya get the bambeano here,

Gene ;D
Mister T

She and baby will be fine.. It sounds like you are going to be a mess..

Let us know how you are all doing after the blessed event. Hea-Post a picture on here if your wife will let you. Here at my engineering job we are always looking for new baby faces. LOL Maybe yours will become a new Baby Think it Over, Baby..!

You know I told you that I would send you a virtual cigar, Tom.

Let me know if you need a pink or blue one. Good Luck Hammer

it may have happened already, but good luck anyway. i hope you rested are gonna need it.

take care
