Attachments kinda fixed!


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well the attachments wont automatically show up but the attachment paper clip is! After you make an attachment you post will have a little paper clip on the bottom. to see the attachment click the paper clip.
you can still do the img code if you want it to display..... or the user just has to click the paper clip to see it.
OK I am gonna try this image poop!!!!

Hot ****!!! Now what did I do????

Ok got it, I got ta write this one down!!!


You want run down the procedure again? See the post above to see what I got. If I don't click on "INSERT IMAGE" I get a fatal error, exceeded 30 seconds message.

Ed Radz

Nope thats #0024 from last Summer, Mikie is workin on the new one.


I had problems too, It took three edits to get it to display, I put the attachment up first and then had to add the image stuff, Got the red x once, edited out a space in the line and Bingo there it was.

Gene ;D
well.... keep in mind it is not necessary to have it display on the post. all anyone has to do is click the paper clip to see it.

if you must make it display:

1) type in your post as usual
2) under you post, in the attachments field, click the browse button and find your picture.
3) use this syntax to insert your image:


4) replace the "YourFileName.jpg" with the name of your file your uploading.
Hey Tom!

I got it! Thanks! What do you think of the new paint job?


Ed Radz

I never thought of a pop top! I didn't do the paint work. Jim Mutz, another Illini Powerboater did the paint work. I just rounded up the graphics to put on it. Now for some horsepower to hang on the back!


its not all that bad, but it would save some time i suppose...especially for those wqho are on REALLY sllllooowwww dial up conections like myself (only got a 28.8kbps modem :eek: )