Aqua craft UL 1


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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Looks like its pretty fast,Has anyone raced this model?I am very interested in it.Any info is appreciated.Thanks
Out of the box its a nice boat.

There are some hot up parts that you can get to custom the boat.

For a Ready to Run boat its FANTASTIC. If i didnt have another boat simular i would own one a UL-1.

There are heaps of people on this forum that will comment on the boat and tell you more of parts that need to be modified to get more out of it, and the pros and cons of the whole setup.


Dave K
It's a great setup.

Make sure you get the lifter prop by Grimracer and play with the strut until you have it where you want it.

Use the recommended lipo's and you will be extremely happy.

I have setup one with twin motors and speed controls and it is a blast to run.


There is to be a release of a newer stronger hull supposedly. Turn fin mount could be more rigid. Fun boat to run, just use metal props since the plastic ones can break.

Best Lipo cells for the buck come from Hobby City. Zippy or Turnigy cells, 2x2S in Series. 5000's will fit in there with some room for movement. Many lipos don't fit too easily, 5000Mah that is... Smaller cells are fine.
Our club raced this boat last season with as many as 6 boats. We ran it as an out of the box class with the plastic prop. Compared to the similar Miss Vegas class the boat is faster in calm water, less stable in rough water, easier for beginners to race, and more expensive, especially when you include the charging equipment. The plastic props weren't very durable, but they probably saved some hulls that got run over. Everyone replaced the motor shaft coupler and water jacket, but there were still water leaks. We're running metal props next year and all the boats needed the turn fin mount strengthened. It's one of the best beginners classes out there. When you want to move up, the equipment all fits perfectly in Brian Buass' spec electric rigger. That boat had a fast time at the 2009 NAMBA Nationals that compared very favorably to the A hydros and the finishing percentage was lots better.

Lohring Miller
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Lohring, is the Miss Elam better in rough water than the UL-1? Up in Canada the water we have is ROUGH. It makes the UL-1 flighty at top speed.
I've only seen a few of the Miss Elams run. From that I feel the Miss Vegas is a better boat. It's great in rough water. The Vegas Duce has a new engine and pipe as well as modified sponsons that really improve the speed.

Lohring Miller
Well i ordered the UL-1 today from my hobby shop.It wont be here till after the first of the year because their is a high demand for it.I will do all the upgrades to it and i really want to race next summer but its hard trying to get ahold of anyone in D2.All i want to do is race.
Also,What class would this boat run in and how do i join IMPBA?Thanks
Bob, Where in D2 are you?

I am one of the Electric racer in D2 (Cleveland), there are a bunch of us in D2.

Let me know and I try to hook you up with a club in your area.
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Also,What class would this boat run in and how do i join IMPBA?Thanks
Bob, to be a member of IMPBA you can just google IMPBA, find the site and on the left hand side go to "Business Info" and click on "IMPBA Forms and Voting"...then you will see a on "2010 Membership Application". Print that out and send it in...It is $60.00 for the year.

You can also run your UL-1 in a RTR Class...

Good luck!

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