2007 NAMBA Nationals


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It had been brought to the attention of the Accomodations committee that many of you find the $119/night hotel price a bit much. In an attempt to accomodate your needs we have identified several additional hotels and motels in the area. Since their is no target number of bookings for these hotels there is no negotiated rate and the rates provided by that hotel/motel may be subject to change without notice at the discretion of the that hotel. Keep in mind however, that the Embassy Suite rooms are two rooms that can accomodate as many as 6 occupants.

If you have any questions regarding your accomodations please feel free to contact either Mike or myself. We will do our very best to accomodate you.
I will hopefully have the issues with the site ironed out in the next couple of days. The management has been difficult to get a hold of since they bought another property they have been going back and forth a lot and it's been tough getting in touch with them. That coupled with the fact that their schedules and ours have been not very forgiving as of late. I'm confident that I can get this done in the next few days so we can get back on track.
Ok folks I am glad to be able to announce that we have managed to iron out the snags with one of the powers that be once and for all. Without getting into all of the gory details we were hit with fees that were not disclosed in our original meetings with these folks. They decided to take a harder look at our event and decide that they needed to assess use fees that were WAY beyond our budget. We did manage to whittle those down a bit but we were still not in the realm of being able to afford what they were demanding. Even if we had to pass along the costs to the entries we would have been way upside down.

However, we have had a major breakthrough in the fact that we have had a sponsor step forward and assume the responsibility of taking care of our use fees. This not only ensures the event will happen in the spot we originally intended but we will not have to increase any fees to the participants and we can still have a monster event like we originally planned. The Nationals Committee meets again tomorrow to do some final tweaking to the schedule and entry form then it will be up on the website as quickly as possible. I know I speak for the Committee when I say my apologies for the delays and we appreciate your patience. We look forward to seeing you here in NoCal in July.
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Dates,meetings,fees,sponsers, Where is the schedule and Entry?????????????? Its almost March now.
Ok at long last the schedule of classes has been posted on the Nationals website. The entry form is following very soon to be posted and will also go out with the NAMBA Propwash.
Great that it's posted but how about putting it somewhere we can actualy look at it . The site is not working.
2007 NAMBA Nationals Event Schedule

Saturday July 7, 2007

A Mono

B Hydro


G1 Sport

Sunday July 8, 2007

A Hydro

B Mod Tunnel

Sport 60

G1 Rigger

Monday July 9, 2007

Sport 40 II

C Mono

G1 Cat

GX1 Cracker box

Tuesday July 10, 2007


Sport 40 I

A OB Mono

Sport X

X Hydro

GX1 Mono

Wednesday July 11, 2007

A Mod Tunnel

X Mono

G1 Mono

Nitro Marathon

Gas Marathon

Thursday July 12, 2007


Sport 21

C Hydro

C Mod Tunnel

GX1 Cat

GX2 Mono

Friday July 13, 2007

B Mono

Open Multi

A OB Hydro

G1 Crackerbox

GX1 Sport

Saturday July 14, 2007

Scale Unlimited Hydro

Kids Are Boaters Too

Classic Cracker box

GX1 Rigger
You must have tried to access it when the server was doing updates. They do it a couple of times a week....seems to be fine right now.
I can access it with IE6 from work but it the Nationals page is locking up ie7 from my home computer
Can't access entry form nor the schedule. Anything special we should do or down load.
The entry form is not yet loaded. It should be soon. The schedule page it just html. Nothing special there.


So far no one on our committee has expressed difficulty with the website. That includes about 8 different house holds from both work and home across a 500 mile span if you include Jeff our web maintenance guy. I am not sure where the problems are but I am willing to help if you assist me in identifying the cause.

Let us know if you continue to have problems.
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Can't access entry form nor the schedule. Anything special we should do or down load.
Is this the first time that you have gone to the site or have you been able to access it before? Is it locking up on the homepage or on the schedule page?
Roger, I have been to the site many times and when I click on the schedule it takes me a page that states that you guys are working on getting the schedule set and when I click on the entry form it states basically the same thing and to check back later.

Can't access entry form nor the schedule. Anything special we should do or down load.
Is this the first time that you have gone to the site or have you been able to access it before? Is it locking up on the homepage or on the schedule page?
Roger, I have been to the site many times and when I click on the schedule it takes me a page that states that you guys are working on getting the schedule set and when I click on the entry form it states basically the same thing and to check back later.


Did you click on the link I put in this post? Sounds like you need to clear your memory cache. Maybe go to the schedule page and hit refresh. As far as the entry page goes...Yah that is correct that form has not been uploaded yet. But the schedule should appear right on the page when you hit the schedule button.
Can't access entry form nor the schedule. Anything special we should do or down load.
Is this the first time that you have gone to the site or have you been able to access it before? Is it locking up on the homepage or on the schedule page?
Roger, I have been to the site many times and when I click on the schedule it takes me a page that states that you guys are working on getting the schedule set and when I click on the entry form it states basically the same thing and to check back later.


Did you click on the link I put in this post? Sounds like you need to clear your memory cache. Maybe go to the schedule page and hit refresh. As far as the entry page goes...Yah that is correct that form has not been uploaded yet. But the schedule should appear right on the page when you hit the schedule button.
If hitting "Refresh" as Roger suggests doesn't work for you, then you could try to run the following from the command line and try it again:

ipconfig /flushdns

If it still doesn't update after that, then it sounds like your ISP's nameservers have a bad entry for 2007nambanationals.com, in which case there is nothing that can be done from our end and it should expire within 24 hours of when it was cached.

-Jeff "the web guy" ;)
Ok folks the Entry forms should be up on the website today or tomorrow. We will also be forwarding a master copy to Al and Cathie at NAMBA and a copy should be mailed out with the next Propwash.