1/8 Scale races in Ellensburg Washington


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Roger J. Newton

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2003
This past weekend there were two races for 1/8 Scale Unlimiteds in Ellensburg , Washington. On Saturday UNW hosted the Apple Cup. RCU boaters were invited to cross over and race with them. About 30 boats showed up for the combined event. The race was won by Kirk Maupin driving the 1978 Squire. On Sunday RCU hosted the Dean Chenoweth Memorial. This race also had about 30 boats with some of the UNW racers staying over and some racers joined us that hadnt attended on Saturday. This race turned out to be covered by the Brandt family. Father Bill took first with his 1972 Notre Dame, son David took second and Daughter in law Brenda finished in third. Overall results of both races can be seen on both websites for these clubs. To view pictures of both of these races go to www.cdenslow.smugmug.com

This past weekend there were two races for 1/8 Scale Unlimiteds in Ellensburg , Washington. On Saturday UNW hosted the Apple Cup. RCU boaters were invited to cross over and race with them. About 30 boats showed up for the combined event. The race was won by Kirk Maupin driving the 1978 Squire. On Sunday RCU hosted the Dean Chenoweth Memorial. This race also had about 30 boats with some of the UNW racers staying over and some racers joined us that hadnt attended on Saturday. This race turned out to be covered by the Brandt family. Father Bill took first with his 1972 Notre Dame, son David took second and Daughter in law Brenda finished in third. Overall results of both races can be seen on both websites for these clubs. To view pictures of both of these races go to www.cdenslow.smugmug.comCZAR
CANT STOP THE BRANDTS was Bill driving the Oberto?
I had started out to run the Oberto on Saturday. However, I lost a screw holding the motor mount and was under a time crunch not finding a replacement. At the last minute I pulled out the proven Notre Dame. It took most of the Saturday race getting it dialed in. ( I hadn't raced it this year ) I took 3rd in the UNW race and then Sunday was lucky enough to win 4 straight heats and the final.
