1/5 shaft driven turbine hydro


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gil sonsino

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2004
Try this one:


for the 1/8 guys must be the dream machine!

Man that is awesome!!! now if they could just lower the price of turbines more people would run them!!!!

This is something that I've thought about on and off for quite some time (not that I have the cash to try it), but.............

I hate to be a stick in the mud, but what happens when that boat stuffs and the engine sucks a full lungful of water at 125K RPM and 600+ degree internal temperature?

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
My general feeling is if you can afford the first one...having it rebuilt after a drink wouldn't matter...man would i like to see that boat go!!!!
Gear ratio doesn't look right, I get 52 teeth on the big one and 18 on the small, at 125k doesn't that give you a 40k prop speed? Looks very small to have enough torque for that kind of ratio.
now if you could run that boat in scale class i would thing about running one....

gil sonsino said:
Try this one:

for the 1/8 guys must be the dream machine!



I have a friend in Italy who makes turbines and has tried it in a boat. The problem is.....a little bit of water and KA..BOOM. He has been working on a way to keep out the water but no success yet. He says it's awesome till it gets a splash of water.
Mr Finch,

I was just sitting here wondering how much it cost every time that turbine took a sip of water :)

those turbines are very cool though....and user friendly now that they come with digital throttle controls.

I know some guys that fly them...but nobody with enough cash to throw around that they'll put a compressor on the water
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Those engines put out big HP. The jet engines produce at least 3 to 4 times more thrust than the same size units in a 2-stroke 90 version. The ducted fan engines are very similar in performance to boat engines. So even being conservative you could say at least 2 to 3 times the power of a 90. I saw a company that sells these engines for whatever purpose you want, even if you want 1000hp. 15 or 30 horspower from an engine that measures an outside diameter of 110mm to 150mm is about the norm for these things. But there is no class for them, not even in SAW. You should be allowed to run them in SAW, but I can't see a solution to the water intake problem any time soon.

Oh BTW, those jets drink mega amounts of fuel too. Not expensive, but hard to carry large amounts of fuel in a rigger.
The solution to the water problem would be to look at the real thing...what do they do on the full scale boats???

Aw to dream!!!! I couldn't afford the first one, let alone a couple for spares!!!!
MHZ was working on a similar 1/8 turbine boat but there is no more input of their progress so despite the extra cost of one of this toys we have to consider that they are not suitable to work in water?

How did the full size guys solved the water problem once we can see huge roostertails during the real course ?


Perhaps the water problem isn't as big a problem with the full scale engines, maybe something to do with the volume of water to the size of the engine, a jet airliner or jet fighter flies in the rain, maybe a good place to start looking for a solution or at least to find out why micro-jets hate any sort of volume of water apart from the obvious.
Mike G said:
Gear ratio doesn't look right, I get 52 teeth on the big one and 18 on the small, at 125k doesn't that give you a 40k prop speed? Looks very small to have enough torque for that kind of ratio.

If you look a little closer the big gear is the driven one, so it is acually an under drive unit.

check out this web site for yurbine engines.

www.jethangar.com look to the left for turbine engines.

verry inexpensive and they also carry hacker brushless motors and esc's
So we have a 360C temp inside a fiberglass or wood boat and a consumption of 190ml/minute....definitevely out of my means!


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