Some things to know about the IMPBA nats


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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2003
We welcome all boaters and their families.First is parking you may only unload in the street after that you must park in the field and at least 15 feet of open space from the curb to your tent or trailer. This is a safety issue so you can get a good look before crossing the street. Next you may start setting up in the field THURSDAY am Buddy Benedict will direct you as to do's and dont's. Open water on friday will be controlled freq clip is a must and when we tell you to stop so we can pickup dead boats please do. Next NO ONE is to get in the water to catch or launch a boat,ive seen this at the last two races and its not going to happen here. When we start racing if you get in the water you will be scratched from that heat. NOISE we will set up the D/B meter as required and give you a friendly hey your too loud on friday and saturday. On race day you get one warning the next time wont be so nice. WE cherish our lake site and cant let NOISE run us off. Next as you may know we did not have a spot for you to pick your 2 US-1 boats for the excellence of performance trophy so be sure at check in to tell us when we ask, all boats will be teched by Brian Schymik at check in. Its going to be warm here and could be humid so bring sunscreen and fluids to drink, we should have ice on site at the concession stand. QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS EMAIL [email protected] Schindler c/d and club President......Drive SAFE cant wait to get this party started
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