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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Watching the school shooting stuff on cnn - truely sad .
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I don't know what to say either. I myself have small children in school and try and warn them about the bad. But how do you explain this to them?
its the world we live in men.... Does suck forsure. I cant even fathom what I would do if I lost my daughter to such an act... World is going to hell in a hand basket...
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I'm counting the minutes until my kids come home from school today. Very sad day for the human race.
No words can make sense of this , my heart goes out to everyone involved in this tragedy .
The more details that emerge , the sadder and sicker it gets. As a parent, I cant imagine or fathom the pain they must be in.

Wishing mine was here to give her a HUGE hug.

This is totally horrific, what the hell did these children do, Probably nothing at all so why them, I have a son and am considering Home School Method as a secondary resort. This is completely sad and I am wondering what this world is coming to, everyone is shooting everyone. My heart is sad, this holiday will be very sad for those that have lost there lives to this tragic incident. Where the hell is the saying "PEACE ON EARTH".

Truly sad day. Thoughts and prayers go to all the families of this tragedy. 20 innocent children dead for no reason at all. I guess as your jails become more like health clubs, your schools have to become more like jails. We as a society need to take a long look in the mirror. The more "advanced" we become, the more animals we act.
Until they look at the mind set of the shooter and not the weapon sadly this will go on.

This will be played out in the media and politics for months to come.

The lobbyest have a another cause for new laws and they are missing the point totally.

Look at what made the shooter snap and events leading up to the crime, There will be your answer.........

Thoughts and best wishes to the families involved,

Father of five, Three are teens

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And now all the gun control freaks will come pouring out of the woodwork again screaming for outlawing guns. The gun didn't kill, the a-hole holding it did who is yet another product of a wussified society. Too many of the kids today are not being taught how to accept and deal with failure or rejection, they are coddled and praised at every turn, are told "nobody's a loser, everyone's a winner" and are not being disciplined when they step out of line. Now so many grow up having no fear, no responsibility and no accountability for their actions and treat life like one of the video games they've played. Top that with how it's always someone else's fault and "not my child they're perfect" and you have a recipe for disaster. Then when they get out in the real world and life starts kicking them in the tail they can't handle it and flip out. Last week the Oregon shooter lost it over his girl friend dumping him!!! REALLY!?!?!?!? This has NOTHING to do with guns and EVERYTHING to do with the lack of morals, respect, guidance and discipline. This liberal society we have allowed to be created is a bus going towards the cliff with nobody at the wheel and a brick on the gas pedal......................
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Sadly, you are correct. This will ignite the fires for the gun control crowd to pass more laws that do little to prevent things like this from happening. Unfortunately, when atrocities like this happen, people want simple answers and simple solutions... hence gun control.

The younger generation’s inability to cope with life’s difficulties is a major contributing factor in my opinion. First person shooter video games make mass killing seem… Well, like a video game.
And now all the gun control freaks will come pouring out of the woodwork again screaming for outlawing guns. The gun didn't kill, the a-hole holding it did who is yet another product of a wussified society. Too many of the kids today are not being taught how to accept and deal with failure or rejection, they are coddled and praised at every turn, are told "nobody's a loser, everyone's a winner" and are not being disciplined when they step out of line. Now so many grow up having no fear, no responsibility and no accountability for their actions and treat life like one of the video games they've played. Top that with how it's always someone else's fault and "not my child they're perfect" and you have a recipe for disaster. Then when they get out in the real world and life starts kicking them in the tail they can't handle it and flip out. Last week the Oregon shooter lost it over his girl friend dumping him!!! REALLY!?!?!?!? This has NOTHING to do with guns and EVERYTHING to do with the lack of morals, respect, guidance and discipline. This liberal society we have allowed to be created is a bus going towards the cliff with nobody at the wheel and a brick on the gas pedal......................
Sadly, you are correct. This will ignite the fires for the gun control crowd to pass more laws that do little to prevent things like this from happening. Unfortunately, when atrocities like this happen, people want simple answers and simple solutions... hence gun control.

The younger generation’s inability to cope with life’s difficulties is a major contributing factor in my opinion. First person shooter video games make mass killing seem… Well, like a video game.

I was not going to say anything about video games but it was my frist thought...

I just recieved a email from my childrens school... Saying the doors are locked all day and visitors are buzzed in.... Well what happens after they are buzzed in? How do we know they are not a threat? Maybe all schools should just be locked and the kids should be escorted out to the parent... Sad it comes to this but what the hell else are we supposed to do?
I'm a shooting instructor at a resort. I specialize in shooting shotguns at clay targets. The biggest part of our business is people that have little to no experience with shooting of any kind. It's funny watching how well teenager do at it. The athletic ones pick up on it quick, and you expect it. But the pasty face pale computer/video game kids a lot of the time out shoot them. At the same time after spending time with these people the more out going "athletic" ones pick up on the power and the responsibility that comes with using the guns, but the Compture/video game teens don't. Just my personal observation after 14yrs. Of teaching between 1300-1500 people to shoot a year.
OH MY GOD! Just got home from work....havent even turned on the TV.....20 KIDS?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? How do we stop this? My Gkids are spending the night tonight, and we are going to shoot off model rockets tommorrow.....i thank GOD they will have today and tommorrow.......those poor families....
Where is the mind set that makes some one do this?

That is the issue not the gun or the security in the schools.

There is no clear answer to what has happened.

Kinda like a lighting strike you can not predict where or when it will strike.

There is nothing that can be done to eliminate this happening again.

All that is left is broken lives that need to be dealt with.

It is a very sad thing.

Support for the people that are affected is the best we can do.

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