June 16-17 District 3 High Points Race in Orlando


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Holy Crap! So I am going to meet the CHAMP!. This weekend is getting better already and it hasn't even gotten here. I just wish I could get a 1/12 ProBoat there for him to autograph. It would go great right next to my Bud Hull signed by Dave.

Mike I'm driving in from just west of your home town. Can't wait to meet you. Oh and everyone else. LOL
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He's agreat guy , but don't badger him with the autograph stuff, He gets that all the time ,I remember we got tied up in West Palm one time at resturant for about an hourand a half, people coming out of the woodwork. Best bet is to maybe pick him up small token of appreciation for his gentle demeanor, maybe a pie ,Strawberry/Rhubarb I beleive is his favorite(Homemade) is Best or Villiage Inn. Don't jump right into big boat talk right away either ,his mind will be on the race for the weekend. Take it slow and everything will be fine

P.S. I beleive he has a passion for choclate covered almonds also/(Cracker Barrel is best for this) Good Luck
No man wasn't even planning to badger him. It's just that I kept seeing the avatar, and wondered who that guy was holding a replica Formulaboats.com hydro. I just really have one question for him. Why in the world the southern states can't get a hydroplane race? I really enjoy watching them race. Those guys have some big kahonas. I followed the Miss Bud for a while till it wasn't on TV anymore. I wish the best for all the Unlimited drivers. They deserve bigger races and bigger payouts.

OAN, do you think he would like some boudin and cracklins? Would that work? LOL
Hi Vegaskiller: I hope you know they are only kidding you. Let's talk big boats at the Orlando Race. I will tell you first hand why they don't race down south any more especially not racing in the Miami Marine Stadium. Perry
You guys are harsh , I love it :p Easy on Perry though, I gotta watch his back, he's been VERY good to me latelty ;) always keeping an eye on us kids. LOL.
Hi Vegaskiller: I hope you know they are only kidding you. Let's talk big boats at the Orlando Race. I will tell you first hand why they don't race down south any more especially not racing in the Miami Marine Stadium. Perry
Capt, Can,t wait till I get to race will you'll again. I'm bring the Squire shop and my son. I plan on having some fun. Stan (Savannah, GA)
Stan: Great to hear from you again. We missed you in Atlanta. Looking forward to racing with you in Orlando. You, Jack and I will have to keep these young crazies away from us. We have seniority and thats all that counts. Perry
now rick,seniority means telling the older gent's what lane they are in on the drivers stand.The line of vision is not what it used to be. 'PERRY'
Leave it to the OLD MAN to spoil us kids fun!!!
Thanks Perry.

Are you going to Orlando? Will you be bringing the plans & pictures for the Olympia Beer, from Mark?


I think we still have vegaslikker 73 on the line, we'll real him in slowly, and maybe friday get the net...............

OK, I'll give it to you, you had me going for a little while there.
DAM IT MAN!! Perry, I should quit, but ,yes I will call for ya anyway, I was really craving a peice of Mike's Pie tho.LOLI put line on the rod and just checked the drag was gonna put it in the truck,guess I don't need it now. FISH LOST

P>S Vega I'll get your hat anyways.How bout John Otto/9 Time US1 Champion?FOR REAL!

Steve H.
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Is it cleared over where the motohomes usually are or is it overgrown?????? I know with not much rain it may be just wanted to ask.

Guys, the final total is 67 contestants and 170 Boats. I think we ended up with 120 heats total. The only classes that were cancelled were C Mono and C Hydro.
An easy weekend for the Culvert Dodgers crew.

The course is ready this weekend for some intense racing and after hour activities.

Drive safely here and we will have the gates open around 8am this Friday morning.. Once we get the proper equipment setup we will commence with open water. Its scheduled to start at 12 noon, but I'm sure it will be much sooner.

See you this weekend.

Orlando Culvert Dodgers
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DAM IT MAN!! Perry, I should quit, but ,yes I will call for ya anyway, I was really craving a peice of Mike's Pie tho.LOLI put line on the rod and just checked the drag was gonna put it in the truck,guess I don't need it now. FISH LOST
P>S Vega I'll get your hat anyways.How bout John Otto/9 Time US1 Champion?FOR REAL!

Steve H.
If you really need someone to stop and pick up a pie, let me know where to stop, and I'll get you one. I would do thet for you. I just need to know where to get the best ones at. LOL, no really serious.

I can't wait to meet you guys you all sound like some fun people to hang out with. I'm running the RTR class. So is my son. I'm wanting a gas hydro but not enough $$ yet. Hopefully soon.
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Hi Rick: I was there the other day and the weeds were up about 5 or 6 ft. You can park your motorhome in the big field and no one will even see you. That is unless they stand on their roof and look for you, which I plan on doing. When are you arriving? I will be there at noon today. Perry
I almost forgot. Thanks for "volunteering" to call for me in scale Steve. And thanks Andy for watching out for my starboard beam. It is appreciated as these guys from down south can be vicious with their remarks. Isn't it too bad that they can never back up their smack on the race course. Oh well lets let them have their fun. Perry