anyone useing FMA recievers?


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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2005
I found a 75mhz reciever from FMA Direct. Has anyone used these yet?FMA Direct The 4 channel 75mhz surface universal reciever part # 1004FM75

Hi Doug,

I had bought 4 of those RXs and I gotta tell you I WOULD NOT buy another. As far as I'm concerned they aren't a very high quality. I use JR radios and those are the only RXs that I get glitches with. OTOH I find the Novak and JR RXs to be excellant.

When i first began racing i used a fma reciever. They do not like being vibrated or shook. they also don't do well after a dunking or flip over. I used Corrosion X but the thing never acted right again. It would just glitch all of a sudden and then stop and go back to working again. The previous post spoke about novak or JR they work well just open them up and treat the whole thing with Corrosion X.
One small point about using Corrosion X. If you choose to, use it AFTER you warranty expires. JR, Futaba, Airtronics (Sanwa) all will void your warranty if you send something coated with Corrosion X. Supposedly it wicks into the fiberous circuit boards & causes them to swell potentially breaking solder joints. :blink:
Don i heard that too but haven't had a problem with it on my novak or futaba receivers or servos. i think it did kill my hitec receiver at Elmira that year the Jeronimo went into the cattails full bore. I also use Aerotrend which isn't petrolum based so it won't leech into the circuit board.
When i first began racing i used a fma reciever. They do not like being vibrated or shook. they also don't do well after a dunking or flip over. I used Corrosion X but the thing never acted right again. It would just glitch all of a sudden and then stop and go back to working again. The previous post spoke about novak or JR they work well just open them up and treat the whole thing with Corrosion X.
Look guys I was hoping you Corrosion X guys would have destroyed all your stuff by now or run out of that junk. I have over 20 years of experience on radio communications equipment as a technician and a good 15 years in R/C . I have had to fix radios that had a saltwater bath when the tide came in on the vehicles they were mounted in . I used good old water then alcohol .You will not find a manufacture or NASA that would suggest you put anything like that junk in their equipment and many will void your warranty if you do use it. If you get water in your radio open it up and let it dry. If you are in a hurry it is safe to wash it out with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol and then let it dry. If you must use anything after that find a good conformal coating that is made for electronics but I personally would not bother. For gosh sakes don’t put any kind of oil based product in any kind of electronic device.
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