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No, not James! :eek:

After he was banned from RCU he tried coming back in as a Lawyer from North Carolina, RTR Jesus. He tried other stunts also usually with using s/n's with RTR in them. His dead give-away was using AQU when referring to Aquacraft. He must have thought that we Mod's are really stupid but we kept right on nailing him. Most of the time an IP block worked until he changed ISP's.

The fact is that he needs the forum sites to push his goods in but we don't need him and all of the trouble that goes along with having him as a member.
Hey, what ever, I dont really care. I come on here a few times to tell people that I have no problems with TLR, and that he/they have treated me well and I get slammed. Why did I get treated so well and the rest of the world gets screwed by tlr? This is the world we live in now, you only hear the bad.
Hey, what ever, I dont really care. I come on here a few times to tell people that I have no problems with TLR, and that he/they have treated me well and I get slammed. Why did I get treated so well and the rest of the world gets screwed by tlr? This is the world we live in now, you only hear the bad.
Dude, you're killin' me. Obviously you DO care else you wouldn't be sitting right now, once again, signed in anonymously watching this thread. The problem is that your buddy screwed sooo many people nobody is going to believe just one person who, until this thread, never posted on here. It is what it is, TLR made the bed he now sleeps in. If you're legit then you were one of the lucky ones.

BTW as for- "This is the world we live in now, you only hear the bad." That's so far from reality it's not funny. There's far more kudo's on this site for the good guys than the ones that beat up on the losers who only bring it on themselves.

You might be a great guy but your picking the wrong allies. Now you can sign back in & reply. :p
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Well Don, Im glad Im killin you, thats what Im here for. Dont you realize its the same old thing in any business anywhere. Usually you only hear the bad. Everyone here is so ready to believe anything bad they hear, and then one guy comes in and says that he has had good experiences and nobody believes. You guys just seem to be really closed minded thats all. Just becuase I've had a good experience with a company and say something about it, all you guys get all fired up.
I think by now you should realize we don't give a rats azz about James or his products. There's nothing that he manufactures that's competitive in IMPBA racing. Nothing! (That should get him fired up) :p

If you're really not James, you're welcome here IF you NEVER mention TLR and James again.

If you insist, you're on your own.

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LOL, I've touched a nerve. Hey thanks Waltr, I feel very welcome here.

Drop the James BS and you will be welcome, just like the other 4300+ members.

Everyone of your posts are to kiss his butt, nothing more.

You've obviously mistaken us for people who give a hoot.

Troll feeding time is now over.
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Badcat26, take a month off. Trying to start fights on the forum is unacceptable.

have a nice day

I cant beleive i just read through 5 pages at 2:30 am when i have a final tomorrow morning :lol:
Well Don, you know what my reply would be but I can't type it here as Tom wouldn't like the words that I'd use but it would be F him! Now his ass is nailed as he has now resorted to not only Internet fraud but extortion and blackmailing, all Federal crimes!

I hope that he loves his new roommate in the Federal pen. He shouldn't have to go too far as I think that there is one right in Wichita.
Well Don, Im glad Im killin you, thats what Im here for. Dont you realize its the same old thing in any business anywhere. Usually you only hear the bad. Everyone here is so ready to believe anything bad they hear, and then one guy comes in and says that he has had good experiences and nobody believes. You guys just seem to be really closed minded thats all. Just becuase I've had a good experience with a company and say something about it, all you guys get all fired up.

And you keep throwing fuel on the fire! Anonymously! Why do you do keep doing that? Why are YOU so defensive about it? Other members have explained to you the facts and issues. You just keep egging them on with your inane responses. There is a name for what you do : "Troll"!

I know that will probably flame me now, but you will just prove my point.


James, the idiot never ceases to amaze me. :eek:

He keeps adding fuel to the fire, digging his own grave and Tampa 1330 now has one more piece to the puzzle.

Maybe we should take up a collection to help rid this jerk from our hobby.He's doing his best to ruin it.

I'd be 1st in line.


Thanks for posting this. It needs to be posted for All to see what kind of person and business they're dealing with. Now his buddies can see the Mr. Hyde side of him that they fail to believe.

Truly amazing.
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Reading the TLR disclaimer on that link all i could do was laugh about that seen in Charley and the Chocolate factory. You know the seen at the end of the move when Gene Wilder is reading the fine print to the kid…. Hahahhahah

Still laughing…….. funny stuff

Wearis the party of the first part has the right over the party of the second part..

Etc. etc. etc… !!!!

Hahahhahahhah… funny

They are trying to say there rtr does 47 mph if so he should take it to a time trial oh wait you cant drive a truck on the water to go that fast lol
Things had been a little slow around here. Good to see that everybody's blood is flowing again.
They are trying to say there rtr does 47 mph if so he should take it to a time trial oh wait you cant drive a truck on the water to go that fast lol
That was my RTR that went 47MPH...and 47.1...and 47.2...and 47.5...I have a video fo the 47.2 MPH run, and a picture of the GPS after the 47.5MPH run.

And now a different guy went 55MPH in an RTR.

Don't turn this into a "belittle RTRs" thread...Don't misdirect any frustration you...or others may have...

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Man O Man, James is scrambling around right now threatening anyone who he thinks is in any way associated with me. He's sent me over 10-12 unsolicited emails about some BS lies his buddy told him about me. He has threatened someone over the phone. Now he has recanted his statement to BBB to say that there was a contest but I wasn't the winner of the grand prize. I'm laughing just watching him fumble around like a fool. He doesn't know fact from fiction. He's told so many lies that he has fooled himself. it's almost satisfying just watching this public display of insanity. All the while he does this he is only digging his hole deeper.
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