Help identify this rigger..


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Just Restore it that way it was and play with it.. :)
I forgot to post this pix lastnight. got to many holes on the backend to be non adjustable strut.

Four for the rudder bracket.

one drain hole

the high one is where the "C" shaped pipe Crapshooter used to pick up water came out the transom (someone may have a picture) It was just a pipe that was bent in a semi circle to grab water from behind the boat.. they did not have rudders with water pickups back then. The strut is a needle bearing set up.
Just Restore it that way it was and play with it.. :)
I forgot to post this pix lastnight. got to many holes on the backend to be non adjustable strut.

Four for the rudder bracket.

one drain hole

the high one is where the "C" shaped pipe Crapshooter used to pick up water came out the transom (someone may have a picture) It was just a pipe that was bent in a semi circle to grab water from behind the boat.. they did not have rudders with water pickups back then. The strut is a needle bearing set up.
Ok where can I find new bearings and solid shaft for it at?
Just Restore it that way it was and play with it.. :)
I forgot to post this pix lastnight. got to many holes on the backend to be non adjustable strut.

Four for the rudder bracket.

one drain hole

the high one is where the "C" shaped pipe Crapshooter used to pick up water came out the transom (someone may have a picture) It was just a pipe that was bent in a semi circle to grab water from behind the boat.. they did not have rudders with water pickups back then. The strut is a needle bearing set up.
Ok where can I find new bearings and solid shaft for it at?
go to the Dumas web sight thy still make every thing to get it going.

It would be a shame to mess with that boat. Put the boat up for sale for some on that wants and old rigger for there collection. Then buy a new boat that will be competitive.

It will be harder as time gose on to find a boat like that.

Put a VAC 91 in it ,,flex shaft .. rock and roll !
Joe,good friend just gave him this rigger tonight! His friend think it might be a crabshooter? Said you can run .67-.90 in it.Plus told Joe to widen the boom tubes/widen the stance of the sponcons...Does anyone knows what rigger this is?

I beleve I told you it was a old CRAP~SHOOTER WHEN I GAVE IT TO YOU.

I knew MR Marty Davis had made it.

enjoy it / get a motor and learn how to drive a {OLD SCHOOL ~ FAST BOAT}


Just Restore it that way it was and play with it.. :)
I forgot to post this pix lastnight. got to many holes on the backend to be non adjustable strut.

Four for the rudder bracket.

one drain hole

the high one is where the "C" shaped pipe Crapshooter used to pick up water came out the transom (someone may have a picture) It was just a pipe that was bent in a semi circle to grab water from behind the boat.. they did not have rudders with water pickups back then. The strut is a needle bearing set up.
Ok where can I find new bearings and solid shaft for it at?
Joe,good friend just gave him this rigger tonight! His friend think it might be a crabshooter? Said you can run .67-.90 in it.Plus told Joe to widen the boom tubes/widen the stance of the sponcons...Does anyone knows what rigger this is?

I beleve I told you it was a old CRAP~SHOOTER WHEN I GAVE IT TO YOU.

I knew MR Marty Davis had made it.

enjoy it / get a motor and learn how to drive a {OLD SCHOOL ~ FAST BOAT}


Joe Said ha ha about learning to drive a oldschool fast rigger..You ment to drive a old hotrod/muscle boat.. :D
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Joe,good friend just gave him this rigger tonight! His friend think it might be a crabshooter? Said you can run .67-.90 in it.Plus told Joe to widen the boom tubes/widen the stance of the sponcons...Does anyone knows what rigger this is?

I beleve I told you it was a old CRAP~SHOOTER WHEN I GAVE IT TO YOU.

I knew MR Marty Davis had made it.

enjoy it / get a motor and learn how to drive a {OLD SCHOOL ~ FAST BOAT}


Joe Said ha ha about learning to drive a oldschool fast rigger..You ment to drive a old hotrod/muscle car.. :D

maybe someone of you will see the way this boat was built...


Thanks for the pictures. Those were 3 of my best buds.....

Mike Wisniewski, Wray Freitas, Mike Beauregard

The picture was taken at the Indy Unlimited in the late 70's. Freitas won the race against 120 other boaters.

Mike Wisniewski is the son of Bill Wisniewski (designer of the K&B Engines). Mike is no longer with us....

Beauregard had one of the best running Cannard's that I had ever seen and was the inspiration for the Crapshooter line of Canards.

3 really good guys....

The rudder assy is what you are looking for for the 40 boat. Wisniewski is holding exactly the same boat as yours but you can't see much of it.
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Hey Nessa,

Old School?? Right up my alley, Here are some sources for hard shaft hardware.

The universals are still available from Octura (get the Heavy Duty set) - depending upon what shaft thread the selected engine is. The Dumas shaft was stock #2704 Heat treated Armco 17-4PH Stainless steel 3/16" X 24" long (I believe Dumas no longer heat treats their shafts). Gary Jensen Metal Concepts, Inc. 14228 132nd Ave. NE Kirkland, WA 98034 PH: (425)820-6473 e-mail: [email protected] sells struts with bearings $40., 3/16" X 25" Hard shaft $15. ( these shafts do not have threaded ends like DUMAS), WATER PICKUP, TRANSOM MOUNTED $15.00, AND STRUT BEARINGS (NEEDLE) $11./PAIR. The ball bearings are called "Instrument bearings" and should be available at most bearing supply shops. They come in different grades,different ODs, you do want all stainless steel if you decide to go that way. Roller bearings will work in stuffing box with case hardened shaft. I use 36" lengths of K&H brass tubibg for ball bearing stuffing tubes, two thicknesses, and another brass tube the OD of the ball bearings to maintain the bearings inside the dtuffing tube in position - pic attached.

I built a Classic Thunderboat last year that has an adjustable hard shaft running in ball bearings in it - Pinckert "Power Drive" - - works GREAT !!! Let me know if you need other info about hard drive systems. CHEERS !!! Bob
Norm I have some of these pics on my website( and Marty it's always a pleasure share part of this important history with the new the way everything started at that golden time .

maybe someone of you will see the way this boat was built...

I like the first boat.. now I want to put a spoiler one the first boom tube like that one..WOW!!!!.The guy in the middel his rigger cowl looks like a submarine tower.. Bring on more pixs please.. :) Look at the rigger it didnt have a strut.. the setup looks like my old first gen proboat miss bud,no strut
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